Brooklyn & Beale

A bubble of anticipation trickled through Chloe. “What things?”

Reid looked over her shoulder where people were beginning to mill about the hall. “Not here. Not now. Come back to the recording room. There are some things I need to go over with you guys about the awards show. I promise, no more bullshit,” he added when he noticed the skeptical expression on her face. After a moment, Chloe sighed and tilted her chin back toward the room.

“Fine.” Just as she moved past him, Reid grabbed her hand and tugged her to a stop.

“Can we talk later? I really do need to tell you some things. I don’t want you to hear about them from anyone else.”

With a reluctant nod, Chloe pulled her hand free and walked back down the hall, all the while fighting to ignore the way her palm tingled from his touch.

Rehearsal was torture. Any excitement he felt in revealing his performance with Jack Green was overshadowed by Chloe. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. When she’d walked into the recording room, it felt like all the air was siphoned from the space, yet it was the first time since she’d left Devon that he felt like he could breathe. He knew it then, what he’d tried to deny for so long.

He was in love with Chloe.

It shouldn’t have happened. He wasn’t a cheater. He loved Jess. He didn’t want to be the kind of guy who begged for second chances and made promises, only to break them, break her, all over again. A dark feeling began to spread through Reid as he watched Chloe sway to the music. The realization that he was exactly that guy became crystal clear when he admitted to himself—consequences be damned—he wanted Chloe in every way. He needed her. His face twisted with self-loathing as he thought about his time in Memphis, how he’d worried about losing both of them. He should lose them both. That would be poetic justice, because he didn’t deserve either of them.

By the time rehearsals ended, Reid felt as though he was going to be sick. As much as he wanted to talk to Chloe, he needed a little time to clear his head. His knee-jerk reactions and impulsive tendencies had landed him in more trouble than he cared to admit, and he couldn’t allow himself to screw up any more than he already had. Once home, he showered and ate dinner. He paced his living room as he tried to sort out what he needed to do next. When he spotted the bag he’d brought from the airport, his shoulders dropped and all of the fight drained out of him. With a heavy exhale, he grabbed his keys and the bag and headed for the door.

As he pulled onto Chloe’s street, he argued with himself about showing up unannounced. A few weeks ago, he wouldn’t have given it a second thought, but things were different now. He pulled to a stop by the mailbox and killed the ignition. The front porch light was on and her rental car was in the driveway. With a small, self-deprecating laugh, he grabbed the bag and climbed out of the car. He was only fooling himself if he really thought he was going to leave without seeing her.

On the porch, he rapped his knuckles on the door and took a small step back. Only seconds passed before the lock clicked and Chloe opened the door wide. “Come on in.” Reid’s brows dented as he took a hesitant step inside. Chloe must have noticed his confusion because she answered his question before he asked. “I saw you sitting in your car out front. I was beginning to wonder if you were going to actually get out of the car or not.”

Reid dropped his chin to his chest and his skin heated with embarrassment. “I was debating over whether or not you would strike me down with a lightsaber for showing up without calling.”

Chloe pursed her lips, but it didn’t disguise the small smile she fought to hide. “You’re lucky it’s still packed away or that might have been a real possibility. Especially after the crap that happened earlier today with you and Greer.”

Reid groaned and held the bag out for Chloe to take. “Can I give you this first? Believe me, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to be mad at me soon enough.”

“What is this?” Chloe asked, her eyes narrowed with skepticism as she pulled the bag from his hand.

“It’s a housewarming gift.”

Chloe’s expression softened as she tilted her head toward the living room. “Come sit down, Padawan.”

Reid grinned and shoved his hands in his pockets as he followed Chloe to the sofa. “This is a really cool place,” he commented as he sat next to her.

“It’s the biggest place I’ve lived in since I moved from my childhood home. Josie renting this place to me was some kind of miracle. She could have gotten three times as much if she’d wanted.”

“But you can’t put a price on peace of mind. Imagine her renting to some stranger who ended up trashing the place. At least this way, she knows it will be taken care of.”

“That’s exactly what she said.”

Olivia Evans's books