Borrowing Trouble

Jay shook his head. Landon blinked, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed. Jay felt his breath quicken. He had actually intended to talk, or maybe just hang out like they used to with a beer and a SportsCenter rerun. But as he stalked closer to Landon, his cock thickening in his pants, Landon’s now pointing his pajama pants in Jay’s direction, Jay needed more than that.

“It strikes me,” Jay started, then stepped closer to Landon, crowding him against the wall next to the stairs. “That my kids are away for another five days.”

Landon nodded.

“So, in that time, I’m free to be a little crazy.”

“Jay, crazy is fucking a bunch of barflies, not me.”

Jay reached out, trembling but sure, and brushed the back of his hand against Landon’s hard cock. Landon hummed his pleasure. “Is that what you want?”

Landon blinked, shaking his head. That vulnerable look in his eyes screamed please don’t hurt me. Jay closed his eyes and brushed their lips together just so. “Landon, I can’t promise things. I can’t tell you what’s going on. I’m so tired of thinking, I hurt.” He opened his eyes and looked back into Landon’s curious ones. “I want you. I want to touch you. I want you to touch me. I want to sleep with you. I want to not be scared or confused.”

“That’s a tall order,” Landon said warily.

“I chose you. Tonight, I choose you.”

“Just tonight?”

“I don’t want to use you, Landon. I don’t want to hurt you, so if this, if my being scared is too much, tell me to go or tell me to get my hands off you. But if not, I want tonight. And maybe tomorrow night.”

Landon was still and silent for a moment before his arm came up and his hand wrapped around Jay’s neck, pulling him down to mash their lips together. Their kiss was nothing sweet, all raw desire and need.

Landon’s tongue slid into Jay’s mouth and Jay sucked on it, loving the sweet hint of mouthwash and the taste he remembered was all Landon. The sweet sounds that came from Landon as they wrapped their arms around each other made Jay’s cock pound with every beat of his heart.

Jay grunted into the kiss as their clothed cocks pressed together. Landon slid a leg between Jay’s and started rubbing them together. Jay pulled from the kiss and pressed their foreheads together, eyes closed as the friction made his brain short circuit. Every light in his head went dim except the one that focused on pleasure and feeling.

“Come to bed,” Landon said roughly. Landon pushed Jay back and took his hand, threading their fingers together as he started ascending the stairs. Jay followed closely behind him, realizing this was a line, one he was going to cross tonight. He stared at their linked fingers, then glanced up to the muscles flexing in Landon’s back, the way his perfect, round ass bounced with each step.

He wanted to do so many things to that body, but had not one fucking clue where to start. He really wished he’d watched that gay porn all the way through now.

Jay was out of his depth in so many ways. He obviously got the gist, he wasn’t a complete idiot, but he’d never felt like this toward sex. He’d never wanted to please someone like this, even if that made him a complete dick to admit.

When Landon opened his bedroom door, Jay followed him, looking around at all the intricately carved furniture, the books neatly stacked on all surfaces. He would have teased Landon about being a nerd again, but his mouth was too dry to speak as his gaze landed on the king size bed. The room was spotlessly neat, save for the bed whose sheets were rumpled and unmade.

Kade Boehme's books