Chasing You (Love Wanted in Texas #5)

I could hear Amanda barking orders about helping Meagan walk to the car.

Her voice cracked as she said, “I’m huge, Gray. I look like a whale.”

“No. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look so beautiful. I may have to keep you pregnant all the time because you look so beautiful.”

“The hell with that. I’m done. This is it. If you want more kids, you’re going to have to find a willing woman to carry them and birth them. This girl is done! And the hard part hasn’t even started yet.”

Noah let out a chuckle as he listed to Meagan over the truck speakers. “Meg, I’m on my way. I swear to you, it’s all going to be okay.”

“O-okay. Hey, Gray?”


“Mom won’t stop so, will you run and pick me up some orange muffins on your way to the hospital?”

Pressing my lips together to keep from laughing, I simply said, “Sure I will.”

“K. Got. To. Go. Contraction . . . oh . . . hee hee hee hee—”

“Meg? Taylor? Taylor! Shit, the line went dead.”

Pressing down on the gas, I raced to Fredericksburg as fast as I could.

I jumped back into my truck and quickly pulled out and headed to the hospital. “I seriously cannot believe you stopped to get orange muffins when your wife is in labor! What in the hell is wrong with you?”

Widening my eyes, I gave Noah a dazed look. “Have you ever had those damn things? They are amazing!”

Noah shook his head as he stared at me for a few seconds as we headed to the hospital.

“Just pull up and I’ll park.”

“Right! Good thinking.”

Coming to a stop in front of the hospital, I jumped out of the truck, only to have Noah call out my name.

“Gray! Shit dude, it’s still in drive!”

The truck was rolling forward and headed toward another car. “Shit!” Jumping in, I threw it into Park. “Did you call Grace?”

Noah looked at me like I was insane. “Did I act this way when Grace went into labor? Please tell me I didn’t cause I really want to punch you in the face right now.”

Giving him a dirty look, I shot him the finger and said, “Fuck you.”

Racing in through the doors, I jogged up to the front desk to the sweet little old ladies who volunteer. My heart was racing and all I wanted to do was get to Meagan.

“Where is the fire, darlin’?”

With a polite smile, I looked between both women. “My wife. She’s gone into labor. It’s the third floor right?”

“For babies?”

My head pulled back as I looked at them with a baffled look on my face. “No, I’m not looking for the babies. I need to get to Labor and Delivery.”

Shit. Why was I standing here talking to them? We did the tour! I took the tour. The Labor and Delivery was on the second floor.

Taking off, I ran past a few people and headed to the elevators. “Excuse me, oh, sorry! Coming through!”

Hitting the Up button, I stood there and willed the damn thing to move faster.

“You know, I broke my leg trying to get to my wife when she was in labor.”

My eyes looked over to an older man standing next me. He had a cane and looked straight ahead as he spoke. “Boy howdy was my wife mad at me. You know how hard it is to take care of a new baby when you’ve got yourself a broken leg?”

My stomach was in knots as I turned to him. “No sir, I can’t even imagine.”

His eyes met mine. “It’s hard, son. Very hard. So stop acting like the world is ending and get to her in one piece. You ain’t gonna be any use to her with a broken leg.”

I couldn’t help but smile. Nodding, I said, “Yes, sir. No more running.”

When the elevator door opened, the old man walked in first after I motioned for him to. Hitting the second floor first, he then hit the fourth.

We rode in silence before it dinged for my floor, before getting off the elevator, he took a hold of my arm.

“Be sure to have flowers for her. And make sure you tell her how beautiful she is. There is nothing more magical than the woman you love birthin’ your baby.”

My heart warmed as I looked into the eyes of the older man. “I’ll be sure to do just that. Thank you, sir, for the tips.”

He beamed back at me as he nodded and let go of my arm. “Enjoy it. Your life is about to change.”

The doors shut and I stood there for a few moments letting his words settle in. I’d never felt so happy in my entire life as I turned and made my way to my new life.


THE MOMENT HE walked into the room, the energy changed. With a smile so breathtaking, I would have fallen to my knees had I been standing up. “Hey,” I barely said as tears flowed freely from my eyes.

Quickly wiping them away, I let out a frustrated cry and shook my head. “I’m so damn sick of crying!”

Sobs shook my body as Grayson quickly kissed me. “You look beautiful.”

My lower lip jetted out in a pout as I said, “I don’t feel it. I don’t think I can do this.”