Buy Me: The Complete Series (Mistress Auctions #1-3)

I finally take a step back as she slides past me, grabbing my arm as she does and locking hers around it. I can’t imagine what we look like together. I don’t mean our age either. Rich men walk around with young women on their arms everywhere in Vegas. I mean she looks like this sweet little southern belle who wouldn’t be seen wrapping herself around someone like me. My businesses might be clean, but there’s a whole lot of dirt on the way to the top, and everyone knows it.

It’s then I look around and see a good chunk of people on the casino floor staring at us. Most likely because I don’t walk around with a woman hanging onto me. Maybe when I was younger, but most definitely not in a place I owned or worked at.

They were probably thinking the same thing I am. Who is Miss Peaches? The closer I get to her, the deeper and deeper she seems. I will find my way to the bottom of her and latch on so hard she’ll never be free of me. I know while she might be wrapped round me now, she could easily drop me and be out the door.

When we make it to the steakhouse not far from the blackjack table, I hold up two fingers to the hostess, who quickly grabs some menus and leads us to a booth in the back of the restaurant.

“Don’t sit anyone at these tables.” I motion to the tables that might be within hearing distance of us. She hesitates for a moment, probably wanting to tell me about a list of reservations a mile long but stops herself.

“Of course, sir,” she finally says, handing us both a menu. “Wine menu.” She holds up the extra menu for us, and I go to grab it.

“No, thank you, sweetheart. Champagne for me. Your best bottle.” I bite back a smile as the hostess looks at me, eyes widening. She wants me to okay the purchase, knowing the best bottle of champagne is a bottle that’s been sitting in the steakhouse for years, far too expensive for anyone to have ever ordered it. I don’t even think she knows what she ordered. She probably thinks it costs something around $2000.

“Whatever the lady wants, she can have,” I confirm, looking at Peaches as she studies the menu. I see her lip twitch at my remark, and I wonder what her lips will do when she finds out she just ordered a two-million-dollar bottle of champagne.



“If you’ll excuse me.”

I start to stand up, and Antonio is in front of me, holding his hands up. “What are you doing?”

“I’m going to the ladies’ room. Do you mind?” I raise my eyebrow at him and give him a smile. He slowly relaxes and lowers his hands, smoothing down his tie.

“Of course. Just down that hall.” He points to the back of the restaurant.

I give him a wink as I gently brush against him, walking towards the restroom. I just need a minute to get myself together. I feel like I’m falling to pieces in front of him. As I walk down the long hallway, I hear some of the noise coming from the kitchen. One of the doors I pass is open just a little, and I can hear people talking as I approach.

“You’re joking! He wants us to pop open a two-million-dollar bottle of champagne for a nobody?” I hear a man say.

“He owns the place. I’m guessing he can do what he wants,” I hear the hostess who seated us say.

I stop dead in my tracks. Two million. Did that guy just say the champagne I ordered cost two million dollars?

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I nearly run to the bathroom. When I get inside, I go to the far stall and lock myself in.

What am I doing? I’m in way over my head, something I'm not used to when it comes to men. They think I’m sweet and sassy and find it endearing, for a while at least. Closing my eyes tightly, I take a deep breath and try to think. He’s got to know I’m counting cards. Why is he playing it so cool? God, the pull to him is unreal. I’ve never felt anything like it before. Does he feel it like I do when he looks at me?

My mama’s words fill my heart, and I feel myself relax. I remember so many things she told me, but some stick out more than others. I step out of the stall and go over to the sink, wash my hands, and touch up my make-up.

I look at myself in the mirror and smile. “Make him treat you like a princess. For all he knows, you are one.”

I walk back to the table with a bit more confidence. If he wants to drop some of his cold hard cash on me, I’ll certainly let him. Whatever hidden agenda he may have, I’m sure I’ll figure it out. But until then, I’m keeping this fun. I’m going to have a good time and enjoy my dinner.

Antonio stands as I approach the table and waits until I’ve taken my seat before he sits down.

“I took the liberty of ordering for you. I hope you don’t mind,” he says as a waiter approaches.

“From what I hear there’s not a bad thing on the menu, so I’ll take the surprise. Thank you.”

The waiter approaches, wheeling over a table with the champagne on it. I can’t help but snort at the presentation. This thing ought to come out served on the feathers of angels’ wings and washed off with unicorn tears.

“Something wrong?” Antonio asks as the waiter opens the champagne dramatically.

“Oh, not a thing, Daddy Warbucks. Just watching this guy pour up a small country into a glass.”

He smiles at my joke, leaning back in his chair and steepling his hands in front of him, just watching me. I absentmindedly lick my lips as the waiter puts the champagne flute in front of me.