JAMIE BUCHANAN: Why didn’t you fight harder for Willow?

DASH: If I got any harder for her, Jamie, I could fuck through a brick. <wink>

ANGIE ESQUILIN: Do you really want to work for your dad or would you like to become your own man?

DASH: I’ve always been my own man. I’m just finding that out. It’s why my father hates me so much. My father might have started the company, but it’s mine now, and I’m going to make sure everyone knows it. Including him.

MARIA WILLIAMS: Dash, if you truly cared for Willow, why did you hurt her so badly? When you took Willow’s virginity, was that the moment when you decided you were going to keep her? Also, do you hate or strongly dislike Keenan, Lake, and Keiran?

DASH: When I realized I cared for Angel, I wanted to fix it, but I didn’t know how. How do you explain that their body and heart were nothing more than a pawn in a game when someone else was the true prize? There’s no coming back from that, and I wasn’t prepared to lose her. Keenan, Lake, and Keiran are more than friends. They are family. I could never hate them but… I wouldn’t mind killing Keenan a few times a week if a reset button were available.

HATICE SAHINER: Dear Dash, what was going through your head when Willow gave back to you the angel bracelet you bought just for her? Did it fucking hurt? Will Willow ever become your wifey?

DASH: Angel didn’t realize it was more than just a simple trinket. It represented how deep in my skin she’d gotten when no girl had ever gotten close. When she’d given it back to me, I wanted to brand her with something she could never give back. Now… I have. She’s carrying my kid, and soon, I’ll have papers on them both. Let’s see her try to give that back. <grin>


Family and friends – Thank you for putting up with my double life. Your encouragement and support has never gone unnoticed.

Rogena & Ami – To you, I leave my precious in your capable hands and you do a fan-fucking-tastic job every single time. I enjoy working with you ladies. I’m unorganized and indecisive but you work with my looniness so well despite it all.

Amanda – Your graphic design skills never misses an opportunity to amaze me. I can’t wait to see what you come up with in the future.

Lisa P. Kane – I’ve never felt the need to do brain exercises before, but I whole heartedly appreciate your dedication and commitment to helping my books make sense… and putting up with my need to debate every single thing… and dealing with me never remembering what I actually wrote and in what order... and never sending you the manuscript to beta read on time…. WHY are you still friends with me?

Masters – My crazy 38. You ladies rock my world on a daily basis. Thank you for all you do and dealing with my erratic way of running things. We’re small by choice and we still fucking kick ass.

Blogs – Twisted Sisters, Crazybook_lovers, Need Epic Reads, darkreadings, Twin Sisters Rocking Book Reviews, and the list goes on. So many of you support me without me ever having to ask. Big or small, I appreciate all you do and every post you share.

Josi (J.L.) Beck – Pregnant and all, nothing slows you down or hinders your desire to kick ass. I’m proud to be your friend.

Ashleigh Giannoccaro – You’re nuts. One day you’re going to have to teach me how to pronounce your name or else I’ll butcher it whenever I meet you.

Mary E. Palmerin – You’re bananas. It kills me how someone as twisted as you is so nice!

B.B. Reid's books