Cherished (McKenzie Brothers, #5)

As I run my hand through my hair, which has grown out some since I had it all cut off, I open the apartment door. Watching Noah walk through carrying our overnight bag, I can’t resist sliding my palm over his ass. The slacks fit him like a glove.

The look he throws at me is so heated it causes a growl to rumble at the back of my throat. I want this man and, before the day is over, I’m going to have him.


The McKenzie family is overwhelming. At least that’s the conclusion I’ve reached while I’m standing in a corner of the living room in an effort to hide. I have been introduced to all of the McKenzies and it’s rather daunting. Apparently only three of the McKenzie cousins are present, one of which has brought his fiancée. I’m not sure what she said to Pippa but, fairly soon after being introduced, Pippa winced and excused herself.

Catching movement out of the corner of my eyes, I grin when Sebastian slowly moves toward me, looking relieved.

“Wicked witch,” he comments after following my gaze.

“She has claws, hmm?”

“Oh, yes. Glad I have a sweet, loving woman. Not sure Mateo’s all that pleased with her.” He looks around and motions toward a server. “Wish I’d have eaten before arriving here. I thought Mom had organized a spread to be put on before the wedding.” He laughs. “This is it.”

The server arrives with a tray laden down with canapés.

The back pasture has now gained a marquee, which is where we’ll be eating in a few hours, as well as dancing. I don’t dance too well so I’m all for disappearing somewhere quiet with Ramon. I’ll be happy if we only disappear for a kiss or even a hug. I’m craving his touch and, for some reason, he’s keeping his distance now that we’re at his parents’.

He does want to tell Sylvia about us first, but that conversation will only take five minutes so the fact that he wants to stay quiet is grating on my nerves.

“Where’s Ramon?” Sebastian asks. I’d forgotten he was standing with me as he’s quietly eating the canapés.

“I’m not sure.” I frown. “Your dad called him away not long after we arrived and I haven’t seen him since.”

“Oh,” he grins around a pastry, “Dad will have him helping set something up. I’m on to him now and always make myself scarce. You’ll get the hang of it.” He claps me on the back.

Changing the subject, I ask, “Ramon’s never mentioned cousins until recently. What’s with that?”

A serious look crosses his face. “My dad had a falling out with their dad after their mom died; she was my dad’s sister. I’d never seen my father so angry, and I don’t think I have since. We used to hang out a lot as kids, and I guess because of their falling out, we all suffered. Lucien kept in touch with Dante, and through him, Eric came out to Lexington. Our parents still aren’t talking, but I’m glad Ruben invited our cousins to the wedding. Eric, Diego, Aiden and Kasey couldn’t make it, but I’m glad the others made the effort.”

Carla and I only had each other before the McKenzies came into the picture, so being around a large family makes me nervous. Carla seems to have adapted well, and Sebastian dotes on my sister. Just as well, she needed love and a family and I’m glad she found that. I’m also glad that I’m becoming part of it as well. I missed her when I left. It’s not as though I saw her often before, but knowing I couldn’t just drop by and visit with her up in Canada hurt. Me being gone showed me how much I value calling her family, and Ramon home.

Ever since I met him, he’s been my home, which is why I’m starting to hate getting out of bed every day to work the site. I’ve always been in the construction business, which is how I met Ramon when he was in Canada. But not being able to be with the man I want to be with every day is starting to play hell with my concentration. I’ve been away too long to stay away now, and I don’t know what the fuck I’m going to do about it because I can’t carry on the way I am.

As if I have a sixth sense where Ramon is concerned, I turn and watch as he heads toward me. Our eyes meet and it’s like there’s no one else in the room.

Hearing a throat being cleared, I keep my eyes on Ramon, and say, “Go find my sister,” to Sebastian.

He laughs. “You wish.”

“Don’t you have something better to do,” Ramon grumbles to Sebastian.

He roars with laughter. “Noah said something similar.” He pats us both on the back. “Just remember there is a room full of guest, even though they’re family.” Sebastian walks toward Dante, the priest.

“Sorry I took so long.” He shrugs. “My dad can be a pain in the ass when we have large functions. He has staff here to sort everything out but he still has to be in charge.”

“Like someone else I know.”

Ramon takes after his dad more than he knows.

“You met everyone, right?”

“I did.”

“Good, good.” Ramon is nervous with me, which is new.

“What’s wrong?”

Ramon won’t meet my eyes as he scans the room.