Bad Romeo Christmas: A Starcrossed Anthology (Starcrossed #4)

Everything seems to go into slow motion as I turn and search the crowd. My heart pounds double time when I see Sexy Uhura standing a dozen yards away in the middle of the dancefloor. She smiles and pulls off a dark wig to reveal bright auburn hair, and I'm so goddamn happy to see her, I get a lump in my throat.

She beckons to me with one finger, and that's all I need to unfreeze my limbs. I stride over to her, cape fluttering behind me, and when I reach her, I cup her face with both hands and kiss her like I've never kissed her before. It's the perfect image of the hero finally getting the girl.

I grunt as she sets my whole body aflame with a single touch, and when our mouths open and tongues slide, the fireworks inside me put Times Square to shame. Unlike when I was kissing Zoe, this one I feel in every single molecule.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask as I cup her fucking gorgeous face. "You don't finish for another week."

"There was a fire on the set. Production is delayed until they can rebuild it. I got in this afternoon."

"So, you've been lying to me on the phone all night?"

"It wasn't lying so much as misdirecting you. I didn't want to ruin the surprise."

"So, the boat trip –?"

"Happened a few days ago."

"And our fight?"

"Totally real."

"The crying in the bathroom?" My brain is spinning that she's been faking me out this whole time.

"Good acting. I was pissed at you for what you said, but not hurt. The crying just added a touch of theater to make it fun. By the way, your atonement for being a jealous fool will be in the form of giving me many orgasms when we get home."

I lower my mouth to hers. "Yes, ma'am."

I kiss her again, and dear God, she tastes incredible. I put my arms around her, desperate to get closer, and I don't mean to cup her ass with both hands, but it somehow happens. When I pull her tight against me, she moans when she registers how hard I am.

She pulls back, all swollen lips and uneven breathing, and I swear if we weren't surrounded by hundreds of people, I'd rip off that microscopic dress and take her on the spot.

"Did you suspect I was here?" she asks.

I tilt her head up and kiss her neck. "Not at all. But I did feel guilty as hell for lusting after Sexy Uhura, so thanks for that."

"Really? Even when you didn't know it was me you wanted to fuck me?"

I graze my teeth along her skin. "God, yes. So very much."

She tangles her fingers in my hair then pulls back. "Ew. What the hell am I touching here?"

"Dunno. Some overpriced crap. I needed the strong stuff to get rid of my curls."

She pushes my hair back into place and strokes my face. "But, I like your curls. And even though it's nice to see your eyeballs all uncovered, I like your glasses, too. In fact, I like all your parts. This one in particular." She reaches between us and palms my erection, and holy sweet mother of a sensual god, it feels so good my eyes roll back in my head.

"Fuck," I say, my voice rough and low. "I need to be inside you immediately."

"You read my mind."

She kisses me again, and it's so full of need, it screws up my breathing. When I pull back, I'm hit with the dawning horror that there are zero places for my boner to hide in this outfit.

"Let's get out of here," I say, pulling my cape around me.

"But shouldn't I say hi to the guys?" She gestures to our friends who are still tongue deep in each other's mouths.

"Nope," I say, grabbing her hand and pulling her through the crowd. "They can have you tomorrow. Tonight, you're all mine."

On our way to the exit, I pass Erika and Daniel. They both look disheveled but happy, and when they see me they give me a knowing smile.

"I see your girlfriend made it after all," Erika says.

Angel waves at her. "Are you kidding? Look at him. How could I possibly stay away?"

Just before we reach the door, I notice Zoe and Jack standing in the corner with their arms around each other. They're gazing at each other adoringly, and when Zoe sees me, she mouthes Thank you and gives me a warm smile.

I wave back and continue on my way. My work here is done.

"What's that look for?" Angel asks as I grab our coats.

"Nothing," I say and drag her to the elevator. "I'm just glad that tonight had a happy ending for more than just me."


True Hero

Snow flutters around us as I hail a cab, and once we're inside, things get frantic in a hurry. The weather makes the trip longer than usual, but we don't care. Thank God the cabbie seems happy to turn a blind eye as we make out like fiends.

After being apart for so long, our bodies are needy and demanding, and by the time we pull up at Angel's building, she's practically straddling me.

The cabbie clears his throat. "That'll be fifteen dollars."

I toss a wad of cash at him and throw open the door. "Keep the change."

When we get into the lobby, the reception clerk smiles at us as we stride past.

"Nice to see you again, Miss Bell. Mr. Kane."

"You, too."

The doors to the elevator have barely closed before I press Angel against the wall and plunder her mouth again. I'm aware we're on the security camera, but right now nothing matters except satisfying my insatiable need for her. My hand is hidden behind my coat when I push it under her dress and into her panties.

Leisa Rayven's books