Chaos Bound (Sinner's Tribe Motorcycle Club #4)

“Holt.” She threaded her fingers though his hair, and pulled him down as she writhed over his cock. He claimed her nipple with his tongue, and bit it gently. Unable to hold back, she lifted herself up and slammed herself down over his cock.

Just like that, he lost it. His cock surged inside her, and he yanked her up and brought her down again, driving deep into her channel.

“Oh, yes!” Her trembling thighs clamped his hips, water splashed, the scent of roses fading beneath the scents of sex and arousal. “I’m so close.”

He lifted her up and yanked her down. Naiya let go of her anxiety and lost herself in the erotic sensation of Holt moving inside her, his long, hard strokes hitting her in just the right place to have her writhing on his lap, desperate for more.

Holt closed his eyes, quickened his thrusts, sending water splashing out of the tub. She could feel his need, his desperation flowing through her, his desire to lose himself in her body. She pressed her knees against his hips and worked her body against his, lost in passion, frantic to give him what he needed.

“Look at me,” she breathed. “Open your eyes, Holt. See me.”

His eyes snapped open, and she saw her need reflected in his eyes. Heat coiled in her belly. She rocked against him, riding his cock as he ground his pelvis against her clit, bringing her closer and closer to release.

“For me, darlin’. Come for me.” He slid one hand between them and slicked her juices over her clit.

Naiya cried out as pleasure crashed through her, a burst of lightening that electrified her body. She sagged against Holt, and his grip tightened. He thrust into her, ratcheting up his pace, his deep thrusts drawing out her orgasm. He came with a raw, guttural groan, his cock pumping hot and hard inside her, the pain of his grip overshadowed by the pleasure of their mutual release.

She melted against him, warm in the fragrant water. She had never felt as complete as she did at this moment; never felt she really belonged until she’d stepped into the circle of his arms.

“I love you, Naiya.” He stroked his hand down her back. “Never thought I had it in me to love someone after my sister died. But you were made for me. We fit together. I don’t regret a single moment I spent with you.”

He loved her, and yet he wanted to throw that love away. He had survived, and yet it was clear he planned to throw his life away. Well, she wouldn’t let him do it.

He might think it was good-bye forever. But it was just good-bye for now.



When Tank turned the corner onto Sandy Lake’s Main Street, he was engulfed in motorcycles. He slowed his stride, drinking in the shops decorated with the rally colors of black and gold, the welcome banner flapping overhead in the breeze. Hundreds of bikers lined the street to watch the parade of bikes that was a custom for everyone joining the rally. Hands in the pockets of his cut, he wove his way through the crowds and along the rows of vendor stalls, selling rally T-shirts and hats, bike gear, and souvenirs, searching for Holt. He’d received a text from Ella late last night asking him to meet her this morning, and, of course, Holt said he would come.

He pushed thoughts of Ella aside when he spotted Holt waiting for him inside the Sandy Lake Café. A wave of nostalgia hit him hard when he saw the waitress lean down and whisper in Holt’s ear. They’d partied with that pretty waitress last year at the campground outside of town where the real party would start tonight. Although they’d both put on their best moves, she’d spent the night with Sparky, and he and Holt had made a bet about who would get her into bed this year.

Had it really only been a year since he and Holt had nothing more important to worry about than their next lay and their next job for the club? He felt a hundred years old now, aged by the loss of his best friend, and the realization that although Holt had returned, he was nothing like the man he had been before.

Holt looked up and waved a greeting when Tank walked into the café.

Tank joined him at the white Formica counter. “Hey, bro—”

“I got your text,” Holt said abruptly. “Where does Ella want to meet?”

“She’s in the Majestic Plaza Hotel.” Tank looked over Holt’s shoulder and frowned. “Where’s Naiya?”

“Back at our hotel. Shaggy’s keeping watch. I don’t want her wandering the streets. I left her a note telling her to wait for you. After we deal with Ella, you can take her up to the roof. I figure by then everything should be in motion.”

Tank shifted uneasily in his seat. “You don’t have to come with me. I mean … you’ve got more important things to do. I’ll understand.”

“There is nothing more important to me than you and Naiya,” Holt assured him. “I’ve got your back like always. We’ll deal with this bitch together.”

Sarah Castille's books