Confessions of a Bad Boy

She swings herself in front of me and presses her body against me, a sly grin on her face and a mischievous look in her eye.

“Don’t say that,” she murmurs, fingering the gaps between the buttons on my shirt. “I wouldn’t mind spending some time with him myself.”

Grinning, I cup her chin and tilt her head back to kiss her again, and all of a sudden I feel like everything is going to be alright.


“Holy shit!”

“Nate…” Jessie hisses at me, before glancing apologetically at the woman in scrubs who’s guiding the ultrasound wand over her stomach.

“Sorry,” I say quickly, my eyes fixed on the screen as the fuzzy image starts to resolve. “I just…it’s amazing.”

“It’s okay, I’ve heard worse,” the technician says.

“There it is,” Jessie utters softly. “Our child.”

“I can’t believe it,” I murmur. “It’s…it’s alive.”

“Like Frankenstein’s monster?” Jessie teases, as she and the ultrasound tech exchange a quick snigger.

“And kicking,” the woman adds. “It’s a very healthy baby.”

“This is so fucking surreal – sorry.”

I look down from the screen toward Jessie, and squeeze her hand.

“How do you feel?” I ask.

“Happy,” Jessie says, her face glowing with pride and tenderness. She squeezes back. “A little overwhelmed, but happy.”

“Do you want me to print a picture?” the technician asks.

“Oh yes,” we say in unison, before Jessie continues. “There’s someone who’ll kill me if he doesn’t see one.”

We walk hand in hand toward the benches by the beach. Kyle’s already there, an empty taco plate and half a basket of tortilla chips in front of him. We approach him on his blind side.

“Is this some kind of joke?” I say, once we’re in earshot. He looks up suddenly and spreads a wide grin over his anvil-jawline.

“What do you mean?”

“Isn’t this the same bench we sat on when you punched the living shit out of me?”

Kyle laughs and embraces Jessie warmly before we clasp hands.

“Kyle probably remembers the tacos more than the fighting,” Jessie says as she sits down.

I sit beside her, my arm instinctively going around her shoulders to pull her toward me, but then I quickly pull away. Kyle groans and laughs.

“Hey, you can touch each other in front of me, you know. I’m over it.”

Jessie looks at me and laughs, before going in for a kiss.

“Okay, now that’s getting a little gross,” Kyle says, blocking his view with his palm.

Jessie laughs again, before reaching into her bag.

“We got you something,” she says, pulling out the sonogram picture.

“Whoa!” Kyle says, grabbing it from her and holding it up to the light.

“That’s the head. And you can see its hands there,” I say, pointing them out.

“Shit,” Kyle says, breathlessly. “The kid looks like me!” He lowers the picture, but keeps it held in front of him, his eyes glancing at it every once in a while. “I can’t believe I’m gonna be an uncle.”

“You are.”

“Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl?”

Jessie and I glance at each other.

“No,” she says. “We decided we didn’t want to know until it’s born.”

“Why?” Kyle asks, frowning as if we just told him we hope it’s a cat.

“It’s just cooler that way, dude.”

“Yeah. It’s a surprise.”

“Shit. I’d have thought you two would be sick of surprises by now. I know I am.”

Kyle looks at the picture again and I nudge Jessie, swapping a quick smile at his look of child-like fascination.

“You’re still helping us move some more stuff to the house this weekend, right?” Jessie asks, pulling Kyle’s basket of chips toward her. She dumps salsa on them and digs in.

“Sure,” Kyle replies, looking up and smiling. “So how is it? Living in the old place?”

“It’s like coming home,” Jessie says.

“As if it couldn’t get any weirder. My best friend, my sister, my old house, a kid on the way. I’m starting to feel like a third wheel.”

“Maybe we just need a fourth, dude.”

Kyle chuckles.

“Not with my schedule.”

“I’m gonna get some real food,” Jessie says, pushing the chips away and turning to me. “I’ve got a craving for something spicy. You want anything?”

“Sure,” I say. “Get me whatever you’re having. You’re gonna eat half of it anyway.”

Jessie smiles and leans in. “Aw. That’s what I like about you. So giving.” She kisses me quickly then steps away toward the taco stand. I watch her go a while before Kyle calls for my attention.

“Bro. I wanted to tell you something.”

I look at Kyle’s expression, the sudden seriousness in his eyes, the way he’s leaning forward as if hiding something.

“What?” I say, leaning in, too.

“I say this man to man, okay? However much you might not like it, it’s important that you hear it.”

I take a moment to let him know I get it.

“Okay. Go ahead, dude.”

Kyle shifts slightly, his eyes flickering away, then back onto my face.

J. D. Hawkins's books