Buy Me: The Complete Series (Mistress Auctions #1-3)

Just like me, there aren’t many in this town who don’t owe her a few of those. But right now I don’t have time for whatever it is she wants to talk about.

“Don.” Her cool eyes lock on me before they move on to Peaches. A smirk breaks onto her lips when she sees my hand locked with Peaches’. Samantha is so put together you’d almost think she was a politician's wife’s at first glance, not a woman who auctions off Mistresses to the richest men in America.

Everything about her is always in place, and she never shows emotion. But everyone knows how well she treats the girls she auctions off. I often wonder how she is with them and if this facade is only directed at men.

“Sam.” I give her as little as possible, not wanting to engage in conversation. This only makes her study Peaches more intently. I pull her close in a possessive move and give Sam a hard look.

“Interesting. I didn’t think you’d be into curves with a taste of the south. I guess I always pictured you into the tall and quiet type. She doesn’t look quiet at all. Although I’ve never even seen you as much as look at a woman before.”

“What does—” Peaches starts to say, but I cut her off, not wanting to get into it with Sam. That’s just what she wants. To know what my type might be, thinking that she could find out what I like in a woman and get a Mistress I might be interested in. Not fucking happening. There’s only one woman I’ll ever have. Even if she won’t be mine, I’ll spend my time trying to make her mine. I’m not stashing a Mistress away, wanting her to be something she could never live up to.

“If you need to talk, call my assistant. I’m sure you have her number.”

“You might be hearing from me sooner than you think.”

Not likely, but I keep that to myself. She might call, but I won’t be answering. I don’t need what she’s selling. With that, I continue to lead Peaches out of the restaurant, but not before I glance over Sam’s shoulder and lock eyes with Leo Ramsey. Ramsey’s the biggest real estate dealer in Vegas and is not a man I often see out. If it doesn’t have to do with business, Ramsey isn’t there. I’ve never even seen him at any events before. It’s strange to see him here. Maybe Sam keeps him well supplied with Mistresses off in a love pad somewhere.

When we hit the elevators, I pull her inside, and I already know what’s coming.

“Who was that?”

I want to tell her it doesn’t matter, but I know she’ll push, and I did tell her I’d answer truthfully anything she ever asked me.

“Samantha is in the business of selling Mistresses to the highest bidders.”

I look down at Peaches to gauge her reaction. She goes to step back and tries to pull her hand from mine, but I just pull her closer.

“No, I’ve never used her services.” For some reason I want her to know that. I don’t like her thinking my interest is so easily swayed. I want to make her understand what she means to me. “But I know people who have. My two sons used her once and married the woman they bought. I’ve never used the service myself, but Sam is good at what she does. Everyone seems to get what they want.”



She doesn’t say anything in response. She just looks up to me with her big, green eyes and nods slightly. I’m sure she understands, but it’s a lot to take in. And it wasn’t great timing as we were on our way out of the restaurant.

Sliding my fingers up her neck and around her jaw, I don’t break eye contact. “You feel this between us, don’t you?”

“Yes.” It’s a whisper, but it’s there.

“Let me love your body tonight. I might die if you don’t let me have you in some way.” Leaning in, I keep my lips just a breath away. “Please, Georgia. Just a taste.”

She closes the tiny distance between us and presses her mouth to mine. I wrap my arms around her, still holding the champagne bottle in one hand, my other going to her lush ass. Gripping it tightly, I lift her to me, and her legs wrap around my waist.

Before I know what I’m doing, I’m pushing her against the wall of the elevator, grinding my hard cock against her heat. Her light sundress is pushed up her thighs, and I can feel the burning warmth of her core through my slacks.

I start to grind my hips against her as the kiss gets wilder. I feel her fingers run through my hair, gripping it hard. Her thighs squeeze my hips, and a moan escapes my mouth. My body is taking over, and all I feel is a primal need to be inside her.


I move my lips down her neck, biting and licking her there. Her honey smell is so sweet, I want to rub it all over my face.


As I rub hard against her covered pussy, she moans my name, and I swear to Christ I cum a little in my suit slacks. A pulse runs up my cock, and I feel a wet spot form on my pants as I hold myself to her, trying to keep from cumming more.


“Take me to your bed, Antonio,” she breathes as she tries to pull me closer to her.

“Whenever the elevator stops,” I mumble, moving my lips down her neck to her big breasts.