Buried and Shadowed (Branded Packs #3)

Refusing to dwell on what it would mean to walk away from him, she concentrated on the exquisite sensation spiraling through her. Oh, she was close. So close. Her soft groans filled the air as her body bowed beneath the strength of her impending orgasm.

Sinclair tightened his grip, his face buried in the curve of her neck. Then, still driving into her at a furious pace, he reached between them and strummed his thumb over her clit with just the right pressure. A scream was wrenched from her lips as she was catapulted into a shattering climax.

Quivering in ecstasy, she convulsed around him. Two thrusts later, he cried out with the violent pleasure of his own release.

Chapter 9

Sinclair had never thought that he could find paradise. Not in this world.

After all, his life had been one of stark survival. First with the bastard who’d held him captive. Then hiding alone in the mountains. And eventually, protecting his Pack.

He understood duty, and loyalty, and sacrifice.

He’d never understood happiness.

Not until he’d held Mira in his arms, and felt her soft body melt beneath him.

It wasn’t the sex. His lips twitched. Okay, the sex had been mind-blowing. But what was making him feel as if he were one of those men who walked around with big, loopy smiles on their faces was the unshakeable knowledge that he’d found his mate.

This glorious female was meant to be his. Utterly and completely.

Now, all he had to do was convince her that she belonged with him.

A task that should have been simple. She’d already admitted that she was half in love with him. And there was no doubt that they shared an explosive physical attraction. But she’d obviously decided that he intended to use and abandon her.

It was going to take a dedicated effort to convince her that he was never, ever letting her go.

Under normal circumstances, he wouldn’t have minded her hesitation. His wolf loved the thought of wooing his female until she was ready to commit. Mating games were a joy to his people.

But these weren’t normal circumstances, and his animal was restless at the thought of being parted from Mira before he’d managed to fully claim her.

Accepting that there was nothing he could do to force her to admit that they were meant to share eternity together, he took a quick shower before pulling on his clothes. He paused long enough to send a text to Rios, asking the younger male to prepare Sinclair’s private lair for a guest, before he was silently slipping out of the motel room.

The sun was just cresting the horizon as he completed a swift sweep around the area, making sure none of the soldiers had enough sense to double back. Only when he was certain that there was no one near, did he make a quick run to a nearby strip mall to pick up breakfast before returning to find Mira still deeply asleep.

Perching on the edge of the mattress, he studied her pale features and tumbled mass of curls that were spread over the pillows. He wished he could let her sleep. He sensed that she’d been near exhaustion as she nestled in his arms.

But events were starting to move at a ruthless speed, like a snowball rolling downhill. They had to be ready.

Leaning down, he brushed a soft kiss on her cheek.

“Hey, sweetheart, time to wake up,” he said.

Her thick lashes slowly lifted, her arms stretching over her head.

“Do I smell coffee?” she asked, arching her back as she gave a noisy yawn.

He grabbed the cup of coffee, waiting until she’d pushed herself into a seated position, her back pressed against the headboard.

“Two sugars and one cream,” he told her as he handed her the cup and reached into a white paper bag, pulling out her breakfast. “Plus, a bagel with cream cheese and smoked salmon.”

Her eyes widened as she sipped her coffee before accepting the bagel.

“How did you know?”

His lips twisted. He didn’t blame her for her astonishment.

Not even he had realized just how avidly he’d taken note of her every like and dislike.

Not until he’d finally accepted just how much she meant to him.

“I noticed,” he said with stark simplicity. “Just as I noticed you’re too polite to say you don’t drink alcohol, and instead of refusing, you discretely pour it into a nearby bush,” he said. The first night he’d approached her had been at a CDC office party. From the shadows, he’d watched as she’d politely taken one glass of champagne after another, only to wander toward the edge of the country club patio and toss it into the neatly trimmed hedge. He’d been fascinated by her innate kindness. “And that you bite your lower lip when you’re deep in thought,” he continued, reaching out to brush his thumb over her mouth. A flush instantly stained her cheeks, her eyes darkening with arousal. “And that you have a secret sweet tooth. And that you prefer your flowers in the garden instead of in a vase.” He bent forward, replacing his thumb with his lips. Back and forth, he brushed their mouths lightly together, his cock twitching at the sparks of pleasure that shot through him. “And that you like when I lick your-”

“Sinclair,” she breathed in flustered protest.

He chuckled. Mira was a passionate but shy lover. He fully intended to corrupt her once they were in the privacy of his lair.