Brooklyn & Beale

“Is there an earlier flight? I need to get back. If something goes wrong and I’m not there . . .” Jess’s eyes took on a faraway look as a flash of pain twisted her features.

Tom cast a worried glance in her direction. “Let me see.”

“Does Reid know?” Chloe whispered to Tom. When he shook his head, Chloe stood. “Let me take care of this. You go talk to Reid. I’m sure Tom will do his best to find the earliest flight possible.”

“Thanks,” Jess said, her voice devoid of emotion as she dropped her things on the table and turned away. Chloe’s brows dipped in confusion as Jess slipped inside the bedroom and closed the door.

“What the hell?” she whispered. She knew Jess was stressed, but her tone and the expression on her face seemed to convey so much more. She looked angry…at Chloe.

“Don’t take it personally. She’s just upset,” Tom said, his face apologetic.

Chloe shrugged. “That’s cool. I’m just glad I wasn’t imagining it.”

After putting all of Jess’s odds and ends together, Chloe decided to go back to her bunk. She didn’t want to take the chance of being the object of Jess’s aggression again. Stretching out in her bed, she opened her notebook. Just as she started to read the lyrics on the page, the sound of Reid’s voice floated up from below.

“Shit,” Chloe whispered when his voice grew louder. While his words were still garbled, it was clear he wasn’t happy. When she heard what she thought was her name being yelled angrily by Jess, she yanked back the curtain and rolled out of her bunk. She didn’t want to hear them fighting, much less if it somehow involved her.

“So Jess is leaving?” Inky asked as soon as Chloe sat down next to her in the upstairs lounge.

Chloe grimaced. “It would seem so.”

“Good,” Inky said, her expression unapologetic. Chloe blinked in surprise.

“You don’t like her?”

Inky shrugged. “I like her just fine. What I don’t like is the effect she has on the group. We all have our issues, but her being here has added an extra layer of tension that’s made the last couple of weeks downright miserable. Why do you think Drew and Lincoln have spent time riding on the bus with the other band? They don’t want to be here. And don’t get me started on how it’s changed the onstage chemistry between you and Reid. It’s like someone dumped a gigantic bucket of ice water on you two.”

Chloe stared at Inky with her mouth open. She wanted to argue that Inky was wrong, but it would be a lie. Everything had changed since Jess arrived. Reid hadn’t bothered to open the notebook she’d given him. Not once had he mentioned mixing up the set list like he’d done in the months before. Every second not rehearsing or performing, Reid had spent isolated with Jess.

Except for last night, Chloe thought with a smile.

“Exactly,” Inky said, taking Chloe’s silence for agreement.

Instead of arguing, she shrugged. “How much longer before we get to Rome?”

Inky laughed and bumped her shoulder. “That’s the spirit. Now come on, let’s play Mario Kart.”

For the next few hours, Chloe, Inky, and eventually, Greer and Tom hung out in the upstairs lounge area playing video games. Although no one commented, the steady increase in the volume of the television confirmed that everyone was aware of the ongoing argument happening downstairs. When Tom casually mentioned they would be making a detour to the airport once they arrived in Rome, the air seemed to lighten.

Reid tucked Jess’s hair behind her ear and cradled her jaw. “I know you’re upset, but being angry at me isn’t going to change the situation.”

Jess’s eyes filled with tears. “I know,” she choked. “I’m so sorry. I’m having a bit of a meltdown. I shouldn’t have freaked out on you. God, everyone probably thinks I’m a bitch.”

Reid pulled her into a hug. “No one thinks that.”

“I bossed Tom around like he was a dog, and I was so rude to Chloe. I should have apologized.” Jess blinked away her tears and looked up at Reid. “Tell her I’m sorry. Tell all of them I’m sorry.”

“I will. Don’t worry about that. Just get home safe and take care of that horse. I’ll see you in a month.”

“I will.”

“Text me when you get home so I know you made it safely. Or call me, whatever. I just want to make sure you’re okay.”

“I’m sorry I picked a fight with you. I don’t know why I did it. I’m just so jealous of the time they have with you. I want that time. I want you. I’ve missed you so much for so long. I hate that the last day we’ll have together for more than a month was spent fighting. I don’t want that to be how we remember the last few weeks.”

Reid shook his head and pressed his lips to hers. “This is what I’ll remember. You and me right now. None of that other stuff matters.”

Olivia Evans's books