Bait & Switch (Alphas Undone #1)

It’s strange how connected we are, yet you have no idea. No fucking clue about everything I’ve been through.

I’m almost done waiting. Almost ready to take back what’s mine.

Chapter Nine


It was late afternoon when I pulled my black pickup truck back into my parking space. These last few days had been long and tiring. Under Redstone’s name, I’d helped the Fort Worth police department investigate a puzzling spike in gang activity. Apparently, an Oklahoma City drug ring had imploded about a month ago, and some of its members had fled across state lines.

But I didn’t give a shit about that anymore. I’d fulfilled my contract, pocketed my check, and now I was back on my home turf. And there was only one person I wanted to see right now.

For the entire drive back into town, the memory of Lacey planted on my lap in the cab of my truck had tortured me through every mile. The sounds she’d made as she rode me were burned into my brain. Helpless cries and shaky whimpers that went straight to my dick, made my balls draw up just thinking about it. Damn. I couldn’t get her out of my head. Yet something about the whole situation felt off somehow. I couldn’t shake the unmistakable feeling that I needed to proceed with caution. Figure out my next move.

I turned off the truck and grabbed my phone to send a text to Daniella, letting her know I was back in town. I didn’t get a response right away, not that I expected to. Having been gone the last several days, I was unaware of her work schedule. Exiting the truck, I walked straight to Lacey’s apartment and knocked on her door.

When she opened it, she grinned and threw her arms around me. “You’re back.”

Her open affection was different from what I was used to, but my whole body relaxed at her touch. My hand settled against her lower spine, returning the warm physical contact.

I had taken that out-of-town gig in the hope that some distance would clear my head. Help put this woman situation into perspective. But with Lacey in my arms, I suddenly couldn’t remember what I’d been confused about.

“Did everything go okay?” she asked.

I shrugged. “Yeah, just some drug ring from Oklahoma City. The police are zeroing in on them, and they needed some extra support.”

She looked frightened for a moment, and I smoothed a thumb along the worry crease on her brow. “Hey, it’s okay. We’ll get the bad guys. We always do.”

She nodded, and her features slowly relaxed as she took a steady breath. I wasn’t sure if her extreme reaction was because this particular job hit close to home, or maybe just because it originated in her hometown. Either way, something prickled in the back of my head.

“I’m glad you’re back home safe,” she said finally.

I nodded. “How are you? How was work? Feeling better about Charlie?” Lacey didn’t really need me to check up on her, but it gave me an excuse to visit.

She nodded, looking only a little sad. “Yeah. Putting him down was the right decision. I just needed some time to accept it.”

“Well, I’m glad you’re doing okay. You want to get some dinner later?”

“I just ate, so I won’t be hungry for a while. But . . .” Her hands flattened against my back, fingers rubbing gently. “Wow, you’re hard as a rock.”

“Thanks.” I chuckled.

She flushed a little. “Not hard like that. I meant you’re tense.” A hint of mischief lingered in her smile. “Can I give you a massage?”

I bent my head for a chaste, but lingering kiss. “Is this an excuse to get me shirtless on your bed?”

“Of course,” she murmured against my lips. Then she took my hand, lacing our fingers together, and led me through the apartment to her bedroom.

I leisurely unbuttoned my shirt, watching Lacey watch me. She was so beautiful when she looked at me softly like that. Her eyes told me all the things she didn’t say. That she viewed me as a protector. That she trusted me. Wanted to believe in me. Even though I’d all but admitted my wicked ways to her, she saw past my sinful nature—and she still wanted me. It was a good feeling. Being accepted for who I was, not forced into some mold of who she wanted me to be.

It was different from the way Daniella looked at me. Of course she trusted me; you didn’t let a man tie you up and fuck you unless there was a hell of a lot of trust there. But Lacey was looking for something on a whole other scale. I could feel it. A man to care for her, guide her . . . and I’d be damned if I didn’t want to be that man.

Once I was free of my shirt, Lacey’s eyes darkened and lit up with lustful fire at the same time. I lay facedown on her bed, head on my arms. She straddled my lower back and started rubbing my shoulders, digging her fingers into the stiff muscles with surprising strength. I groaned aloud at the mix of pleasure and relief.