Chosen One (Forever Evermore #6)

“I got that,” King Collins muttered dryly. “And Sin, even though you two hide it well, you might want to leave the Temple.”

Sin’s voice was utterly even. “Oh…I think I’ll stay awhile. I always enjoy a good challenge.”

My lips trembled the barest bit, but luckily no one could see it with my hair hanging.

King Collins muttered, “You’re fucking crazy.” He cleared his throat. “But anyway, how did he go from furious…to breakneck in less than a second?”

Ah…I had been wrong on how long it took. “I touched him.” I reached blindly for my water, keeping my eyes closed against the twirling, and felt Cain press it into my hand with his free one. I took a sip from it. “He went into my memories.” Another larger drink. “He saw everything and every time.”

Silence descended again while Cain’s hand tightened brutally on my leg.

Elder Farrar muttered, “Well…I bet that was one hell of a porno.”

“Christ,” King Collins muttered in reprimand. “A little tact, man.”

“I’m just saying…”

I did chuckle then, peeking my eyes open slowly, making sure the table in front of me wasn’t spinning too horribly. “And clearly, the peep show into my personal affairs was not well-received.” I rolled my head on my shoulders, trying to sit up straight. “Plus, his power packs a punch that leaves you winded.”

“You’re alright?” Cain asked brusquely, helping me straighten with gentle, but steady hands. “I knew he did something.”

“I’m fine, I’m fine,” I muttered, shaking my head past the last of the remnants of Leric’s power, firmly ignoring how warm Cain’s palms felt as he lifted me slowly, and his scent that spiked the barest bit. “It just made me dizzy as hell.”

He grunted quietly, releasing me quickly…only to place his hand back on my leg under the table.

Elder Samson dipped his head to me, and I swear his gaze held respect I hadn’t seen there before. “You, Ms. Jules, handled the bond’s pull much better than he did.”

My brows lifted the barest bit even as I pressed my leg against Cain’s. “I’ll still kill her in a heartbeat if I see them together physically.” I tapped my fingers on the table. “Honestly, he held it together pretty damn well for what he viewed.”

“Yes, but you used your head while you faced her, unlike what he pulled from you. You know the boundaries of your bond, and you formulated a plan before anything unfortunate could happen.” He shrugged a negligent shoulder. “That was well done for someone of your age and situation.”

I grinned a bit. “And then, I got sloppy drunk.”

Golden brows rose. “As would anyone in your circumstance.” He stared pointedly, not falling for my act as so many others did. “Take the credit where it’s due, Ms. Jules.”

I grudgingly nodded with a heavy inhale. “Thank you.” I hated that shit, so I glanced to my other Lajaks, moving the topic. “I’ve still got money to blow…so…we’re going to hit the market again.” It was fabulous with antiques and handmade goods, but there were groans from all around. “Oh, quit whining and maybe I’ll buy each of you something.” I waggled my brows. “And a gift from me, is always a priceless treasure to hold close to your,” I touched my chest, “heart.”

Instantly, Elder Bridges appeared affronted, muttering, “We’re fucking screwed.”

King Collins nodded. “She’s got that look.”

I chuckled, raising my hands. “Oh, come on…I’m not that bad.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

“Now,” I clapped my hands delightedly after dinner…and after giving each of them their gift, “who wants to watch a movie?”

All scowled from their lazy positions about the room, no words uttered.

I wiggled my hips in my pajama shorts. “Or…who wants to go dancing?”

Their eyes narrowed further, because that meant they would be back on duty.

“Movie?” I gestured to the projector the hotel had instead of a television. “Or dancing…” More hula wiggling of my hips, turning in a full circle with the motion, grinning at them, then tossing my arms wide. “Your choice.”

Cain blinked, his hooded gaze lifting from my hips to my eyes, muttering gruffly, “Movie.”

The rest grunted in agreement, although, for a much different reason.

I shivered grandly, smiling happily. “I knew you’d pick that.” I turned, and bent, rifling through my bag of purchases, grabbing another acquisition I had bought. Turning back to them, I waggled it merrily, doing a little jig. “Who doesn’t love Humphrey Bogart, right?” I tapped the disk’s case. “It’s a two for one deal, so our evening is totally booked.”

As one, they all appeared pained.

I waggled a finger at them. “Only Sin’s allowed to wear that expression. He’s earned it.” I dragged one of the heavy dinette wooden chairs over into the middle of the room, grunting a bit with the effort, no one moving to help me. Glaring a bit, I hopped onto the chair and reached up to the projector…and couldn’t reach it. “Dammit,” I muttered, the thing way too high, and knowing I wasn’t going to get any help as they all watched on. I jumped. And barely kept from falling off the chair while landing, almost reaching the button. Digging my heals in, I bent low, then jumped, reaching…and my fingernail scraped it…right before I fell in a tumbling mess onto the ground, yelping when my shin slammed against the chair.

Cain’s voice was dry. “Are you alright?”

“Kiss my ass,” I muttered, blushing furiously, shaking my head a bit on the ground, and stood to limp over to the bar. I chose the longest liquor bottle I could find, then proceeded to limp back to the chair. I stood on it, this time carefully jumping with my arm extended with the bottle, and bam…the compartment for the disk extended. “Yeah! Who’s your bitch!”

I hopped down, getting rid of the bottle…grinning victoriously…and noticed my movie case was gone. I blinked, and instantly made my chin wobble, turning my back to them after a moment. My breath hiccupping. “I just…I just wanted to watch,” a shuddering breath, “a movie.” I waved a hand. “It’s been so…hard…you know?” I shook my shoulders the barest bit, letting my head fall into my hands, making myself feel—had to with this crowd—a sliver of forced pain, remembering an old painful memory, one of the many I kept locked away, the type you deal with, then try to move past.