Brooklyn & Beale

“Can I get the next one?”

Chloe jerked in surprise and shifted away from the unfamiliar voice that was far too close for comfort. When she turned, she was met with a not so unfamiliar sight. A guy stood in front of her, his eyes glazed and his smile relaxed. He was drunk.

“I’m good. But thanks.” Chloe moved to step around him, but he shifted with her.

“Come on. Just one drink.”

Chloe gave him an apologetic smile. “Sorry, this is the only drink I’m having. Big day tomorrow,” she added, again shifting to move around him.

“Well, if you don’t want a drink, how about we get out of here? We could grab a late dinner.” He held out his hand in offering. “I’m Derek.”

Chloe looked at his hand and pulled in a deep breath before meeting his gaze. Before she could tell Derek to take a hike, the bartender announced last call. As soon as he did, people started pushing their way to the bar. The tiny gap of space between Chloe and Derek disappeared when someone knocked him off-balance, causing him to fall against her. His still outstretched hand grazed along her exposed stomach and around the side of her waist. Chloe brought her arms up to put a wedge between their bodies and pushed.

The tips of Derek’s fingers pressed into her skin, and the strong smell of alcohol invaded her senses as his breath fanned over her face. When she met his gaze, it was clear he knew exactly what he was doing.

“Back off,” she said through clenched teeth. She pushed harder, causing him to stumble back.

He smirked and let the people flocking to the bar push him back into her space. “You have the softest skin. I’d—”

His words ended abruptly when someone jerked his shoulder back. Chloe looked over Derek’s shoulder, her eyes widening when she met Reid’s angry gaze. “Are you okay?” he asked, his voice low and controlled.

Chloe nodded, her expression frozen in shock.

“What the hell, man? Get off me,” Derek spat, angling his body between Chloe and Reid.

Reid sighed. “Look, you’re drunk. She’s hot. I get it. But she’s not interested, so it’s time for you to move along.”

“Fuck off.”

Chloe’s stomach dropped when Derek stumble-staggered in her direction. In the span of only a few minutes, Derek’s drinking had caught up with him. He grabbed Chloe’s arm and tugged her closer. “We’re leaving, aren’t we, beautiful?”

Chloe flinched and tried to rip her arm away, but she didn’t need to. Before she could blink, Reid’s fist connected with Derek’s face and sent him falling into the crowd.

“Reid!” Chloe stood wide-eyed as Derek regained his footing and charged Reid. Chloe stepped forward to pull Reid out of the way, but she ended up with an elbow in her face as Derek lunged in their direction. It only lasted a split second. Reid sidestepped Derek’s drunken attack and landed one last hard blow, sending Derek to the floor.

Chloe cupped her hands over her face in pain. Her eyes watered and her vision blurred as blood poured from her nose. Several pairs of hands pulled her away from the fight, their familiar voices doing nothing to soothe the throbbing pain in her face.

“Jesus, Chloe. Are you okay?” Inky grabbed a towel from the bartender and pressed it into Chloe’s hand.

“Yeah,” she croaked, trying to blink back tears. She pressed the towel to her nose and pulled in a shaky breath. “Damn, that hurt.”

“Chloe.” Reid stepped in front of her, his expression twisted with horror as he looked at her blood-covered hands. “Oh my God. What happened?”

“Elbow,” Chloe whispered.

“Chloe, I’m so sorry,” Greer said, stepping beside Reid.

“Where the fuck were you?” Reid spat, his eyes blazing as he turned his anger on Greer. “You were supposed to meet her at the side door. None of this would have happened if you’d done what you said you were going to do.”

“I went to the side door,” Greer shot back, his voice rising. “She wasn’t there. I realized there were two, but by the time I got over there, she was already at the bar.”

“It’s not Greer’s fault,” Chloe mumbled.

“The fuck it isn’t.” Reid shook his head in disgust and gently wrapped his arm around Chloe’s waist. “Come on,” he whispered, all traces of anger gone as he pulled her against his side. “Let’s get you back to the hotel.”

Chloe looked at Greer as Reid guided her out of the bar. She wanted to let him know she wasn’t angry. This wasn’t his fault. However, Greer wasn’t looking at her; his angry gaze was fixed on Reid.

Olivia Evans's books