Borrowing Trouble

He felt relief his dad also appeared to have gone for the evening. The only office still occupied was Jay’s. Landon knew he probably wagged from head to toe like a dog, but he hadn’t even managed to run into the man for more than five minutes in the office.

Jay looked up, beaming when he noticed Landon. Landon’s heart gave a pitter patter and he felt entirely too happy to bother with doubts or worries. The man was as obviously happy to see him, so he’d take it.

“Hey,” Jay said with a grin, standing up from his chair and coming around the other side of the desk. He paused to look behind Landon, who grabbed him and gave assurances they were alone. Jay reached behind him and slammed the door before their mouths came together. They didn’t kiss for long, but they definitely made it count, hot and hard.

“Dang, I missed this,” Jay said. Landon’s surprise at the statement didn’t have time to show before they were kissing again, tongues sliding into each other’s mouths. They grappled for one another, clinging almost. Landon’s cock grew instantly hard and ready.

Which is why he had to step back. “Well, we definitely can’t do this here,” Landon said, gasping.

“I know. I know.” Jay stepped back himself, straightening his flannel button-down. Landon let himself reach out to straighten Jay’s mussed hair where Landon had run his fingers through it. They smiled dopily at one another. “My kids are at their grandparents for church and dinner tonight.”

Landon felt his brow furrow. By Jay’s own admission, they’d not raised the kids in the church. Jay waved him off. “Some family fellowship thing. Beverly pulled some guilt card when Bethany was home, so the kids agreed to go with them for this shindig. There’s a hayride or something.”

“Wholesome,” Landon teased. Hayrides were a pretty standard fall activity, mostly by local churches during the Halloween season to keep kids from giving in to the wickedness of playing on the Devil’s Holiday.

“I have to see you,” Jay said, his voice husky and hopeful. Landon would sure take this over the self-recriminations he’d been waiting Jay to start with once his kids came home.

Landon didn’t let Jay dwell. “Mine or yours?”

“Yours, okay?”

“Hell, yes. Mine’s closer.” Landon winked. Also, he wouldn’t be watching over his shoulder for the kids to come home early, like last time.

“Meet you there?”

“Absolutely. Let me go get hitched to the trailer for the morning. See you in thirty?”

Jay nodded and quickly went back to whatever work he’d been focused on when Landon came in. Landon’s hard-on only wavered when he worked on connecting brake lights and locking the trailer in. The drive home, though, the final spurt of adrenaline from his good afternoon and thoughts of Jay coming over to be in his bed had Landon’s pants tented even as he unlocked his front door.

He made quick work of a shower, resisting the urge to stroke himself other than to build his need. He’d barely made it down the stairs in just a pair of old sweatpants when Jay knocked on the front door. Landon practically yanked the man in. Their mouths collided. Jay grunted and laughed into the kiss.

“You taste so good,” Landon said, then licked into Jay’s mouth again. His hand slid to Jay’s straining, denim encased erection. Jay hissed and slid his arms around Landon’s waist, dipping into the sweats to palm Landon’s ass.

Landon pulled Jay further into the house where they collapsed on the couch. “We should talk,” Jay said.

Landon pulled back. “Now?”

Jay laughed, and the sound sent thrills of joy through Landon. “I suppose it can wait.”

Kade Boehme's books