Cherished (McKenzie Brothers, #5)

“I do. I can’t wait to see what our new son or daughter looks like.” Lily rests her hands on her stomach. “We’re both relieved that I’m not having twins, again.” She smiles softly at her husband. “I wouldn’t have minded too much, but it would have been difficult with Charlotte and Jr. being so young.”

“You’d have managed,” Carla comments.

I have a feeling it won’t be long before Carla and Sebastian are announcing that they’re having a little one. I hope it’s sooner rather than later. I wouldn’t mind having a niece or nephew.

“Do you have anywhere to live now that you’re back?” Michael asks. “There are a couple of condos near the lake that have recently become empty if you don’t.” He continues eating.

“I have somewhere, but thanks for the offer.”

While I’m working on the McKenzie site, I have an apartment across the road from the location. When I’m not working, I intend to be with Ramon either at his apartment or the cabin. Now that I’m back in his life, I’m going nowhere unless he’s with me.

“You’re family, so think nothing of it,” Michael adds. “If you should change your mind, just let Sebastian know and he’ll set it up.”

I nod.

With an empty plate, I sit back and start to relax. It feels good knowing I’m now part of this.

The large table fits us all around and, with the sun shining, it’s perfect.

Michael now has his hands full of wiggling children, who have just woken up from a nap while Lily finishes her dinner. The love these two share makes me want to share the same with Ramon, and to have it out in the open.

The nervous twitch of Ramon’s hands catch my attention.


It’s now or never.

At least, that’s what I’ve been telling myself since we all sat down for lunch.

It’s just that it’s harder than I thought it would be to say what I have to. Most of my family know, so it shouldn’t be such a big thing, but these are my parents.

Oh, fuck it!

“I’m gay,” I blurt out.

Silence follows my statement.

I clear my throat, and repeat, “I’m gay.”

Sebastian and Ruben roar with laughter, which slowly dies down with one look from Dad.

Michael looks back and forth between Noah and me. Yeah, he’s worked it out.

“I know, son…or rather, I didn’t know for certain until you introduced me to Noah.”

Although hearing my dad say he knows stills my heart, which was beating frantically in my chest a moment before, I’m not completely at ease. My mom still hasn’t said anything and while I wait with the rest of my family, Noah slips his hand into mine on my thigh.

“Oh, my goodness.” Mom places her hands over her mouth in surprise. “You weren’t looking for your ring,” she says to Noah, who looks like a deer caught in the headlights. Her face fills with an embarrassed blush. “You really were playing—”

“Pippa,” Dad hisses, thankfully cutting her off.

“Excuse me a minute,” Sebastian mumbles and makes a dash for inside the house.

“I’ll go see if he needs help,” Ruben laughs, before dragging Rosie up with him, and following Sebastian into the house.

Dad glares at Michael. “Do you need to join them?”

“No way am I missing this.” He sits back with his son on his lap, who is trying to grab hold of his sister, who is sitting on Lily’s lap.

“I’ll go and get my husband under control.” Carla glances between Noah and me while getting to her feet. Heading inside, she looks back over her shoulder and winks just before she disappears into the kitchen.

Bringing my attention back to my remaining family, I admit, “I was with Noah before he disappeared, and now he’s back in my life. I don’t want to hide the fact that we have a relationship from anyone.” I smile at Noah, knowing my next words are going to shock him, “I love him.”

His eyes widen and he opens his mouth to reply, but nothing comes out.

I squeeze his thigh, and look back at my parents.

They still haven’t said anything other than the surprise at the beginning.

Dad has always been a man of few words, so I’m not sure what I’m expecting, but something would be good to help clear the anxiety I’m feeling at having been honest.

I watch as my dad stands, and moves toward me. I get to my feet and find myself pulled into a tight hug. “Nothing will ever change the fact that you’re my youngest son, nor will anything change how much I love you. As long as you’re happy, then so am I.” He puts me to one side and looks at Noah, who stands.

“Welcome to the family, son.” He pulls Noah in for a hug. “I want you to feel that this is your home as well, and you’re welcome to come and go here at the house just like the rest of the family. Do I make myself clear?”

Noah swallows a few times. “Yes, sir.”

“Good…Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go and sort your brothers out.”

I grin, and join Noah as we drop back to our seats.

Mom still looks confused, but Michael looks…thoughtful.

I stare at my brother, wondering what he’s thinking. I don’t have to wait long.