Baby Doll

Mom smiled and made a U-turn at the next light. “Lily’s wish is my command.”

They dined at El Rodeo, Lily and Abby’s favorite Mexican restaurant, the four of them tucking into a back booth. The doctors had warned Lily to be mindful about her diet, to ease herself into different foods, but Lily wanted real food; she wanted her favorite things she’d been denied. They ordered a feast, Lily letting Sky sample bits of everything, from the homemade tortillas to the cheesy enchiladas to sizzling fajitas. The meal was filled with laughter and great food. Abby thought they’d avoided being recognized until the owner appeared, promising that their entire meal was on the house. He clutched Lily’s hand tightly. “Your courage, young lady, is remarkable. Anytime you want to eat at my restaurant, it’s on the house.”

“Thank you so much,” Lily said gratefully.

He walked away. Lily dug into a heaping bowl of guacamole, giggling as she stuffed her mouth. “You think he knows what he’s getting himself into?” she asked.

Abby laughed. “Not even close. Poor man’s going to go bankrupt.”

It was a perfect evening until they heard Sky, her voice shaky and excited.

“Mommy, that’s us! We’re on the TV! That’s you and me and Daddy Rick!”

Abby spotted the television in the corner. That photo of Lily, Rick, and Sky was plastered on the screen, a news story that continued to dominate headlines. Why did every goddamn restaurant have to have a TV? It was a fucking Mexican restaurant! Lily grew perfectly still. She didn’t make eye contact with Abby or Mom. Instead she focused her attention on Sky.

“Mommy, why are we on TV?”

“It’s hard to explain, Chicken. Basically, Daddy Rick did something that made people upset and now he has to go away for a while.”

“Is he mad at us?”

“Not at all. I talked to him and he said he misses his best girl.”

“Will I get to see him soon?”

“It may be a while, but he loves you so very much.”

Sky took this in, nodding as if she understood. Abby wanted to throw the table and scream at Sky that this man wasn’t worthy of her love, of anyone’s love, but she remained quiet, in awe of her sister’s strength once again.

Lily finally glanced up at Mom and Abby, as if waiting for their judgment. Mom made eye contact with Abby, and for once they were instantly on the same page.

“Sky, will you walk to the front with me?” Eve asked. “I’m pretty sure there’s some candy up there.”

Sky seemed to sense Lily’s distress. “Mommy, do you mind if I go with Grandma?”

“Not at all, Chicken. Aunt Abby and I will be right behind you.”

Sky took Mom’s hand, glancing back at Lily, who kept a smile on her face until they rounded the corner. Lily’s breathing was heavy, her complexion ghostly pale. She avoided Abby’s gaze, staring down at the bloodred tablecloth.

“Why do you call Sky ‘Chicken’?”

Lily was clearly not expecting this question. She looked up from the paper napkin she was currently ripping to shreds.

“There was a fairy tale I used to read to Sky, the story of Chicken Little. Every time I read ‘the sky is falling,’ she’d laugh hysterically. She loved hearing her name in a book. She’d repeat it over and over. I always thought it was so ironic. I’d call her my Chicken Little. Before long it just became Chicken.”

Lily’s breathing had slowed. Abby’s plan to calm Lily down had done the trick. Abby guessed she’d learned something from all those damn therapists after all.

“He made me take that photo. He was ready for this. He knew that he’d use it one day. He knew!”

“No one’s going to believe him. No one.”

“Are you sure?” Lily asked, her question hanging in the air. Abby wanted to say yes. But she couldn’t. There was no way to predict what other people might think. Abby wished now that she could do more, that she’d done so much more to Missy.

By the time they left the restaurant, the sun was beginning to set. The mood had changed. Fucking Rick Hanson ruining things once again. Abby’s back was killing her, the alien invader clearly not happy either. Lily’s eyes drooped as she cuddled up next to Sky, who was already fast asleep. Mom drove in silence, caught up in her own thoughts.

They arrived back at the house, now familiar, if not still annoying with the reporters that were camped out for what to Abby seemed like the long haul. Only now they were employing new tactics, calling Lily a cock tease, asking if she was in love with Rick Hanson, doing whatever they could to get a reaction out of her.

“Ignore them, Lily,” Abby said, as they hurried inside. But the minute she stepped into the living room, she froze. Sitting on the sofa was Wes, and across from him was Sheriff Rogers. “How’d you get in here?” Abby said, glaring at Wes.

He sighed. “Eve gave me a key.”

Hollie Overton's books