Catching Summer (Second Chances, #6)

Derek attended the funeral, but he was doped up on pain meds and alcohol. He didn’t say a word, just stood by Brianna’s casket while the service commenced. Everyone just sat there and watched him. When it was all said and done, he walked out of the church and disappeared before anyone could stop him. Needless to say, he didn’t show up at the restaurant.

Monday finally rolled around and it was a new beginning for everyone. Instead of going to the restaurant, I opted to go to the field with Evan, since it was his first day back. The team was glad to have him back, but a glumness still hung in the air. The cheerleaders didn’t have their usual spark. Kate sat beside me in the stands while we watched the team practice.

“Do you think Derek will come back?”

She turned to look at me, sighing. “I hope so. The team needs him.”

“I think Evan does, too. He loves to save people, doesn’t he?”

Kate chuckled. “That he does. It’s what makes him who he is.”

We sat there in silence, watching the guys practice. Kate grabbed her belly and groaned as she stood. Getting to my feet, I grabbed her elbow to steady her. “Are you okay?”

She blew out a shaky breath. “Yeah, just a little light-headed.”

Holding her arm, I helped her down the stairs and inside to the cooler air. “Are you sure you’re not going into labor? Are you having pains?”

We walked the rest of the way to the locker room, where she sat down with sweat pouring down her face. “The pains have been there for about a week now. I went to the doctor yesterday and I’d barely dilated. It’s probably just a false alarm.”

Rushing over to the pile of towels, I grabbed one and wiped the sweat off her brow. “How about some water? You could be dehydrated.”

I handed her the towel and she nodded. “That would be perfect. Thank you.”

The drink machines were just outside the locker room, so I bought a couple of waters and hurried back to her. Her eyes were closed while she concentrated on her breathing. I opened the cap to her bottle. “Here you go. Drink up.”

She opened her eyes and took the water, guzzling it down. “Much better.” When she stood, everything changed. Gasping, her mouth flew open and she looked down at the floor as a trail of liquid started dripping down her legs.

“Did you just piss yourself or did your water just break?”

Eyes wide, she looked up at me, laughing, but then her face contorted in pain. “No, I didn’t piss myself. Ah, shit, go get the boys, the baby’s coming!”

“Oh my goodness,” I squealed, bumping into the lockers. Kate laughed and put the towel between her legs before sitting back down. It was a good thing she was wearing a sundress. “I’ll be right back,” I shouted as I took off down the hall.

The doors to the field were up ahead, and as soon as I burst through them and rushed onto the field, everyone turned my way. “Kate’s water just broke! Hospital, now!”

The guys whistled and shouted, patting Cooper on the back as he ran toward me. “Is she okay?”

Evan joined us and we all rushed inside. “She’s fine, just having contractions.”

Cooper made it to the locker room first and helped Kate to her feet. Evan went to the lockers and pulled out Cooper’s bag, stuffing his clothes into it. “Get her to the hospital and I’ll bring your stuff. Go!”

Cooper and Kate disappeared down the hall. By the time Evan changed clothes and we got out to the parking lot, they were already gone. For the first time in days, Evan had a genuine smile on his face. Kate’s baby couldn’t have come at a better time. It was something for everyone to celebrate. When we got to the hospital, Kate was already in a room with Cooper pacing beside her, still in his pads and jersey.

“How long did the doctor say?” I asked.

Evan handed Cooper his gym bag, and he changed clothes right there in front of us, clearly not wanting to leave Kate’s side. “Not long. They’re about to get everything prepared,” she said.

Evan hugged Kate and kissed her on the cheek. “We’re here for you both. If you need anything, just let us know.” About that time, the door opened and a handful of nurses entered the room. “We’ll be in the waiting room.” Turning toward Cooper, he slapped him on the shoulder. “Congrats, brother. Don’t pass out.”

Cooper rolled his eyes and laughed. “Whatever, douchebag. Get out of here.”

Before leaving, I hugged Kate and felt the burn behind my eyes. “Push hard,” I teased.

“You know it. I’ve been dying to hold my son for nine months.”

I let her go and smiled. “I bet. I can’t wait to hold him, too.”

Putting his arm around me, Evan guided me out of the room as the nurses brought in more equipment. “Getting a little teary-eyed?” Evan murmured. We sat down in the waiting room and I snuggled into his side.

“I can’t help it. I’ve always wanted a family.”

He pulled me in tighter. “I take it Austin didn’t?”

“No, that’s not it at all. He wanted kids, too, but we never really had the chance.”

L.P. Dover's books