Chasing You (Love Wanted in Texas #5)

Taylor attempted to smile, but I saw how conflicted she was. “Tay, if it’s meant to be, it will happen. In the mean time, don’t wait around for this guy.”

She nodded her head and looked back out at the guys. “So . . . how long before Dad and Josh start arguing about whose way is better?”

With a chuckle, I said, “Thirty minutes top.”

We spent the next hour laughing and talking about our future as we watched our father and Josh nearly get into a fist fight about which way the slide went on.

Yep. This was the life I wanted. The life I needed.

“Meagan? Is everything okay?”

Spinning around, I smiled when I saw Ashley. Grayson’s mother had been so supportive of our decision to move to Texas and the guilt was beginning to eat away at me.

“Hey,” I whispered as I tried to find my voice. I wasn’t sure if it was the pregnancy or a combination of everything that had happened to me over the last two months that was making me so emotional.

With a wave of my hand and a terrible fake laugh, I said, “I’m fine.”

Ashley walked out to the edge of her deck and stared straight ahead at the snowcapped mountains. “It’s so hard to believe it’s June. Where has the time gone?”

I slowly shook my head, but didn’t answer. When we came back to Colorado, I’d given Melissa my notice. Grayson did the same. Melissa had asked for a months’ notice to be able to find someone and then for me sit with the new person and go over each case I had, to which I agreed. Grayson’s boss was stunned he was leaving, but put in an excellent recommendation for him with a friend of his who worked for the Texas Department of Public Safety. Grayson had flown back to Texas and interviewed for two days. He passed their tests with flying colors and so far had been offered two jobs. He was going to make his decision today, and I was on pins and needles to see which job he would accept.

I was offered a position with the high school in Mason, but they didn’t need anyone until the next school year. It worked out perfect. I’d be able to have the baby and spend time at home before I headed back to work.

“Are you upset that we’re moving? I feel like I’m taking your son away from you and to be honest, it’s tearing me up inside.”

Ashley’s face dropped. Taking my hands in hers, she gave me the warmest smile. “Meagan, I’m not upset at all. Gray called me from Texas about a week after he took you there and told me what he wanted to do. Sweetheart, I can come visit you any time.”

“But what about the baby?”

Her eyes turned sad for one moment before she squeezed my hands. “Oh, James and I plan on coming and staying with you after the baby is born, and I know we can come anytime to see you. Meagan, my sweet, sweet girl.” Placing her hand on the side of my face, I could practically feel her love. “You make my son so happy and that is all that matters to me. I don’t care if that takes him to Alaska and beyond. As long as he is happy.” She looked down and cleared her throat before looking back up into my eyes. “Gray told me what happened when he first found out you were pregnant. It still bothers him so much.”

I shook my head. “No, it shouldn’t. It wasn’t like we had planned this pregnancy.” My hand went to my stomach automatically. I was four months pregnant and barely had a tiny bump.

Her eyes turned soft as she glanced down to my hand. “I know, but I can only imagine the fear that was in him. I know it hurt him so much when his father left him. But also know that because of that, Gray is going to be the best father ever.”

Nodding my head, I softly said, “I agree.”

Ashley chortled and wiped her tears away. “Goodness. Let’s stop all this silly emotional stuff and get back in there. This is your last night in Colorado and I want to celebrate!”

“Agreed! I’m going to get drunk on apple juice!”

Ashley laced her arm around mine as we made our way back into the house. The rest of the evening was spent playing games, laughing, and looking at baby pictures of Grayson. It ended with lots of hugs and kisses.

By the time we got back to our apartment, we were both exhausted. The only thing left in the apartment was our suitcases and the bed. Grayson and I had donated everything to a battered women’s shelter. Derrick was coming by tomorrow to get the bed and bring it to the shelter.

After taking a shower, I stared at myself in the mirror. My stomach fluttered when I saw the baby bump that seemed to have popped out somewhere during the day.

“Gray! Come quick!”

Grayson ran so fast into the bathroom he almost bit it and fell. “What? What’s wrong?”

Giving him a grin, I stood sideways and ran my hand over the little bump. “Look!”

Grayson literally gasped out loud like a girl, which caused me to laugh. Heat surged through my body as Grayson dropped to his knees in front of me.

“Our baby,” he whispered as his hands moved across the small bump.

Oh. My. Stars.

This man is so utterly romantic and he doesn’t even know it!