Chaos Bound (Sinner's Tribe Motorcycle Club #4)

“Give it to me, Naiya.” His balls slapped against her smooth round cheeks, his cock going so deep he could feel her cervix. “Give it up to me.” He slid one hand around her hip and stroked on either side of her clit, feeling the little bundle of nerves swell under his touch. Naiya moaned, and her pussy quivered around him.

“I’m so close.” She gripped the edge of the box, her knuckles white.

“Come for me, darlin’. I want to hear my name on your lips.” He rubbed his thumb over her clit, and she stiffened, choking back a scream as she came.

“Holt. Oh God. Holt.”

He pounded into her, his own release coming as hers ebbed.

Holt. Not T-Rex. A new man with a new life and a woman who had stolen his heart.


Naiya fell on the bed in the well-appointed hotel room in Sandy Lake as soon as the door closed behind Holt. They had been on the road all day, riding from town to town after they left Conundrum for Holt to pick up the equipment he needed for his secret plan that she hoped wouldn’t remain secret much longer. Along the way, he bought pillion pegs for Naiya’s feet and a back rest she didn’t want, but was glad to have when what should have been a short trip turned out to be a day-long event.

“You okay? Riding’s hard if you aren’t used to it.” Holt sat beside her and stroked his hand over her arm, frowned at the goose bumps dotting her skin. “You’re cold.”

“I’ll be okay. The leather jacket you bought me at Big Bill’s kept out most of the chill.” She shivered and Holt pushed himself off the bed.

“I’ll run a bath for you.”

“I’m not really a bath girl. I usually take showers.”

He headed for the washroom, ignoring her just like he’d ignored her when she insisted she didn’t need the backrest he bought for his bike because after the rally they would be going their separate ways. It had been a hint, an opening for him to share his plans, or to reassure her that it would all turn out okay, but he’d ignored that, too. In fact, he had talked less over the course of the trip than he ever had before, and it tripped all the warning bells in her mind.

Naiya stripped down to her underwear and joined Holt in the bathroom. After filling the tub, he added some bath salts from a basket on the tub surround, and piled white fluffy towels on the cream marble counter. When everything was to his satisfaction, he tugged off his clothes and Naiya winced when she saw his scars under the bright bathroom lights. Damn Viper. There wasn’t an inch of his torso that hadn’t been marked.

He choked back a grunt. She looked up and saw him studying himself in the mirror, his eyes unfocused as if he was lost in memories she couldn’t even begin to imagine.

“Holt?” Naiya wrapped her arms around him, pressed her cheek against the soft hair on his chest. “You okay?”

He stiffened, pulled away. “Yeah. Good. Bath is ready.”

“I know what it’s like,” she said softly. “One minute you’re here. The next minute you’re back there—”

“I said I’m good.” He turned off the tap, checked the water, and then stepped into the tub. “Come.”

Anxiety curled in her belly, and she stripped off her underwear and stepped into the tub, settling between his legs as the warm water lapped over her aching muscles.

“Do you want to talk about it?” She looked back over her shoulder. “Sometimes talking helps.”


Naiya drew in a deep breath, steeled her spine. No hiding. No running away. Even though this wasn’t a physical problem, she needed to confront it head on. “What’s going on? You haven’t been yourself since the meeting with Jagger. Why are you being so distant?”

He kneaded her shoulders gently, working out the knots until she relaxed against him completely, shifting to accommodate his growing arousal. Well, at least one thing hadn’t changed.

“Got a lot on my mind, darlin’, but I’ll tell you the plan. Viper and his bodyguards have the penthouse suite at the Royal Hotel. The Sinners have spent the last few months paying off the staff, security, fire department, and police. A couple of brothers are gonna go in as trades, set fires in strategic locations that will result in a lockdown of the elevators but won’t put civilians at risk. Fire doors from the penthouse will be locked down. Telephone wires cut, and Wi-Fi cut. Cell signals blocked. Viper and his men will be forced up to the roof. Fire department and police will be delayed getting to the scene. If they come early, people will tell them the building has been completely evacuated. Meanwhile, Jagger and the senior patch will be on the roof of the building across the street with a few sniper rifles. They’ll pick Viper’s men off, go down the fire escape and head out of town in a van waiting for them in the street.”

Sarah Castille's books