Buried and Shadowed (Branded Packs #3)

“In Markham’s office,” he explained.

“Yes. We went there first, and then they brought me here,” she continued. “They intended to torture me into confessing what I knew about Dr. Lowman and his connection to the virus, but I convinced them that I had been paid by my boss to make sure there was no documentation to prove that the CDC had been warned that the formula they were working on at the Verona Clinic was a danger to the public.”

His fury blazed hot as the sun before it was tempered by an expression of pride.


Warmth spread through her, even as she lowered her lashes to hide her look of vulnerable pleasure at his seeming appreciation.

“And, thankfully, my boss is in DC so they haven’t been able to speak with him,” she forced herself to continue.

“So what happened after they brought you here?”

“They grilled me on what information I’d managed to find.” She shrugged. “I told them about the fragment I found on the computer that I’d traced to Dr. Lowman. That’s when they decided to keep me here to continue the search.”

He released his breath on a long hiss. “You were lucky they wanted information more than they wanted to kill you.”

Mira uttered a curse. In the blink of an eye, she went from preening beneath his approval to being annoyed with his assumption it was luck that had saved her.

She glanced up, meeting his accusing gaze. “It wasn’t just luck,” she denied. “I happen to have a few skills.”

His lips flattened as if he wanted to continue his chastisement. Then, watching her eyes narrow with silent warning, he conceded defeat.

“I’ve never doubted your skills, sweetheart,” he assured her. “But now it’s time to go.”

She swallowed a resigned sigh as she realized they’d just talked in a circle.

“I’m not leaving,” she repeated. “I’m too close to finding the doctor.”

“Dammit, Mira,” he said. “Your luck isn’t going to last forever.”

“All I need is a few more hours…”

Her words trailed away as Sinclair moved with quicksilver speed to peer out the window.

“Someone’s coming,” he warned, clearly possessing far more acute senses than Mira. “Time’s up, sweetheart.”

“Crap.” Tugging out the memory stick that she’d placed in the computer when she started her search, she quickly released the virus she’d pre-loaded for this precise moment. She’d managed to catch sight of data being scrambled before strong hands were grabbing her around her waist and she was being hauled out of her chair and tossed over Sinclair’s shoulder.

Arrogant wolf.

Chapter 4

Rios had caught the scent of wolf before the knock landed on his door.

Not just any wolf.

Nope. This one was unique. An intoxicating musk that was laced with warm woman and sexual promise.

Not that she’d ever fulfilled that promise. At least, not with him.

And the fact that she’d not only turned down his numerous advances but had also done so in a way that was meant to wound his pride had left a lasting injury.

Unfortunately, his seething anger did nothing to mute his instant reaction as he pulled open the door to reveal the tall, slender female with sleek, tawny hair and vivid blue eyes.

The sight of her aloof beauty ruffled the fur of his cat, even as it made the man instantly hard with frustrated desire.

Leaning against the door jamb, he folded his arms over his chest.

“Hello, Bree.”

She gave a cool nod of her head, looking professional in her black pencil skirt and sheer white blouse. No doubt she was returning from Denver where she worked as a newscaster.

Rios, on the other hand, was wearing nothing more than a pair of yoga pants that hung loosely on his hips. It wasn’t a deliberate attempt to make her drool over his half-naked body, but he wouldn’t object if it happened.

“Rios.” She waited for him to move aside, her lips thinning when he remained firmly in place. “May I come in?”

“As I recall, you swore hell would freeze over before you willingly entered my lair,” he drawled.

An odd expression rippled over her elegant features. It was there and gone so swiftly that Rios couldn’t decipher the emotion.

“Fine.” She deliberately took a step back. “We can do this in the community center if you prefer.”

“I’m not the one who has a stick up my ass,” he countered.

This time, he had no trouble deciphering her emotion. Raw anger.

“Look, cat, I’m here because Sinclair asked me to work with you, but if you’re going to be a dick about it, then I’ll find someone else to help.”

She turned to leave. Rios grimaced, reaching out to grasp her arm.


She stiffened beneath his touch. Revulsion? Anger?

Suppressed desire?

Impossible to know for sure.

Slowly, she turned her head to meet his steady gaze. “Yes?”

“Come in.” His lips twisted. “I’ll try not to be a dick.”

“Let’s hope you don’t strain anything making the effort.”