Buried and Shadowed (Branded Packs #3)

“They’ll be searching for you,” he said, unbuckling his seat belt. “We need to lay low for a few hours.”

Her confusion deepened as she allowed her gaze to skim over the one-story brick structure that was built in an L shape. The roof was made from a corrugated metal that was starting to rust, and half the windows were boarded over. It was sad, and dingy, and on the edge of complete collapse.

“Here?” she demanded with a shudder.

“It’s the sort of place where people don’t pay attention to who’s coming and going,” he assured her, not mentioning that it was also run by one of the Unseen. It was used like the old-time Underground Railroad. The first step in the road to helping shifters on the run disappear from those hunting them. There were some secrets that he couldn’t share until she was a committed part of his Pack. He shoved open the door of the truck. “I’ll get us a room.”

“Wait.” She glanced back at him. “I need a computer.”

Without hesitation, he reached over the back of the seat to the narrow storage area. Grabbing his backpack, he pulled out a small tablet and handed it to her. “Will this do?”

She nodded, reaching for it with a distracted expression. “Yeah, thanks.”

Sinclair scowled. Over the past eighteen months, he’d come to expect Mira’s complete and unwavering attention when they were together. Hell, he’d simply taken it for granted. Now that it was being snatched away, he wasn’t a happy wolf.

In fact, he had a sudden urge to bite something.

Or someone.

Really, really hard.

Glaring at her down-bent head, he hit the automatic lock and slammed shut his door.

Seriously, she was stomping on his last nerve.

Jogging across the deserted parking lot, Sinclair entered the office, ignoring the grizzly shifter who studied him with blatant curiosity as he checked them into one of the private rooms.

“Any special needs?” the male demanded, looking as big and shaggy in his human form as he did as a bear.

Sinclair handed over a wad of cash as he took the key the male had tossed on the chipped Formica counter.

“Privacy,” he said in clipped tones.

The bear shrugged. “That comes standard with the room.”

Sinclair nodded, pausing long enough to offer a warning. “There’s a potential army of SAU searching for us,” he said. “You might want to close for the night. In fact, it would probably be best if you decided to take a short vacation.”

The bear narrowed his gaze, taking in Sinclair’s grim expression before giving a nod of his head.

“I have a sister in Casper. I think it’s time for a visit.”

“Good idea.”

Sinclair left the office, pausing to sweep a searching gaze over the dark lot. When he was certain there were no eyes watching him, he returned to the truck. Moving to the passenger side, he hit the remote key to unlock the door.

He pulled it open, leaning over Mira to grab his backpack.

“Follow me.”

Clasping the tablet, she crawled out of the truck and fell into step beside him.

“Has anyone ever told you that you’re bossy?” she said.

“Daily,” he assured her, moving toward the end of the hotel that was spray-painted with graffiti. Using the key, he unlocked a heavy steel door that was dented in several places, as if someone had taken a sledgehammer to it. “It’s my job.”

She snorted. “You’re not my Alpha.”

His wolf instantly howled at her rejection. As far as his animal was concerned, this woman was already his to protect.

And more…

Once she accepted that she belonged to him.

“Hmm.” He leaned down until they were nose to nose. “Who are you trying to convince, sweetheart? Me or yourself?”

She sucked in a startled breath, her eyes wide. “Sinclair.”

Unable to resist temptation, he softly brushed his mouth over her parted lips. Instant heat detonated through him.

Christ. She tasted so sweet. Glorious female enticement wrapped in a luscious body that his fingers twitched to explore.

It was the very force of his hunger that had him lifting his head to study her with a brooding gaze.

When he finally sated his desire, it wasn’t going to be in a nasty parking lot where the SAU might make an appearance at any minute.

“An argument for later,” he said, gently pushing her into the dark room.

“There’s not going to be an argument,” she stubbornly denied the inevitable.

Not bothering to continue a fight he fully intended to win, Sinclair stepped through the door, carefully pulling it shut before he turned on the dim overhead light. From outside, no one would know anyone was in the room.

Not surprisingly, Mira gave a tiny gasp as she actually took in their surroundings.

Unlike the outside of the motel, the inside was scrupulously clean. There was a sturdy oak dresser against one wall with a TV mounted on the paneling. There was also a desk and chair in one corner with a small leather sofa. And in the center of the room was a king-size bed with a hand-stitched quilt to offer a feeling of home.

Across the room, another door opened to a white-tiled bathroom.