Buried and Shadowed (Branded Packs #3)

Holding her gaze, he slid his hands down her back and then around her waist to tug at the belt that held her robe together.

“Sinclair,” her voice was a low rasp as he parted the thick material and allowed his hands to cup the fullness of her breasts.

“Yes, Mira?”

A tiny groan of pleasure was wrenched from her throat as his thumbs brushed over the nipples already beaded in anticipation.

Still, she struggled to resist the desire that was a tangible force, drawing them together.

“Do you think they’ll come back?”

“No.” He angled his head down and tugged a nipple between his lips so he could suck her with enough force to make her release an explosive sigh of bliss.

“Then…” Another groan escaped her parted lips as she tried to speak. “Then we should go.”

With an impatient motion, he yanked off the robe, his hands skimming down her naked body with a gentle reverence.

“Not yet.”

“Why not?” she said, her voice increasingly distracted as he suckled her rosy nipples. “You said the dogs wouldn’t come back.”

Sinclair lifted himself to shuck off his boxers before he pressed her flat on her back. Then, tugging her legs apart, he moved to kneel between her knees.

“They won’t, but we don’t know where the soldiers have searched or where they’re going next. There’s no point in taking the risk of stumbling into them by accident.”

Chapter 8

Mira struggled to breathe. Nestled in the soft mattress, she gloried in the man who was poised above her like some sort of pagan conqueror.

God, he was glorious.

The hard, sculpted body. The thick, black hair that brushed his broad shoulders. The chiseled features. And the pale blue eyes that held the power of his wolf.

She should no doubt be pissed.

She’d decided her pathetic obsession was done. She was going to forget this man and move on.

So why wasn’t she telling him to get the hell off her?

Perhaps it was because she knew that she’d spend the rest of her life wondering what it might have been like to be Sinclair’s lover. Even if it was only for one night.

Or perhaps it was because it was increasingly difficult to remember that Sinclair was only using her.

Either way, she found it impossible to demand that he get out of the bed and cover that hard, sexy body with some clothes.

“And that’s the only reason?” she asked in husky tones.

There was an odd glow to his eyes as his wolf studied her with an edgy need.

“It was.” Heat blasted through the air as he planted his hands on either side of her shoulders and bent forward. “Now I can think of a much better reason.”

She sucked in a harsh breath, her back arching off the mattress as he used the tip of his tongue to circle her nipple.

“Are you trying to distract me?”

He chuckled, continuing to torment her sensitive flesh. “Is it working?”

“I…I can’t think when you’re doing that.”


There was an intoxicating scent of musk in the air as he sucked her nipple between his lips, using his tongue and teeth to drive her insane with pleasure.

“I thought you were going to wait?” she said.

“Do you want me to wait?” Lifting his head, he studied her with eyes that held a combination of need and vulnerability. “Mira? Tell me what you want.”

The last of Mira’s resistance was crushed beneath the sight of his aching need. This was no persuasive pretense. Or fake charm.

He truly desired her.

He couldn’t fake that.

Unable to resist temptation, she reached down to wrap her fingers around his erection. His cock was thick and long. Perfectly created to please a woman.

He hissed in pleasure as she explored down to his heavy testicles before slowly gliding back up to find the broad tip that already had a bead of his seed.

He shuddered, the sound of material ripping as his claws sliced through the sheets. Astonishingly, the stark evidence that he wasn’t entirely human didn’t repel her. Just the opposite. Sinclair was a reflection of his inner wolf.

A strong leader. A ruthless protector. A sexy, loyal lover.

Mira’s fingers tightened on his cock.

He gazed directly into her eyes. “You didn’t tell me what you want.”

She held his gaze, knowing that it wasn’t about dominance, but a need to truly know that she was willingly offering herself to him.

“You.” She gave his cock a slow, deliberate pump. “I want you.”

His lips curved into a smile of utter joy. “Say it again.”

“I want you,” she obeyed without hesitation, taking smug pleasure in the tremors that shook his hard, male body.

She didn’t have much experience. Not only because most men preferred skinny women who understood the rules of flirtations, but because she was devoted to her career.

But Sinclair made her feel as if she were the most beautiful, most desirable woman in the world.

It was strangely empowering.

Her thoughts shattered as his fingers moved to trace her naked curves.