Cherished (McKenzie Brothers, #5)

Clenching my jaw in anger at his rejection, I remove the chair from beneath the door and the deadbolt. As Jackie starts to open the door, I hear, “That should never have happened,” slip in a soft whisper from Ramon’s mouth.

I turn to face him and see his regret written all over his face.

I’m too fucking pissed and upset to stay right now. “I’m leaving.”

Even as I slam out of his office, I’m fighting my instinct to turn tail and head back to him. My need to know how his conversation with Griffin went this morning is killing me as I walk further away. My shirt gets yanked back over my head as I ignore the apartment I’m supposed to be renting and head toward the park. Clear open space is what I need right now. Somewhere where nobody can find me and start asking questions.

Questions like, “Why are your eyes red?” or, “Do you have allergies?”

He shouldn’t get to me like this, but he’s my heart and every time he pushes me away, it’s like a knife to the chest.

My cell buzzes in my pocket. Taking it out, I see Ramon grinning up at me. My finger hovers over the green button, but the ringing stops before I can answer.

Then a text comes through.

“Emelia has asked us to meet her in Poles at nine tonight.”

I stare at the handset incredulous. No apology. Just a time and place to meet with his cousin.

I know I’m probably being unreasonable. I also know that when he said, ‘it should never have happened,’ he was meaning in his office when his staff is around. I’m too sensitive and took it the wrong way. I know that now as I’m starting to calm down and think. He was embarrassed at nearly being caught, and the fact is, anyone would be embarrassed at nearly being caught having sex in their office.

My cell buzzes again.

“Please be there.”

I quickly reply.


Why the fuck Emelia wants to meet at Poles is anyone’s guess. It’s a dance club that is mostly entertainment for men. It’s more upscale than most, as the men aren’t allowed to touch the girls. I’ve met the owner once or twice before at the gym he also owns. Yuri isn’t one to be messed with and looks to be an astute businessman. Although, I don’t think anyone seeing him working out would think so. He’s like a human destroyer.

Shaking my head, my thoughts return to Ramon. I need to get a grip on my working relationship with Ramon before I blow everything.

Chapter Fifteen


Poles is a lot different than I expected, and I mean a lot. I cringed when I received the text message from Emelia asking Noah and me to meet her here tonight. I also used it as a peace offering to Noah. I screwed up and didn’t mean my throw away comment the way he took it. I should have called him back and explained, but in a way, I was pissed that he’d automatically assumed the worse.

With a heavy sigh, I turn and continue looking around Poles. I thought there’d be so much tits and ass on display that I’d be sickened. Surprisingly, the women are dressed provocatively, but with style, which matches the ambiance of the club.

The stage, where I assume the dancers perform, is to the right side of the bar with a piano and singer on a platform slightly lower than the stage. Circular booths cover the rest of the main floor. The dimmed light gives a relaxed atmosphere, which is enhanced with the woman sitting besides the piano singing a Blues tune.

“Ramon…This is a surprise?”

“Yuri, it’s good to see you again.” He accepts my outstretched hand and, with a firm shake, releases my hand. “I’m surprised.”

Yuri pauses mid-drink and throws his baldhead back while he roars with laughter. He’s a tall, muscular guy with one-hundred percent Russian blood—a great man to have on your side, but lethal if you’re on the wrong side of him or his family.

I’ve sparred in Yuri’s gym, or should I say warehouse, enough times to know that Yuri wouldn’t take offense at my words. He lives to surprise.

“Smeshno, moya podruga,” he chuckles. “Funny, my friend.”

I grin, unable to hide my amusement at his reaction.

“I like you, da.”

“Yes.” I hide my smile by turning away and looking around to see if I can spot Emelia.

The only reason I can think of her being here is to piss Dante off. For some reason, those two were throwing daggers back and forth at Ruben’s wedding.

Feeling a hand on my back, I turn and feel relief when I meet Noah’s gaze. About to step into his space, a throat being cleared prevents me.

I glance over my shoulder and frown at Yuri, who has a brow raised in question, but a smile hovers around his lips.

Shaking my head, I introduce the two and place my hand on Noah’s lower back. I need to keep him near and feel him against me.

I was a dick earlier and shouldn’t have said what I did. I knew how he’d take my words and it was a low move on my part.

Although he’d fucked me well the tension riding me had still been palpable, and the need to be alone was intense, which is why I blurted the hurtful words.