Buy Me: The Complete Series (Mistress Auctions #1-3)

“Will he know I did the Auction? That someone bought me?” I don’t have to say his name. We both know who I’m talking about. Part of me wants to do this, to be free. Thirty days and I’m set. I could go anywhere and do anything I want. The other part, the part that hurts from the things Sam told me about Antonio, wants him to feel something, too. Pissed he didn’t get what he wanted. That he thought he could use me and toss me away.

“Yes. There isn’t much he doesn’t know in this town.”

“Good.” This time if someone is going to use me, I’m going to get what’s mine.



“I want the footage of her leaving the hotel. Then I want you to track it. There are cameras all over this goddamn city. I don’t care how you get the footage, just do it. Call in favors for all I fucking care,” I growl before ending the call and dropping the phone onto my desk.

“Fucking stupid,” I chastise myself. I should have known. I got too close and scared her off. I should have had men posted outside, ready to follow her if she tried to slip out on me, but I’d been too caught up in her to think about that. I was also sure that if she tried to slip out of bed, I would have felt it. I guess the lack of sleep finally caught up to me. I had her in my arms as I drifted off to the best night of sleep in my life, only to wake up and realize the grave mistake I’d made.

Now I can’t even track her phone. The fucking thing is off and she hasn’t been in to try and get a new one. For all I know she’s long gone. Hopped on a bus or maybe caught a flight out of town. But I’ll find her. With as much money as I have, I can do anything. I’ll drain every cent I have to look for her.

She was more perfect than I ever could've thought possible. Having her in my hands as she melted for me… I thought I was obsessed before, but now I might possibly go insane if I don't find her. Before her, I thought I’d had everything I’d ever wanted. Worked my ass off to get where I was, and now I think I did it all for her.

I have everything I could ever need to make a life with her. I could devote all my time to being with her. Having a family of my own was something I didn't think I wanted. Now I can't get the image of that out of my head, and it could be slipping through my fingers with every second that ticks by.

I’ve done my time. All those twenty-hour days, shady deals, and rubbing elbows with people I couldn't stand got me to a place where I could wipe my hands of everything. I’d set people in place. The company should be able to function on its own, but at the end of the day it doesn't matter if it does or doesn't. How did this curvy little thing slip so deep inside me?

My eyes go to my office door as my assistant enters with a tight look on her face. Most likely because I’ve been yelling since I entered the offices.

“Not now,” I tell her, not caring about whatever it is she thinks I should be doing. I’d fire the woman for how often she steps over the line, but sometimes I think that’s why I pay her so well. She’s good at getting shit done. In fact, it drives her crazy if things are left unfinished or if something is slightly imperfect.

“I’m sorry, sir, but Samantha called, and she said it’s urgent.”

“Not now,” I repeat. I don’t want to know what that woman is up to after last night. Probably has a list of Mistresses she thinks I might be interested in after she saw my Georgia. Thinks she’s finally figured out my taste. She doesn’t know I only have a taste for one woman, a taste I wish was still in my mouth.

“I know, but she said you might say that. Then minutes ago this was delivered from her head of security.” Jen holds up a cellphone, and I immediately recognize the case. I’m out of my chair and in front of her, grabbing it from her hands, before she can blink.

She always ditches her phone, replacing it with the same model, but she continuously uses the pink case covered in jewels.

I waste no time powering it on and going through it, only to be disappointed. Everything is wiped from it.

Then it rings.

“Out,” I say to Jen, who exits quickly.

“Peaches.” I can hear the longing in my voice. I don't know why I think it’s her. She wouldn't be calling her own phone. Jealousy hits me at the thought that it might be another man.

“You sound like someone stole your puppy.”

The blood rushes to my ears at the sound of Sam’s voice. This could only mean one thing.

“I’m not a man you want to fuck with, Samantha. You’re a smart woman. Don’t tell me I got it wrong. I rarely do.” I can’t believe she’d be dumb enough to cross me. No one crosses me and gets to stay in this town. Sam might be powerful, but I have a lot of secrets on people around here. I could make her life hell.

“Now is that any way to talk to someone who has the thing you hold dearest?” Her tone is scolding, almost like a mother speaking to a child.

I take a deep breath, holding back what I want to say. I want to tell Sam I’ll make sure she never works in this town again. I don’t fuck around when people fuck with things that belong to me, and Georgia most certainly belongs to me. She’s belonged to me from the moment I first saw her. Having that attitude is how I made a name for myself, but I also remember Sam is about the bottom line. Why start a battle over something that could easily be solved with money?