Chaos Bound (Sinner's Tribe Motorcycle Club #4)

The Sinners. Jagger. The senior patch. Not once had he said “we” or mentioned his role in the mission. Maybe she was overthinking, reading too much into his words. “I want to be there. I want to watch.”

“You will.” He slid one hand around to cup her breast, soft and slick in the water. His cock stiffened, and he shifted behind her. “You and Tank will be on the roof of the adjacent building. Tank will be wearing a jacket over his cut, and after it’s over, you’ll go down the stairwell to the sixth floor pretending to be a civilian couple. Once the Jacks figure out where the shots are coming from, they’ll be swarming the other hotel, looking for men in cuts. Tank will look after you.”

She drew his other hand around, and he smoothed his thumb over the curve of her breast. “Where will you be?”

“I’ll be there.”

Another vague statement. Did he mean “there” as in on the roof of the building across the street with Jagger and the Sinners, or”there” with her and Tank, or … “there” on the roof with Viper and his guards? Before she could ask, he nuzzled her neck.

“Spread your legs for me.”

He’d never spoken to her in such a rough, commanding voice, and the incongruity of the warm, rose-scented bath and his harsh tone aroused her. She parted her thighs, and Holt stroked his fingers over her soft curls.

Naiya moaned, leaned back, her breasts lifting, her thighs parting wider, inviting.

“Good girl.” He hooked her legs over his shins and spread her wider, his fingers working their way through her folds to her entrance, and then up and around her clit. Naiya melted against him, her muscles relaxed now in the warm water, a contrast to the tension in her core.

“I love your body,” he murmured. “Your softness, your curves, the way the pink of your pussy matches your rosy nipples. I love how you respond to my touch, how wet you are when we’re together, how you open for me and let me enjoy your beauty.” He kissed his way down her neck, nipping the sensitive spot between her neck and her shoulder. “I love that you’re mine, that you know the worst of me and still want my touch, that you know me as I am now, that I wake from my nightmares and find myself in your arms. I’m gonna make sure you’re safe and happy and able to live that normal life you dreamed about.”

“With you?” She looked back over her shoulder, the niggle at the back of her mind now a full-blown roar of worry.

“Turn around. I want to see you.” He lifted her, helped her turn, and then positioned her over his shaft, her knees on either side of his hips.

“With you?” she asked again.

“I can’t give you a normal life, darlin’. I’m leaving the Sinners. And even when Viper’s gone, he’ll still be a part of me.”

“Maybe I don’t want a normal life anymore,” she said. “Maybe I want a chance to live free for a while, make sure the career I’ve chosen is what I really want to do, and not a reaction to my mom or Viper or what I went through. Maybe I want to go on the road with you. Maybe I love you, Holt. Just the way you are. Maybe I don’t want to lose you.”

Pain flickered across his face, and he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her softly on the mouth. “Maybe you don’t have a choice.”

Naiya jerked back as if he had slapped her. He was planning to do something stupid. She could hear it in his voice, and see it in his eyes. Well she wasn’t going to let it happen. He’d already sacrificed too much. Clearly, he wasn’t going to tell her what he had planned, so she would just have to outthink him, and she’d need Tank’s help. She knew Holt now. He knew Holt then. Together they would be able to figure out what the hell was going on and stop him. She had a choice. And she was choosing him.

Holt eased into her slowly until he was seated to the hilt. So hard. So hot. He filled her completely, perfectly, like they were one person and not two. Naiya wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him toward her until their lips met. Their breaths mingled, tongues tangled. She tried to commit him to memory, the warmth of his lips, the deep rumble when he looped an arm around her waist and pulled her against him. She wanted him. Needed him. She’d made it through hell, and he was her piece of heaven.

He leaned down, licked the perfect, pale swell of her breast, glistening with water, groaned as he closed his lips over the taut, pink peak, rubbing his thumb back and forth over the other.

“Oh God.” Naiya bucked against him, rocking over his cock. He pulled out, gave her a teasing thrust, and then returned to her nipples, switching his mouth and his hand, rubbing with his thumb, flicking with his tongue.

She thrashed, churning up the water, shaking with need. “Please.”

“Not yet.” His slid his fingers between them to flick over her clit and then away. She moaned with delight, arched her back, and ground her clit against his hand.

Sarah Castille's books