Beauty and the Bull Rider (Hotel Rodeo #3)

Zac’s eyes darkened with desire as he drew her into his arms. Unlike the first time, there was no tenderness in this kiss. His mouth claimed hers with a burning passion that instantly ignited her own. She twined both arms around his neck and threw herself recklessly into his kiss. Slick and swirling his talented tongue tangled with hers. Zac was commanding, yet also so very responsive to her every sound and signal—a damned good sign of things to come.

They never stopped kissing as his hands anchored on her hips and he lowered her to the ground. She shivered as he ran the backs of his fingers down her neck to the hollow between her collarbone. He moved lower, cupping her breast, and caressing her hardened nipple with his thumb. She released a moan into his mouth as she arched into his hand. He rooted into her neck as his other hand slid under her shirt, and then trailed his searing mouth down her throat.

Her breasts screamed to be free. She reached behind to unhook her bra. He tugged her shirt up and over her head, exposing her breasts fully to his view. He buried his face between them with a guttural sound while his large, calloused hands alternately squeezed and caressed.

Abandoning any pretense of reluctance, she raised her arms, offering up her nipples for his delectation. He seized one with his teeth, giving it a sharp tug. The simultaneous sensation of pain and pleasure made her cry out. She clutched his head to her breasts, urging him to feast his fill. She knew she should stop this before it got out of hand, but her reasoning vanished with the gasp he sucked out of her lungs as he drew her nipple deep into his mouth.

Delaney indulged in blissful sensation as Zac moved down her body with hot, hungry kisses; long, languorous licks; and sharp, stinging nips that alternately made her whimper and moan. He lingered at her navel, laving lazy circles as he tugged at her jeans. She shut her eyes in anticipation as he peeled them slowly off her hips. Would he? God, she hoped so. It had been so painfully long since she’d experienced that kind of pleasure.

“Yes.” She released the word in a long hiss at the first swipe of his hot, wet tongue through her silk panties.

“Thought you’d like that,” he said with a smirk hovering over his mouth. He tugged her panties down and planted his mouth on her again, sucking and licking her mound.

“Oh God! Please don’t stop.”

His hands caressed up the length of her thighs to join his mouth, tracing her slick folds while he continued to torture her with wicked lashes of his tongue. Her mind reeled with sensation as her climax coiled deep in her belly. The moment he breached her passage she exploded with a shriek. Her climax tore through her body like a tornado, releasing eight years of sexual suppression, and leaving total devastation in its wake. Her orgasm had left her panting and spent, but it wasn’t enough. It hadn’t relieved the bone-deep ache to feel him moving inside her.

“Please, Zac.” She reached out for him, working to free his belt.

He grabbed her wrist and drew back with a regretful head shake. “No.”

“No?” She stared back at him, incredulous. He was refusing? “What do you mean, no? You don’t have protection?”

“It’s not that,” he replied. “I told you I want this to be different. When we do this I want it to be just you and me, without a barrier of latex between us. So we’re gonna wait until I’ve been checked out to make that baby you want.”

But . . . but I want you,” she whispered, feeling almost like crying.

“And God only knows how much I want you. Knowing you want me too only makes it all the sweeter.” He cupped her face in both hands. The passion in his eyes and tension in his body were unmistakable. “But this time it’s gonna be all about you.”


Zac tugged on his jeans, willing away a raging hard-on, but it did nothing to alleviate his discomfort, especially when Delaney lay curled against his chest wearing a soft, sated smile. He wished they could spend the whole night out here together, stargazing and making love. That would be as close to heaven as he could imagine. As if reading his mind, she snuggled into his chest and hooked her leg over his with a sigh.

“You’re tempting fate now, Delaney. Just ’cause I resisted once, doesn’t mean I’m strong enough to do it again.”

She shook her head with a teasing smile. “Ain’t gonna happen until I know you’ve got the goods.”

“I’ve got ’em all right, sweetheart,” he replied with a smirk. “And I’ll be more than happy to give ’em up.”

Her smile vanished. “So we’re really going to do this? We’re going to be baby partners?”

“Baby partners?” He grimaced. “Is that what you’re calling it?”

“What else should I say? I don’t know if there’s even a word for what we’re doing, is there?”

“I don’t know ’bout that. There’s lots of words for what we’re gonna do, and lots of ways to do it. You hungry?” He hoped dinner wasn’t ruined. Rosa would skin him alive.

She grinned. “Starving.”

“Me too.” But his hunger wouldn’t be satisfied by Rosa’s famous tamales.