Catching Summer (Second Chances, #6)

“I understand,” he whispered in my ear.

“What about you? Is it in your plan to have a wife and kids?”

“Are you offering yourself up for the job?” he asked teasingly.

I giggled. “Maybe. You might be a little too hard to handle. I’ll have to think on that one.”

He chuckled, but then tilted my face toward him, his gaze serious. “In all honesty, I never thought a wife and kids were in the cards for me. It always seemed out of reach.”

“Is it something you’d want, though?”

Before he could reply, a herd of guys from the team and several of the cheerleaders filed into the waiting room. “She shoot my baby out yet?” one of the guys asked. He was Chris Waters, one of the largest defensive linemen on the team.

The others laughed and so did Evan. “You wish, fuckhead. Besides, I don’t see how you get any women. You’d suffocate them.”

Winking, Chris rubbed his nipples through his shirt, making the cheerleaders groan in disgust. “That’s why they ride my cock, Townsend. Women love my sexy ass.”

The guys bantered back and forth, laughing as the time went on. Derek had always been the life of the party, and it was evident they were trying to fill that gap. They were being strong for one another, just like a team should. About two hours later, one of the nurses came out of the room with a wide grin. She glanced around the room and spotted Evan and me.

“It’s a boy. Kate asked me to come get you.”

Evan stood and pulled me to my feet while everyone else stayed put. “Take pictures,” one of the cheerleaders hollered. When we got into the room, Cooper was leaning over Kate. When he moved out of the way, I saw the little bundle of joy in her arms. He was asleep with his hands up by his face.

“Oh my goodness, he’s so adorable,” I gushed softly.

Kate smiled up at me. “Do you want to hold him?”

I held out my arms. “You don’t even have to ask.” Leaning over, I scooped him up and sat down in the rocking chair. Evan talked to Kate and Cooper for a few minutes and then kneeled down at my side to look at his nephew.

“What did you name him?” he asked.

I looked up at them and they both gazed at each other and smiled. “Zachary,” they said in unison.

Zachary yawned and grabbed on to my finger. His hands were so tiny. “Zachary. I like that name.”

I held him for the longest time, but then Evan opened his arms. “I think it’s my turn.”

Evan and I switched positions and I gently set Zachary in his arms. Kate waved me over, so I sat down on the edge of her bed while Cooper took a seat in the recliner beside Evan. “When do you think you and Evan will have some?” she asked.

Eyes wide, I stared at her in shock. “Kids?”

She nodded and smiled. I watched Evan with Zachary and my heart fluttered. He’d never gotten the chance to answer my question earlier. All I knew was that if he ever seriously asked me to fulfill the job of being his wife, my answer wouldn’t be a maybe.

Chapter 28


“Are you not sick of coming here?” I asked.

Philip chuckled and shook his head. “It’s not like I’m eating the same thing each time. Besides, eating dinner with you is much better than being alone.”

It’d been four consecutive days that he’d walked through the front doors of my restaurant and eaten dinner. “I can’t argue with that. However, it might be good for you to go out on a date every once in a while. You’re a good-looking man.”

He smirked. “Thanks. My ex-wife might not agree with you, though. She gives new meaning to the word ‘cougar.’ I think her new boyfriend’s twenty-three.”

“So she left you for a younger man? I can’t believe you never told me this.”

“It’s not exactly something I want a lot of people knowing.”

“You don’t have to be ashamed about it. It’s not like you’re an old man. What are you, late thirties?”

“You’re good. I’m thirty-eight,” he said with a smile.

“See, you’re still young. I only see a couple of gray strands in that hair of yours.”

“I’m sure you’ll get them, too,” he said, laughing. I watched him finish up his steak and push the plate aside. “How’s everything else going for you?”

“Good. I visited Kate the other morning and watched Zachary for a couple of hours while she took a nap. The joys of sleepless nights.”

“I’m sure you’ll be going through the same thing one day.”

“You will, too,” I said happily.

His smile faded. “I doubt it. I’d have to find someone younger who wants kids. Most women my age already have their own.”

“Then find someone in their late twenties. I’m sure that wouldn’t be hard for you.”

“It’s harder than you think. There is a woman I’m interested in. She has no clue, though.”

I perked up. “Really? Why haven’t you told me this? You need to bring her here. What’s she like?”

“Let’s see,” he said with a smile, “she’s beautiful, smart, independent, and overall the most genuine woman I’ve met in a long time.”

“She sounds amazing. What’s her name?”

“Sum?” Lara called.

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