Chasing You (Love Wanted in Texas #5)

Cupping my face in his hands, Grayson looked into my eyes. “Listen to me. You are the strongest person I know. You’ve been through hell with this pregnancy, Meg. Hell, this whole year!”

My hands covered his. “No! This has been the best year of my life. Look at us. We have a house and our world is about to be forever altered.” Lifting a brow, I asked, “You’re not spooked?”

Grayson chuckled. “Not in the least bit.”

My heart felt as if it was going to burst.

“Come on, Meagan. One more push and you’re done!”

Exhaustion swept over my body as I leaned into Grayson. “I can’t do this. I’m so tired.”

Grayson kissed my forehead and held onto my hand. “Baby, one more push, do it for me.”

Looking at him, I shot him a dirty look. “Do it for you? Do it . . . for you? You got me in this position in the first place! You do it if you think it’s so easy . . . oh God another contraction!”

“Push now, Meagan. One good push sweetie and you’re done,” Dr. Johnson said.

Leaning forward, I pulled every ounce of energy I had to push again. The sounds of crying filled the air as I collapsed back against the bed.

Grayson’s face was covered in tears. Turning to me, he cupped my face and kissed me so passionately, I couldn’t help but let out a little whimper.

“You did it! And you looked beautiful the whole time.”

I let out a chuckle as I watched the nurses moving about. Grayson’s eyes followed mine as he took everything in. “Holy crap. I think God’s paying me back for my previous profession.”

Laughing, I shook my head at Grayson. “I think so, stripper boy!”

Two nurses walked up on either side of me as they placed a baby in each of my arms. Grayson leaned over and kissed the baby in my right arm first.

“Welcome to the world, my precious Arabella Marie Bennett.”

Pulling back, he kissed the baby in my left arm. “Welcome to the world, my sweet Charlotte Christine Bennett.”

His eyes lifted as they captured mine. “Are you happy?” I asked.

Nothing but loved filled his eyes as he slowly shook his head.

“I’ve never been so happy in my entire life.” Glancing down to our two baby girls, Grayson’s chin trembled as he fought to hold back his tears. “I promise you, I will forever love and protect you, and I will never leave my three beautiful girls.”

I was quickly brought back to the moment our lives were forever changed.

Dr. Johnson placed the warm gel on my stomach and smiled. “Let’s take a look at your baby shall we?”

I was bubbling over with excitement as Grayson squeezed my hand as I glanced at my mother and Ashley standing behind Grayson. Ashley and James had flown in to meet my parents and she was thrilled when we asked her and my mother to come today.

Turning, I stared back at the monitor as I heard a heartbeat. Then another heartbeat. Then I saw one little heart beating super fast. Then another little heart beating super fast.

“Is that?” Grayson asked as he leaned closer.

My eyes widened as I let out a gasp.

Dr. Johnson giggled. “I thought I heard two heartbeats.” Turning to look at us, she flashed a huge smile. “Looks like y’all need to buy two of everything.”

Ashley, my mother, Grayson and I all said at once. “Twins?”

My mother and Ashley instantly started crying as they hugged each other. I peeked back as I watched Grayson while he stared at the monitor. I couldn’t believe the smile on his face. His blue eyes turned to look into mine.

“Tell me what you’re thinking.”

Grayson chuckled as he bent over and kissed my lips. Pulling back slightly, he said, “I’m thinking I’m so glad I let Gunner talk us into three bedrooms upstairs instead of two!”

“Some crazy couple of years, huh?” I said as Grayson placed his hand on the side of my face.

With a wink and a crooked smile that left me breathless, he rubbed his thumb across my lips. “I have a feeling it’s only gonna get crazier.”


WALKING OUT OF the hospital, my phone buzzed. Glancing down at it, I saw it was Jase.

I wasn’t sure if I should be excited or angry he was calling me. At least I knew that meant he was thinking about me. Everything changed between us when we were in Europe last summer. Jase made his choice and now we both had to live with it.

By the time I got to my car, my phone notified me of a text.

Jase: Hey! I just got back from Montana. How is your sister?

I dropped my head back against the seat and let out a frustrated sigh. I was tired of playing games. I’d officially had enough.

Pulling up his name, I hit Jase’s number.

“Taylor,” he said, almost sounding relieved.

“I can’t do this. Not anymore.”

The silence that loomed between us killed me.