Cherished (McKenzie Brothers, #5)

He flinches as though struck at my honest reply. This is telling.

“You knew Andrew was gay,” I continue, “but you didn’t support him, did you? You tried to make him be someone he wasn’t, which is why he turned to the drugs and alcohol, isn’t it? It was your fault wasn’t it? Did you have an argument? Call him names? Try to bully him into liking girls? What was it?” I quickly stand and rest my palms on his desk, leaning closer to the man who really is responsible for destroying his own son. I have no sympathy.

“You need to leave.” He matches my stance.

“I’m not leaving until you tell me that whatever you have planned isn’t going ahead. We’re both businessmen and there’s enough room in Lexington for both of our companies. You know that.”

He nods. “Leave.”

I clench my fists not really believing he’ll back off, but not having any choice right now.

“I’ll leave…for now, but anything else happens and it won’t be me knocking on your door, it will be the cops.”

He smiles. “They won’t touch me,” he says with confidence.

“Oh, you won’t know the ones knocking on your door. That I can assure you.”

With my parting shot made, I turn and walk out of his office. I feel like slamming out, banging doors, but I manage to hold my anger in check.

I can’t help feeling like I’ve missed something, but I have no idea what. It’s like a niggling feeling I have at the back of my mind. Everything is probably okay, and I’m going to put it down to my frustration with the whole fucking situation.

My family is amazing and I seriously don’t know what I would do without them in my life.

Inhaling deeply as I relax into the seat of my car, I close my eyes. I can’t believe after all these years that Brendan would risk it all for what he considers revenge.

I feel drained and can’t wait to get back to the site for a glimpse of Noah. That’s all I’ll get as well. A glimpse.

Needing to be away from here, I start the ignition and pull out of my parking space to head back to the site…to head back to Noah.

Two weeks is what I’m going to give, and after that, Noah is no longer working the site. Oh, I plan on having him around but in a more managerial position, and I certainly have no plans to keep him hidden. We’ve worked together as a team before and I plan on that happening again real soon.

Some of the guys working for me might give some trouble when word gets out about Noah and me. Not just the gay thing, but the fact that he was there to keep an eye on everyone. Hopefully, with a small explanation, things will smooth out. I can hope at least. I’m not going to worry about how they’ll react when they find out my sexual preference. That can wait and quite honestly, I don’t see it being any of their business. It doesn’t affect my work so it shouldn’t come in to play.

The call coming through puts my thoughts on hold as I press the button to answer it on hands free.


It’s hot as hell out today, and above normal temperature for the beginning of October. A lot of the guys have stripped down, and are using their T-shirts to wipe the sweat from their brows. I joined them about ten minutes ago and already feel the sweat trickling down my back.

Deciding now is a good time to take a break in the shade, I head out of the building we’re working on and toward the coolers.

The building is a twelve-floor apartment complex and is going to be available for people with money. The luxury bathrooms will probably cost more than I’ll see in three months.

Stopping at the blue cooler that I shoved up against the wall a few hours earlier, I flip the lid and grab a bottle of water.

Unscrewing the cap, I guzzle nearly half the bottle down when I hear a whistle from the side.

I turn and inwardly cringe when I see Jackie walk closer. She’s pretty, but a piranha. Her curvy body would attract anyone with a pulse if she didn’t come on so hard.

Until Ramon told me about her, I’d have said she’d have guys knocking at her door, but apparently, she turns nearly everyone away because she won’t settle for anyone unless they’re loaded. I know the McKenzies have had it with her, which is why she’s working in the site office. To be the way she is though, I presume that she had a hard start in life, which is why she’s looking for security now.

Watching her eyes settle on my naked chest, I hold the smile in. She’s certainly on the wrong track with me. Not just because I’m one hundred percent gay, but because I’m not loaded.

“You look hot,” she drawls, her eyes on my chest as she stops within feet of me.

Deciding to ignore the innuendo I hear in her voice, I finish the bottle until it’s drained. “I am,” I finally reply. “Did you want something?” As I ask the question, I hear the engine of a car and look up just as it appears. Ramon pulls up outside his office.