Cherished (McKenzie Brothers, #5)

Was I selfish leaving without a word? Without telling anyone my reasons why? Would it have made a difference? I’ll never know.

“I’m not going anywhere,” I announce and smile when I catch the flare of heat in Ramon’s eyes.

Holding his gaze, I admit, “Everything I want is here in Lexington.”

“About that, I think you should be warned that Mom will consider you part of the family, which means she’ll be trying to hook you up with someone’s daughter,” Michael warns.

“I already have someone so her help would be misguided.”

Lily looks between Ramon and me with amusement and it’s clear that she knows what’s between us.

Michael, on the other hand, has no idea. “You should have invited her for lunch…or is it not that serious?”

Since when do guys stand around asking questions you’d expect from your mother?

I stare at him as I try to collect my thoughts—he’s still waiting for my answer. Shaking my head, I grin. “Oh, it’s serious…just different. At least for today.”

He frowns. “Hmm.”

Ramon gives me a secret smile before he turns and wraps a pretty red head up in his arms.

“Ruben’s fiancée, Rosie,” Carla whispers.

I place my empty bottle behind me. Looking down at my sis, I caress her face. “I really missed you. I’m sorry.” I rest my forehead against hers.

“Sorry to interrupt, but we’re going to head out to the patio to eat,” Pippa states. “Easier to clean the mess up.”

I chuckle.

Carla pinches my side. “Hey, you think she’s joking. Michael and his brothers sometimes regress to their childhood when they’re together.” She rolls her eyes.

“This I have to see.”

I follow Carla outside and look around for Ramon, who I spot talking to Ruben.

“Sit here.” Sebastian doesn’t give me a choice, and shoves me into the seat, which gathers curious looks from others.

Ramon breaks free and, moving closer, he drops into the vacant seat beside me. He grins. “Seb knows this is where I always sit.”

“Is it wise, us sitting together?”

He frowns and I could kick myself for such a stupid remark. I’m the one who wants everything to be out in the open, so why did I open my big mouth? You know why. I’m terrified Ramon has the courage today to announce to everyone about us, and I’m sick to my stomach that everything is about to change, and not in a good way. Although I’ve never hidden who I am, in a way, this is like my coming out as well.

Feeling Ramon’s hand on my thigh, I reach under and hold onto him for strength. I should be the one offering Ramon the support.

While I’ve been lost in thought, everyone has taken seats and started helping themselves to the spread of food.

With a squeeze to Ramon’s hand, I let go and take some chicken, potato salad and a large slice of the homemade bread.

“So Noah,” Pippa starts, “I’ve written down the name of a jeweler so you can have your father’s ring resized. You don’t want to lose it again.”

Ramon starts to cough so, without thinking, I thump him a few times on the back, which ends up as a caress. I quickly pull my hand back and pass him his glass of water.

He takes it and has a quick drink.

“You okay?”

He nods.

The table has gone silent as they look between us.

I haven’t the slightest clue how to answer such an innocent question without opening myself up for more. Carla knows our father’s ring fits my finger like a glove.

I go with brief. “Um, thanks.”

“Why do you need to alter Dad’s ring?” Carla asks.

I scowl at her. “I just do.” I change the subject as I bite into the bread. I chew and say around a mouthful, “My favorite is home baked bread and this is delicious.” I smile at Pippa.

After a pause, she returns my smile. “My mother’s recipe. I’ve never found another that comes close.”

“You still haven’t answered about Dad’s ring?”

Why can’t she leave it?

“It had slipped off in the hot tub. He was looking for it yesterday,” Pippa adds.

Ramon curses under his breath.

“Hot tub,” Ruben snickers and gets an elbow in the ribs from Rosie.

“I was playing with it, and it slipped off into the water.”

“Has anyone heard from Lucien or Sabrina, lately?” Lily asks, to my relief.

“Yes.” Pippa turns away and focuses on Lily. “I spoke to them this morning. Sabrina is doing well, but she’s very tired. Lucien hopes to bring her back to Lexington within the next few weeks.”

“I’m glad. It will be fun to have my best friend back,” she points to Carla and Rosie, “but don’t think you two are getting out of listening to me moan all the time. You’ll be able to compare my moaning with Sabrina’s.”

Rosie laughs. “You love being pregnant, and Carla and I don’t believe anything else.”