Chosen One (Forever Evermore #6)

Her head flew up from her hands, misery quickly replaced by shock, then a smidge of fear as her tear-streaked face darted about, seeing everyone silently standing at the walls around her. I saw when her survival instinct took hold. She jumped to her feet, ready to bolt, outnumbered as she was, but I threw my hand out, sending a small, but potent pulse wave—a bit harshly—at her, and she grunted at the impact, her body flying back onto the bench, her back slamming against the backing of the white marble. And a small part of me smiled inside, hoping it hurt like hell, but I kept my face impassive, arm outstretched, the force still flowing from my palm, and stated in a very quiet voice, “Just sit there and keep your mouth shut unless I ask you a question before I lose my control.”

Her bold, beautiful features altered past the force holding her back, and she sneered at me. “Chosen.” Her head dipped all it could, which was more of an eye dip, a clear indication she wasn’t powerful, which I had already figured out with her power signature while studying her.

I lowered my hand, the power holding her back relinquished, placing it behind my back again, holding them firmly there, and crossing an ankle in a bored manner. I watched as she sat up more comfortably on the chair, sitting languidly, but she was nervous and scared…yet the nerves didn’t bank the simmering hatred I saw reflected in her beautiful green eyes. Quietly, I stated slowly, “And cut the fucking charade.” I dipped my head to her. “You hate me. I know this. But,” I teetered my head, “what I’d like to know is who you really are, so as I said, cut the fucking fa?ade you pretend to be, and this will end a whole hell of a lot differently than what you fear right now.”

I held her gaze evenly, trying to reign in what I was experiencing, the need to pounce and beat her to death, my skin still shining with a nice, and furious, ethereal glow, blue eyes illuminating dimly. She took her merry time holding my gaze, and I saw many thoughts flying through her mind, past her hate-filled gaze, but eventually after a few silent minutes had past, she sat up, wiped the drying tears from her face, crossed one leg over another, hands on her knees, sitting primly…but shyly, warily, her gaze flying to each of my Lajaks.

I chuckled quietly, the sound menacing. “Pay attention, Lissa. The threat will not come from them.” Green eyes slammed to mine, so many mixed emotions in her gaze, even while my Lajaks finally learned who the hell this woman was, even if some didn’t know the story behind her. I tilted my head back on the window, staring down at her from hooded lids. “Do you love him?”

Her fingers started ringing the barest bit, her lips thinning. “Who?”

“Don’t play stupid right now.”

She inhaled heavily, then her chin jutted up with an act of courageousness. “Yes.”

I hummed quietly, watching her closely. “Would you mind if I tested that?” I knew how Leric felt, but I didn’t know how she truly felt.

White brows instantly slammed together, and her tone was guttural. “Why are you doing this?” Furious, she was damn furious as she pointed a finger at me. “You have him. Not me.” Her chin wobbled, and the bond magic only grinned. “You’ve won.”

I cracked my neck, the sound loud in the room. “Let’s just say I understand where you are coming from.” And I did. With every ounce of my beating heart, I knew how she felt. “I’ve loved someone for a very long time, but I’ve been smart enough not to get into the situation you are currently in.” Or she thought she was. I rolled a finger. “Now, do you mind if I test your honesty?”

Her jaw clenched. “You’re a heartless bitch.”

I inhaled, then hummed softly. “Yes…many think that.” The fact I wasn’t killing her right now, though, showed I was not, in fact, heartless. “I’ll give you one more chance.” My gaze was bored, impassive. “May I test your honesty?” If she denied me, I wouldn’t believe her.

Her face flushed, tears beginning to well in her eyes. “I don’t understand why…”

“I know.”

Chin trembling fiercely, she slowly held out her hand tentatively. “Don’t use this against him.”

Ah…point one in her favor.

The daggers in my hands behind my back disappeared again, and I moved forward. I watched her stiffen. My movements were of a stalking predator, and I knew it scared her, but there was nothing I could do about it. This woman not at all who I had originally thought. Flexing my fingers again, I tried to keep my movements easy as I took her hand gently, and instantly, not wanting to be near her more than needed, I let myself fly to the heavens, concentrating on the connection and pulled her white tether to my lips, whispering, “Show me the last time you were with Leric.”

Her heart pounded furiously, tears she tried to hide as the most loving eyes she had ever known stared down into hers, as he whispered, “I’m so sorry, my moon.” Silver eyes tortured down on her. “I have to go.” His lips, the lips she had loved forever kissed her forehead softly as he whispered against her skin, “We knew this day would come.”

“I know,” she whispered past the burning ache in her throat. She only needed to hold it together until he was gone…just a little while longer. Just hold it together a little longer. “Go to her.” Don’t go! “Go to her, your Chosen.”

Reverently, his cherished lips brushed hers, the lips she longed to call her own…then he swept from the room, her door closing swiftly behind him.

She fell to her knees, her aching love for him tearing through her, consuming her, shaking and uncontrollable sobs wracking her body, her love never ending for him as she screamed—

I shut it down quickly, yanking fiercely on that white solace I had honed years ago as I swiftly turned from her, moving away quickly back to the window, magical bond burning deep within me. Placing a hand on the window, I ignored Lissa’s soft sobbing behind me, and tried to breathe evenly, staring out at the setting sun, heaving with all my might as I trembled silently, trying to focus on the beauty before me…waiting…until I could breathe, possessive fury not only rippling through me, but anger at the bond which was unyielding in its merciless grip.

A deep inhale, my voice void, I stated, “For the love of God, shut up, Lissa.” I couldn’t take her damn tears…because I only wanted to make her cry more…and, also, console her.

“I fucking hate you!” she screamed at my back.

I knew she was moving at me, but I made my muscles tight, unmoving so I didn’t attack, even as Cain stepped beside me, and Elder Farrar threw a steady stream of golden magic at her. I heard her gasp, then a thump, and glanced over my shoulder to her, eyes like ice, staring where she was held immobile by a shimmering golden magic against the bench. “Lissa, I need you to listen.” I turned slowly, again leaning a shoulder impassively against the window. “If he lifts his magic, will you sit there, and try to listen to me because what I have to say is very important?”