Beauty and the Bull Rider (Hotel Rodeo #3)

“I want to conceive, Zac, so we need to strike hard while the iron is hot. Do you have a problem with that?”

“Hell no!” He shook his head with a laugh. “Believe me when I say I’m completely committed to holding up my end of this bargain.”

She looked up with a frown. “Six days doesn’t give much time to get you vetted.”

He grimaced. “Hell, Delaney. Couldn’t you at least try to be a little less clinical about this?”

She laughed. “Does that really bother you?”

“Of course it does,” he answered.

“I’m sorry, Zac. I’ll try to be more sensitive. Speaking of which . . . I need to ask a really personal question.”

“What’s that?”

“You said you haven’t had sex for months, but how long has it been since you’ve . . . er”—she glanced down at his crotch—“ejaculated?”

He took a bite and almost choked. He swallowed it down with a healthy swig of wine. “You want to know the last time I jacked off? Why do you need to know that?”

“A proper semen analysis requires you to be abstinent for at least three days before a collection.”

He felt his color rising. “I guess that might be a bit of a problem.” A day hadn’t gone by since that kiss in her kitchen that he hadn’t had to take himself in hand.

“All right,” she replied slowly. “Do you think you might be able to . . . er . . . abstain for the next few days?”

“I s’pose I can manage as long as you can keep your hands to yourself,” he teased.

She ignored the bait. “The clinic is over in Ardmore. It’s usually not too hard to get an appointment for labs and specimen collections. Do you think you could go on Wednesday? If we ask them to expedite the lab results, we should have everything back by the time I reach my peak fertility window.”

“Damn,” Zac muttered. “That’s a bit of a problem.”

“Why’s that?” she asked.

“I’m driving to Vegas tomorrow to meet with Ty.”

Her smile faded. “You’re leaving again? But you just got back.”

“I know,” he sighed. “But he’s leaving in a few days on a trip out of the country and I need to set some things straight with him before he goes.”

“What kinda things?” she asked.

He paused. “Delaney kinda things. Although he technically doesn’t have any say over anything that goes on between you and me, I don’t like the idea of doing anything behind his back. He and I need to talk.”

“I see your point,” she said. “This situation could get really awkward.”

“Don’t fret about that. I can handle Ty,” he reassured. “Maybe I can get my testing done first and then leave for Vegas. A coupla days delay won’t matter none as long as I get there before he leaves.”

“When will you be back?” she asked.

“I was originally planning to return by the weekend, but if I have to wait and go to the clinic first, it’ll probably be next Tuesday or Wednesday.” Now that he knew Delaney would be waiting for him, his driving time just got a lot shorter. He’d burn up the highway and go eighteen sleepless hours to get back to her in time.

“But that’s too late!” Delaney lamented. “I’ll miss my entire window.”

“What do you mean?”

“If we don’t do this by next weekend, I won’t have another chance for twenty-eight days.”

“Why’s that? I don’t understand. Back in high school, they scared the bejeesus out of us talking about how easy it is to get pregnant.”

“It only is if the timing is just right, or all wrong,” she said, “depending on how you look at it. A woman’s peak fertility window is based on the five-day lifespan of a man’s sperm and the life span of the egg, which is only twenty-four hours. That means the best chance of getting pregnant is from five days before ovulation through to the day of ovulation. After that, it’s virtually impossible to get pregnant.”

Vegas just became the trip to hell.

Zac rubbed his chin in thought. After today’s act of supreme self-restraint, he didn’t think he could survive another whole month of waiting. “All right then. I guess you’ll just have to go with me.”

“Go with you? To Vegas?”

“Why not?” he asked.

“I can’t just up and leave. I have a ranch to run and cows to breed.”

“I could ask Bart to look after the ranch,” Zac said. “As to the cows”—he shrugged—“I guess you need to think real hard about what’s more important to you.”