Buy Me: The Complete Series (Mistress Auctions #1-3)

“Alright, ladies. Let’s get into place.”

Sam’s words snap me out of my daze, and I turn around to see her hand outstretched towards me. I reach out and take it, and she leads me through the room.

We walk down a dark hallway before she guides me out onto a stage. The curtains are closed, but my heart starts to beat out of my chest, and panic begins to set in. What have I gotten myself into?

“Relax. I don’t want you passing out before the curtains come up. You seem like one of those southern belles who did pageants. Am I right?”

Sam’s words bring me back from the edge of panic, and I nod my head at her. I need to remember my mama’s words right now, and I take a deep breath, channeling Mary-Grace. What would she do right now?

I know what she would do. She would own this motherfucking stage.

“There you are,” Sam says, a wicked look on her face.

I straighten my shoulders and pop my hip a little, getting ready to put on the performance of a lifetime. I will be bought and paid for, but in the end, I’m the one walking away the owner of my body. I’ll be the one living with my decision for the rest of my life, and nobody—and damn sure not a man—will take that away from me.

“I want to tell you before the Auction begins that I may have said some things that weren’t entirely true.”

Looking into Sam’s eyes, I don’t see regret. Whatever it is she’s done she certainly doesn’t feel bad about it.

“But I’ve read the contract. I know what I’ve signed—”

Sam holds up her hand, cutting me off, and shakes her head slightly. “No, nothing like what you’re thinking. I just want you to remember when this is all over that I’m not the one you need to put your faith in. Just listen to your heart, Peaches. You’ll feel what’s true and what’s not.”

“I don’t understand.” I’m genuinely confused about what she’s telling me. I have no idea what she means.

“There’s a lot one will do for love. And everything I’ve done has been for that.”

With those words, she walks to the side of the stage and into the shadows. I hear the announcer's words echo through the room, and I feel a chill run up my spine.

“Let’s begin, gentlemen. The girls are ready, and we are beginning with a very sweet treat.” There’s a short pause, and then he continues. “Tonight I present to you, Peaches.”

I don’t have time to decipher what Samantha means as the curtains part and the spotlights hit me.



I finally get to the auction house and make my way towards the room. I’ve never been here before, but security guards are everywhere. It makes me feel somewhat at ease knowing that while Georgia has been in Sam’s custody she’s at least been well protected.

I walk to the back of the room and stand in the shadows, waiting for the Auction to begin. I clench my fists as I look around at the men, thinking about who’s going to see my girl. I don’t know what she’ll be wearing, but from what I’ve heard, it could quite literally be nothing.

I threatened Samantha with bodily harm if she sent her on that stage naked, but I wouldn’t put it past her to do it just to spite me.

“I never thought I’d see the day when Don Cortez attended a Mistress Auction.”

I look to my right and see Leo Ramsey leaning up against the wall. He’s so far from the action, he’s nearly in the dark.

“And yet here is the reclusive Ramsey making an appearance. I guess lightning struck twice today.” I extend my hand, and he shakes it. “I saw you at dinner the other night. It’s strange that the last two times I’ve seen you, Samantha has been nearby.”

I’m wondering if I’m jumping to conclusions, but when I see his eye twitch a little, I see that I’ve hit the nail on the head.

“I just enjoy watching the Auctions. Speaking of, I’ve heard there might be a nice southern girl to bid on in the first round.”

He hit his intended mark, the dig going straight to my heart. As much as I want her off that stage, I have no control over it. The one thing I do have control of, however, is how she walks out of here.

Taking a step closer to Ramsey, I feel the need to remind him of who he’s speaking to. “You so much as look in her direction—”

Leo puts his hands up, taking a step back. “Don’t worry, Don. I won’t be bidding on her. I think you and I have our eyes on very different women.”

I relax just slightly, straightening my suit coat and trying to shake off the tension. I keep reminding myself that the deal with Sam is in place. Things will go according to plan, and I will walk out of here with Georgia.

The lights brighten and then dim a little, signaling that the Auction is about to start.

“Will you be taking a table?” I ask Leo, wanting to know if he’ll be participating in the Auction.