Bad Romeo Christmas: A Starcrossed Anthology (Starcrossed #4)

"Good choice."

She slides her fingers into my hair and grips my head as I suck on the juncture between her neck and shoulder. Her squirming increases. "What about ... oh, God ... your resolutions?"

I cup her breasts and tease her nipples with my tongue. "I have three items on my list. Eat healthy, get in shape, and spend way more time making my woman scream my name."

I kiss a path from her clavicle down to her stomach, and she digs her fingers into my shoulders as I nibble her hips.

"Is that right?" she asks, her voice tight and breathy.

"Uh huh. And considering I've already nailed the first two, I guess I should get started on the third.

She gasps in anticipation when I push her legs apart and grip her hips, and when I put my mouth on her and whisper sweet nothings to her clitoris, she does indeed scream my name.

Happy New Year to me.


As is the case with any book, this one wouldn't have been possible without some amazing friends and supporters.

Firstly, to my amazing agent Christina Hogrebe (and the whole gang from the Jane Rotrosen Agency,) - thank you so much for your unwavering support and unrelenting wisdom. You always know what to say and do to get the best out of me.

To my darling husband Jason for being my personal cheerleader and wonderfully insightful pre-reader. I'll never get tired of you telling me how proud you are whenever I finish a book. And don't even get me started on your reactions while you're reading. You’re hilarious.

To my long-time friend and grammatical mentor/editor, Caryn Stevens - how cool is it that we're together again, Catty-Wan? (<-- Note the appropriately placed question mark. Hah!) Thank you for whipping my writing into shape, and for doing it in record time on this project. You saved my head from exploding from the pressure of my deadlines.

To my beautiful best friend whose relentless enthusiasm and love for my characters always warms the cockles of my cold, dead heart - I love you so much, Andrea. You are like a permanent ray of sunshine in my life.

To the wonderful girls who support me, kick my ass, and keep the wheels of Team Rayven oiled and rolling - Chloe, Cecile, and Chanpreet - you girls rock my world. Thank you so much for your time and energy. You're all stars.

Thanks to the amazing Nina Bocci for her epic pimpage, as well as all the incredible bloggers and readers who help thrust my words into people's eyeballs. Without you, I'd be throwing a whole bunch of books into the void where they'd stagnate, unread and unloved.

To all the Pams and Chignons - thank you so much for your support and wisdom. If it weren't for you, I'd spend my days banging my head against the keyboard muttering, "I don't get it. I don't understand," over and over again. Thanks also to Nina Levine for holding my hand while I navigated the great unknown.

To Regina Wamba for her gorgeous cover - girl, you're the bomb. And the diggity. All the diggity.

And finally, an enormous thanks to you, my wonderful, passionate readers. I adore every single one of you, whether you're one of the bodacious Babes from Romeo's Dressing Room, or just a quiet, consistent supporter. You guys are the reason I write. In particular, you're the reason this book came about. You all touched me so much with your heartfelt pleas for more from our Starcrossed crew, I couldn't help but revisit these crazy couples, and I'm so glad I did. Thank you for giving me an excuse to climb back into their world for a little while. I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

Don't forget, if you ever want to reach out and say 'hi', I'm all over social media, and you can subscribe to my newsletter with this link:

Alternatively, you can join my private reader group on Facebook (simply search for Romeo's Dressing Room,) or contact me through my website:


Once again, thank you all for your support and generosity, and I wish you all love, light, and lots of laughter in the year ahead.

Love and hugs,

Leisa x

Want more Leisa Rayven? You got it!

Coming Soon!

Mister Romance

Max Riley is the man of your dreams. At least, he will be, for a price.

As his alter-ego Mr. Romance, Max is an escort-with-a-difference. No sex, just a swoon-worthy dates to die for, and the cream of New York's socialites can't get enough. His specialty is bringing women's greatest romantic fantasies to life, whatever they might be. Want a dominating billionaire, a bad boy with a heart of gold, a hot geek, sexy biker, or best friend who's secretly loved you from afar? Max can make it all happen, and even though women fall in love with him on a daily basis, he's careful to keep his real identity a secret.

Enter investigative journalist and professional cynic, Eden Tate. Having caught wind of the urban legend of Mr. Romance, Eden is like a dog with a bone, determined to publish a scathing expose on Max and his ability to swindle lonely society women out of their money.

Leisa Rayven's books