“Did you?”

“You were at the fucking ceremony.” A smile threatened to break free on his lips and I knew he was laughing at my cursing him. I only cursed when riled and when I was riled, horniness usually followed.

“Oh… right. Father Casey is not a father after all. Oops.”

“Come again?”

“He’s an aspiring actor.”

“You son of a b—”

He gently cupped the back of my head as a warning before I could finish that sentence. “You didn’t want him.”

“You don’t know that.”

“It doesn’t matter. Did you really think I would let you marry him while you carried my child—or at all, for that matter?”

“You can’t do this.”

“I already am,” he stated with authority.

“What is going on here? Say, man, please remove your hands from my wife.”

Dash’s eyes trailed from me to Thomas, darkening with every passing second.



I COULDN’T BELIEVE it took me as long as it did to come after her. Five months and not a moment too soon, apparently.

She had actually been ready to marry another man with my kid inside her. If she weren’t pregnant, I would have surely strangled her.

I finally realized Willow was prone to make fucked up decisions though she meant well, and this one took the cake.

I never would have even known if Keenan hadn’t overheard Sheldon on the phone with Lake discussing how they could talk her out of it. I hadn’t even known they kept contact, but I wasn’t surprised. Those three could bounce back from anything as if it never happened it seemed.

Me? I clung to my resentment for warmth at night until I couldn’t take it anymore.

I plotted how to convince her to come back to me, but nothing ever seemed good enough. Keiran gave me the idea to simply take her from that prick’s hand if I had to. Though the idea appealed to me, the chance to fuck with her and punish her appealed to me more.

So I showed up and pretended to be okay with everything all the while planning her wedding’s demise. Starting with her original officiator.

Turns out priests could be bribed after all.

The plotting took little effort.

Seeing her again spurred me to go through with it.

It was seeing her walk down that aisle and fake marry that prick that had nearly done me in. When it was time for the kiss, I high-tailed it out of there, ignoring the dirty looks from the other guests.

It was better that way because had I stayed, I wouldn’t have been able to keep from smashing his face in.

I would have tossed her over my shoulder and carried her away, but it would have been impossible. Her glowing body was ripe with my son.

My son.


I waited for her outside the church with Keiran and Keenan to back me up if things got out of hand. I wasn’t going to leave without her and would take on everyone who stood in my way including Angel.

The doors finally opened with fanfare and flowers thrown about. I fought not to roll my eyes. I was jealous and wasn’t ashamed to admit it. They may not have been legally married, but the animal inside me didn’t give a fuck.

Seeing is believing.

The second her eyes connected with mine, I knew I had made the right choice. She didn’t know it, but her soul had been calling out to mine, bringing us together at this moment.

I knew she felt it.

I just had to get through all the red tape first.

She finally broke away and approached me although hesitantly. She knew something was up when she spotted Keiran and Keenan behind me.

These fools had scared the driver off and then took up residence on top of the car. It was a wonder they hadn’t realized sooner that they were brothers. They were each two sides of crazy of the same coin.

“What’s going on?” she whispered. Then again, maybe she wasn’t whispering. The loud fuck who was the father of the groom was shouting obscenities around us.

B.B. Reid's books