Catching Summer (Second Chances, #6)

“I’m sorry I’ve been short with you this week. It’s just been a little hard.”

“I know, and I understand. I’m sure the accident has brought back a lot of emotions for you, especially with it involving Evan. Are you going to the funeral?”

Hanging my head, I let the tears fall. “Yes. And then afterward everyone’s coming to the tavern.”

“Have the police found anything?”


“It’s been a week. Didn’t you think they would find something by now?”

“You would think, but I guess it’s more difficult than I thought.”

“I wish I could see you again. Will you be free for lunch anytime this coming week?”

“I should be. Why don’t you come by the restaurant tonight? I don’t think anyone would mind. I feel like my world’s spinning out of control again.”

“Have you talked to Evan about it?”

I choked on a sob. “He has so much going on right now with the accident, Derek, and the team. I’d feel selfish if I burdened him with my feelings.”

He huffed, his voice laced with anger. “He’s not the only one hurting right now, Summer. You’ve got to be able to express your emotions. If you feel you have to hold back, then there’s obviously something wrong in the relationship. It shouldn’t be like that. No matter the circumstances, you should be able to talk to him the way you talk to me.”

Taken aback by his tone, I held the phone away from my ear, completely in shock. He’d never talked to me like that before. “Philip—”

“I’m sorry,” he blurted. “I shouldn’t have lost my temper. It’s just that you’re such an amazing, beautiful woman, and I’ve been worried about you. The last thing I want is to see you spiral back down.”

“That’s not going to happen.”

“You sure about that?”

I wasn’t, but I wasn’t going to say that to him now. “I’m sure. So anyway, about tonight. Do you want to come to the restaurant?” I asked, changing the subject.

He sighed. “As much as I’d like to, I don’t think it would be appropriate, considering I didn’t know Brianna. I’d be more than happy to see you some other time this week.”

“I’d like that. Just come to the restaurant whenever you can.”

He chuckled lightly. “You might regret saying that. You’ll be tired of me by the end of the week.”

“Doubtful. I’ll see you soon.”

We said our goodbyes, and when I hung up I laid my head on my arms. I missed talking to Philip, but I was glad I didn’t depend on his emotional support anymore. The whole week, I’d been right by Evan’s side, making sure he was taken care of. I didn’t think about myself or my own feelings. Now it felt like it was all crashing down around me. I thought I was strong, but after what had happened I had an overwhelming feeling of doom. I could’ve lost Evan in that accident. Someone was out there trying to punish him. The thought of losing him terrified me. Tears stained the patio floor as they dropped off my face, my makeup most likely a train wreck. There was no stopping my crying, though. I’d kept it bottled up for way too long.

“Summer,” Evan murmured.

Gasping, I sat up and hastily wiped the tears from my eyes. I made sure not to turn around. “That was fast. I didn’t think you’d finish your shower so quickly.”

“I’ve been out for thirty minutes. I got worried when you didn’t come inside.”

“I’m sorry. I guess I just lost track of time.”

His footsteps thumped on the wooden floor, and then his hands came down on my shoulders, pulling me into him. “You’re a terrible liar, sunshine. I don’t have to see your face to know that you’re upset. I can hear it in your voice.”

“You know me so well.”

He turned me around in his arms. “Enough to know that you’re hiding your feelings. Don’t be ashamed or feel like you have to keep your true feelings from me. We’ve all been through hell this past week.”

“I wanted to be strong for you, but in all reality, I’m terrified. In the hospital, I saw myself in Derek’s eyes. I can’t go through that again.”

Taking my face in his hands, he held me tightly. “I’m not going anywhere. There’s a part of me that wants to tell you to run far away and never look back, but the other part wants to clutch you tight and never let go. I would understand if you wanted to leave. Just know that I will always be here for you no matter what you decide.”

Lifting up on my toes, I kissed him gently and then forced my tongue inside. He groaned and gripped the back of my dress in his fists. We hadn’t made love since he’d gotten out of the hospital and I craved his touch more than anything. “I don’t want to leave, Evan. I’ve missed you this week. I just want things to get back to normal.”

He kissed me again and trailed his lips down my neck. “I do, too, sunshine. I’ve missed making love to you.”

“Then show me,” I begged. “Let’s forget everything going on and focus on each other. I need this….I need you.”

Picking me up in his arms, he opened the door and carried me to his bedroom. Once he set me down, he unzipped my dress and covered me with his body. “I need you more.”

Chapter 27


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