Bait & Switch (Alphas Undone #1)

I led the way to my bedroom. I was about to argue, to tell him I was too old to be tucked in, but the careful way he held my hand and helped me into my room spoke louder than anything else. He was a natural guardian, and right now, he was going to see to it that I was okay.

In my darkened room, Nolan stood directly before me, the soft moonlight painting his face in shadows. He was beautiful. A strong jaw dusted in dark stubble, full lips, and dark, soulful eyes.

I felt his fingers at the hem of my shirt. He lifted it over my head, dropping it on the floor beside us. His fingers went to work on the button to my jeans, and then he was pushing them down my hips. Next came my bra, which he unsnapped and slid off my shoulders.

His watchful gaze wasn’t lustful; it wasn’t sexual. It was protective. And I could sense it all the way to the tips of my toes. Standing there in just my panties, I felt my body hum to life, blood pumping south.

“Don’t you want to stay?” I gingerly touched his belt buckle.

“You’re drunk,” he said. His voice was blunt, and I sensed his control was hanging by a thin thread. A thread I wanted to tug on and unravel.

“So? We could still mess around.”

Working his bottom lip between his teeth, he let out a hiss when I brushed my hand lower, appreciating the bulge I felt. “Not tonight,” he bit out.

His rejection stung, and I couldn’t help the first thought that popped into my head. “Oh, so it’s Daniella’s turn tonight.”

“Not tonight,” he repeated.

Unwavering in my desire, I pushed my fingers into the sides of my panties and dragged them down my legs before stepping out of them. Now I was completely nude before him. My nipples puckered in the cool evening air.

He didn’t miss a thing, his gaze moving from mine down to my breasts. He lowered his head and kissed one pebbled bud. Just the barest teasing touch.

“Not. Tonight,” he repeated once more, his warm breath ghosting over my nipple.

In that moment, I would have done anything he asked. But instead of letting things go further, my perfect gentleman adjusted the bulge of his erection, then stuffed his hands into his pockets. “Do you have something you sleep in?”

I nodded. “Just a T-shirt.”

He retrieved one from my dresser and held it out so I could shove my arms in and get it over my head. One quick kiss on the lips, and he was headed toward the front door.

“Lock up behind me, okay? There are crazies out there.”

“I know.” Boy, do I know.

? ? ?

Several days later I stared down at my bed, trying to decide between the jeans and a light gray sweater, or the red sundress and boots. I wanted to look casual, but with a certain measure of sex appeal too.

This morning Nolan had texted me, letting me know that he had two tickets to the Cowboys game, and his friend had to cancel at the last minute. AT&T Stadium was a venue I’d grown up watching on TV with my dad; the chance to go there in person wasn’t something I could pass up. Neither was spending more time with Nolan.

Opting for comfortable, I slipped into the worn denim and the soft, lightweight sweater. After adding my boots and checking my butt in the mirror, I felt oddly satisfied. My curves filled out my jeans a little more than I’d like, but I knew the effect I had on Nolan. I’d felt the evidence of his arousal, hot and hard and needy against my belly. A rush of warmth washed over my skin, flushing my cheeks at the memory. He’d held himself back, but maybe that was only because I’d been drunk.

Shit. It’s time to go.

I grabbed my small purse, double-checking that I had the essentials—my ID, some cash, cell phone, a little tin of mints, and a tube of tinted lip balm. I wasn’t much for frills, but fresh breath and kissable lips were high on my priority list today. Because holy hell, the man could kiss.

Closing my eyes for a second, I remembered the way his mouth felt on mine, how dominating and sensual he was when he moved. The way his tongue stroked mine, the feel of his steely erection pressing between my legs, so close to where I wanted it . . .

Damn. Just thinking about him made me ache. I shook off the dirty thoughts and left, locking the door behind me.

I trotted down the stairs and found Nolan waiting for me just where he said he’d be. Right next to his big black pickup truck.

His gaze swung over to watch me approach, and I couldn’t help treating him to an extra swish of my hips. He took note, his mouth quirking up into a lopsided smirk, his eyes dancing with mischief.

“You ready?” he asked once I was close.

“Absolutely.” I treated him to a warm smile, thankful to have someone to spend time with in this new town. He opened the passenger door of his truck, which looked like it had just been washed. The sleek finish gleamed in the sunlight.

Without a clue about how to climb up into the beast of a truck, I placed one foot tentatively on the running board, then hesitated.

“Up you go,” he said from behind me.

I could feel his eyes on my butt as his hands came to rest at my waist. Effortlessly, he lifted me onto the seat. The muscles lurking under his shirt were more than just pretty to look at, it seemed.