Baby Doll

Abby was going to have a serious discussion with her mother later.

“I thought I made it clear that I didn’t want to see you,” she said to Wes, ignoring the sheriff. “I told you I didn’t want to see you or speak with you.”

“Abby, can you not pick a fight right now?” Mom asked, her voice tinged with exhaustion and annoyance.

Lily zeroed in on Sheriff Rogers.

“Is this about that photo? Rick’s photo?”

Her question startled him. “That photo… it’s bullshit! Just Hanson grasping at straws.”

“Then what’s going on, Tommy?” Eve asked. His expression was filled with regret.

“I’m afraid I need to take Abby down to the station.”

Lily gasped and carefully readjusted Sky in her arms. “Why? What’s wrong?” she asked, keeping her voice low.

“Missy Hanson filed harassment charges. I’m sure it’s a misunderstanding, but I still need you to come with me, Abby,” Sheriff Rogers said gently.

Mom stepped forward, eyes flashing. “Tommy, you’ve got to be kidding. Abby hasn’t harassed anyone. That’s crazy. When in God’s name could she have possibly—?”

Mom realized there was merit to this claim, and her eyes flashed with anger.

“Jesus Christ, Abby, what were you thinking?”

Abby heard her mother’s underlying question loud and clear. Why do you mess up everything? Abby didn’t bother answering. Who cared what Mom thought? All Abby could think about was that bitch Missy Hanson. What a stupid bitch. Abby turned to find Lily staring at her.

“Abby, what did you do?” Lily asked.

“She called you a liar, Lilypad,” Abby said, wanting Lily to understand. “She was on TV, telling the world that what Rick did was all your fault. That you wanted it. She was showing that photo…”

Sheriff Rogers held up his hand. “Not another word, Abby. Please. Don’t say one more word.”

Anguished, Lily moved over to Sheriff Rogers and clutched his arm.

“You can’t let this happen. This is what he does. This is how he controls things. The way he manipulates people.” Lily’s voice was growing louder.

Sheriff Rogers patted Lily’s arm, and Abby realized he was probably used to handling hysterical women.

“It’s okay, Lily,” Sheriff Rogers said. “I’ll be right there with Abby. We’ll get her processed, pay the bail, and she’ll be home before you know it. Hanson can’t do anything to you. You’re safe now.”

Wes addressed Abby as Sheriff Rogers took her arm. “I’ve already called a lawyer. He’s going to meet us at the station.”

Abby barely registered Wes’s statement. She was watching Lily, who was on the verge, tears streaming down her face.

Abby fought not to show how ashamed she was. She locked eyes with Lily. “Don’t worry about me. I won’t let that fucker hurt either of us.”

Sheriff Rogers led Abby to the front door. She glanced back and saw Lily watching them go, Wes by her side. He grabbed Lily’s hand, leaning in close to whisper something in her ear. What was he doing? She wanted to yell at him to get lost, but right now she had to focus on Missy Hanson. Abby was going to do whatever it took to make Missy sorry for ruining her and Lily’s perfect day. God, that bitch would be sorry.



Wes drove, hands gripping the wheel, eyes on the road as he steered his pickup toward the county jail. Lily sat beside him in the truck, trying to remain calm, trying to remind herself that Abby had done this for her, because she loved Lily.

There was no question that Lily would do anything for Abby. She loved her sister enough to leave her daughter behind. She’d left Sky and climbed into Wes’s truck to accompany him to the police station, entrusting her mom with Sky. She’d been distraught leaving Sky behind, but Lily had no choice. Not if she wanted to make sure Abby was all right. She also hoped her sacrifices would lessen the blow when she and Wes were together.

Only they’d been driving for ten minutes and Wes hadn’t glanced at her once. In fact, it was almost as if she wasn’t even there.

Look at me, Lily wanted to scream. I’m the one you want. It’s me! She was prettier than Abby, thinner… Lily had counted on her new hairstyle and new clothes to transform her into someone desirable, a woman that men would want, a woman Wes should want. But he hadn’t even noticed.

Lily knew it was dishonest. She should have told Abby that she still had feelings for Wes. There’d been plenty of time for them to have that discussion. Lily wasn’t doing anything wrong. Wes had been her first love. Abby had to understand that. Once she and Wes were back together, and Abby saw how happy they were, she would have to forgive Lily. How could she not?

Wes nervously tapped his fingers on the steering wheel as he eyed the pack of cigarettes in the truck’s console.

“If you want to smoke, go ahead. It doesn’t bother me,” she said.

Hollie Overton's books