Baby Doll

“Really? It drives Abby crazy. Even if I just have one here and there, she acts like it’s the end of the world.”

“Smoke all you want,” Lily said, promising herself that once they were together she would never impose rules and regulations on him. They’d both be free to do whatever they wanted. She’d be the perfect girlfriend.

Wes gave her a brief smile, grabbed the pack of Marlboros, and quickly lit one. He drew in a heavy drag, and then blew out the smoke. “She’s always doing this. Not thinking before she acts. She’s so damn reckless.”

“She did it because of me.”

Wes shook his head emphatically. “She does dumb shit like this all the time.”

He reached out and grabbed Lily’s hand, squeezing it. His tender touch transported her back to that innocent girl, riding shotgun with the boy she loved. When Wes put his hand back on the wheel, Lily experienced a profound sense of emptiness.

“Abby’s so damn emotional and headstrong. She drives me crazy.” Lily fought the rush of annoyance that he was still talking about Abby. She reached out and gently touched Wes’s hand.

“She’ll be okay,” Lily said.

She needed to remind him of how he’d felt when they were together. He needed to remember. He smiled and this time he didn’t let go. She knew it. He did care. She knew it wasn’t a grand gesture, but she’d take things slow, build back up to where they were before. Right now this was enough. She loved Abby. She’d do anything for her sister. But as far as Wes was concerned, all bets were off.



Abby held her breath, trying to stay calm as she paced around the holding cell they’d placed her in. How could she have been so stupid? This was the last thing Lily needed. This was the last thing any of them needed.

It had been almost five years since she was in any legal trouble, but it appeared nothing here had changed. The metallic, piss-like smell remained, along with the shouting and hopelessness, the endless stream of crazy criminals and the overworked cops who dealt with them. As a teenager Abby had done everything she could to punish her mother, to punish the world for Lily’s disappearance. She could still recall Mom’s disappointed face staring back at her each time she was called down to the police department, checkbook in hand, ready to bail her out of trouble. She remembered the lectures and the threats, which did nothing to deter her. But she’d gotten her shit together. Abby didn’t belong here. Missy Hanson was the one they should be locking up. She fought not to yell out or cause a scene.

Be good, she told herself. Don’t get into any more trouble.

Abby was fingerprinted and her mug shot was taken. She met the lawyer that Wes had hired, Dan or Doug something. He’d been quick to say this was some kind of Hail Mary stunt and that Missy Hanson was simply trying to earn sympathy. But Abby had made the threats against Missy Hanson, and she’d done so in front of witnesses. The charges were harassment and trespassing, both misdemeanors, but Abby was determined to fight it.

She couldn’t believe she’d been dumb enough to think Missy would leave them alone. You don’t spend your life with a man capable of the things Mr. Hanson had done without being twisted yourself.

By the time Lily and Wes showed up, all Abby had to do was post bail. Wes insisted on paying, and for once, Abby didn’t argue. Her morning sickness had been endless, and they’d cut her shifts at the hospital. She’d need every penny once the alien invader arrived.

Abby also had to agree to stay at least five hundred feet from Missy Hanson and her family—a bitter pill to swallow, but Abby agreed. For now, at least.

She was free to go. Wes led the girls outside, trying to protect them from the reporters who had multiplied like roaches, swarming around them, screaming out questions.

“Did you really threaten Missy Hanson?”

“What did you say to her?”

“Lily, are you going to kill Rick Hanson’s baby?” one reporter shouted, loud enough to drown out the rest, her voice crystal clear, the weight of her question hanging heavy in the stillness that followed.

At first, Abby was confused. Why the hell would Lily kill Sky? But Lily stood motionless. The reporters, sensing they’d hit on something even more salacious, inched forward. The same reporter followed up with another question, despite Lily’s silence.

“You’re pregnant with Rick Hanson’s child, aren’t you? Are you going to abort the baby?”

No one spoke. Abby couldn’t believe what she’d heard. Lily was pregnant? With Rick’s baby? Another baby? She’d never said a word. Abby surveyed the sea of curious faces, and her anger soared. Why did they have to humiliate her sister? Why were they putting Lily on trial? Why not Rick? They needed to get to Wes’s truck. Now. She had to get Lily away from here. Wes was trying to open the door, shoving reporters out of his way.

Hollie Overton's books