Because of Lila (Sea Breeze Meets Rosemary Beach #2)

“Jesus, Lila. You’re gonna kill us both,” he groaned as he began to move. Pumping his hips in and out of me. His mouth trailed kisses over my collarbone and up my neck. His warm breath on my ear only heightened the feeling. “Say more dirty shit from that pretty mouth,” he said in a whisper before nibbling on my ear.

I opened my legs wider lifting my knees to lock on his hips. “I want to feel you come inside me. To feel the heat from your release spill down my thighs,” I told him, and he froze.

“Fuck, Lila. Don’t say that kind of shit if you don’t want me to explode.”

“I do want you to explode.”

His arms shook as he held himself completely still. “Are you on birth control?”

I smiled up at him. “Yes. I don’t want to be a mommy any time soon.”

He moved then, his expression fierce. “I’m clean. I’d never have touched you without a condom if I didn’t know I was completely clean.”

I trusted him. He was a lot of things, but he wouldn’t put me in any danger. I knew that. “Then come inside me.”

His hips began to pound against me. All other thoughts fell away. All I felt was the climb to my own climax. I could hear his breath deepen and his muttered curse words. I opened my eyes and atched his arms flex with each movement.

When I jerked up against him and wrapped my legs around his waist to hold him there, I cried out his name.

“Goddamn, Lila,” he swore, and then I felt it. All of it as he gave me exactly what I had begged for. I wanted this to last forever. I wouldn’t think about the day it would all end. Because at this moment, I had it all.

He rolled to the side taking me with him. We were both panting and sweaty as our bodies stayed plastered against each other. No talking was needed or even possible. I was trying to catch my breath and come back to earth. Sex had never been so good. But then my experience was limited. Very limited. I couldn’t imagine it got better than this though.

Cruz’s hand began to play with my hair casually. I turned my head to look at him, and his eyes were closed. I had always hated that he was so breathtakingly handsome. It made my feelings for him even harder to ignore. I would watch him and be disgusted with myself for doing it. The way he walked, carried himself, the sound of his voice, and that smile of his. All of it was impossible not to notice. All females noticed him.

“Let’s go north. What about Memphis?” he said with his eyes closed.

“Memphis? What’s in Memphis?” I asked enjoying the freedom to look at him.

“Fucking Graceland is in Memphis,” he smirked then.

“You mean you want to see where Elvis lived?” I laughed as I said it.

He tilted his head to look at me and opened one eye. “Hell yeah, I do. That shit is supposed to be tacky. Who wants to miss that?”

I didn’t care where we went. I was good with anywhere. “Okay. Memphis it is then.”

“You called your parents?” His question surprised me.

“No,” I admitted.

“You better,” he sighed. “I’m sure they all know we are together now. Nate would have told them.”


He ran a hand over his face and groaned. “Grant is going to kill me.”

I didn’t respond. Because that was an issue we’d face when this was over. I was on an adventure to run away from the guy who was in bed with me. It was different now. I wasn’t trying to change or find a new me. I already had. The girl I was at this moment was nothing like the girl I had been the night he’d called me cold. Now, I just had to ride this as long as it lasted. Because it would end.

“My dad may kill me before your dad. Either way, my life will be short.”

That made me smile. “That’s a little dramatic,” I told him.

He shrugged. “Honestly, it’s worth it.” His hand ran down my side and squeezed my hip. “Completely fucking worth it.”

That wasn’t a proclamation of love. I realized that. But it was sweet. I slid a leg over him as I turned until half my body was lying on top of his. Both his eyes opened as I did it. “We’re grown,” I reminded him. “I think you’ll get to live.”

He gazed up at me with hooded eyes. “Or you’ll kill me before they do. But then death by sex sounds like a good way to go.”

I laughed. “I’m just getting up. Not about to attack you.”

His hands grabbed my bottom and pulled me on top of him. “Maybe, but putting this hot little body on a man while he’s naked and in bed is irresistible.”

When he slid into me slowly this time, I moaned loudly and enjoyed being filled one more time before breakfast.

Cruz Kerrington

DRIVING ALMOST SIX hours to Memphis today wasn’t a good idea. I saw Lila Kate hide a wince when she straddled the bike. We’d fucked like maniacs, and now she was tender. She would claim she wasn’t, but I saw it on her face. I shouldn’t have pushed for two rounds this morning, but she felt so damn good. It was a clawing need to get inside her again and fuck that—I didn’t like wanting someone so badly. Past experience told me a good fuck got a girl out of my system and I moved on. But with Lila Kate that had yet to happen. With her legs tucked behind mine and her body pressed into my back I was already thinking about fucking her again. Jesus, she was like crack to an addict.

I headed toward Birmingham, Alabama. We could stop halfway and rest. Find something to see or do, and then ride the rest of the way. It was just an hour closer than Memphis; she could visit her friend, and it would help control my need to have my dick inside her our entire stop. I needed to find some control.

After eighty minutes on the road she began to squirm, and I found an exit that had restaurant choices and some shopping. We’d spend time here then head on later when she was ready. Pulling into a parking lot for a barbecue place, I parked and held out my hand to help her off the bike. She made a small wince again.

“Think we might need to stop for the day,” I said feeling guilty for her discomfort.

She frowned. “Why?”

I appreciated her trying to be tough, but I had made her sore, and I wasn’t going to make her suffer for it. First time I’d ever wished I wasn’t riding my damn bike. “You’re sore,” I pointed out the obvious. “Let’s eat, walk around some. Shop. See how you feel later.”

“I will be fine,” she argued.

I ignored that. “Hungry?”

“Yes, and this place smells great.”

We headed inside and I forced myself not to put my hands on her. Touching her all the time was not good. This was temporary. No need acting like it was more than that. We were both enjoying the trip.

Her phone began ringing just before we walked in the door and she stopped to pull it out of her pocket. When she lifted her eyes to me, they were apologetic as she put the phone to her ear. “Hey, Mom.”

I’d told her to call her parents more than once. She hadn’t listened.

Her mother was talking, and Lila Kate’s face went pale before she whispered. “Oh, no. When?”

Now I was worried. She began chewing on her thumbnail. “Yes, he is.”

“I’m not sure,” she looked back at me. “Where are we?”

“About one hour south of Montgomery, Alabama,” I told her.

She repeated that to her mother. “No . . . on his motorcycle,” I could see her cringe as she said it.

“Yes. We will drive there now,” she said. “I’ll see you later. And Mom, I’m so sorry.”

Abbi Glines's books