“What are you talking about? It was that crazy whack job. Sorry, Di.”

“None taken.” When Keenan turned his attention away, she threw a chicken wing and hit him in the head.

“It wasn’t Esmerelda. When we were taken, I questioned her about it. If she didn’t take the opportunity to brag about it to two people she was about to kill, then she couldn’t have done it. She only said she wished she had because then Kennedy wouldn’t be alive, and I would be suffering much more than physical pain before I died.”

“Damn,” Keenan murmured. “He turned to Di and said, “My mistake, Di. Your mother is a super crazy, whack job.”

She flipped him off and leaned forward. “So we still have a major problem on our hands.”

“Fuck! I need answers now.”

Just then the door burst open and what seemed like the entire police force rushed in, shouting for everyone to get down.

Everyone put their hands up and assumed they were there for Keiran, but we were in for the shock of our lives when the police bypassed him and placed the love of his life in handcuffs.

“Lake Monroe, you’re wanted for questioning in the murder of Mitchell Masters. You have the right to remain silent…”

When faced with broken love

will you succumb to fear or will you be


Broken Love Series


Take one last ride with Keiran and Lake and the rest of the Broken Love gang in this fifth and final installment as they face stronger enemies and bigger obstacles while fighting to hold tight to the tattered existence of their love.

Coming Early 2016

Turn the page for a teaser…




“Did I do this to you?”

“What do you think you did?” My voice and heart were pleading because I didn’t understand the look in his eyes. He looked confused, heartbroken, and ready to bolt.

“Did my being with you turn you into this? I don’t even know you.”

“What is there to know, Keiran? Everyone always says how weak I am. How you’ll destroy me. How I can’t handle you. I just wanted to prove them wrong, and I wanted to protect you.”

“You killed my father, Lake.”

“I did it for you.”

“Yeah? What would make you think I would ever be okay with this?” he asked forcefully.

When I couldn’t find the answer, he turned and walked away from me, and I felt my world crumble right before my eyes.


If you could have a phone conversation

with Dash, what would you say?

CELESHA CARILLO: Dash, if you were to have an affair, would you chose me?!

DASH: Celesha, if you weren’t my employee and married, and I weren’t irrevocably in love with Angel, I would be honored to choose you.

KIMBERLY ERVIN-ECHOLS: Dash, you are by far the most mysterious of the three. Were you ashamed of Willow or did you believe she wasn’t good enough for you and your upper crust family outside of your games with Kieran and Keenan?

DASH: Despite the upbringing, my father insisted on for us, I’ve never believed I was better than anyone. My financial advantage was all because of my father. I earned none of it; therefore, I claimed none of it. I guess that would make Willow and me equals. We’re from different worlds financially, but when it was just the two of us, there wasn’t any room for money. I enjoyed her even though she intimidated me. Her caliber of human being far exceeded my own.

ILLIMANI RAMIREZ: Dash - how could you have let Willow walk away!?

DASH: I asked myself that very question every day she was gone, but secretly, I was glad she did because I never would have had the strength to let her go. We weren’t ready to love each other because we weren’t able to accept who we were individually.

LYDIA COTHRAN: Knowing what you know now... looking back, what would you have done differently with Willow?

DASH: I wouldn’t have been such a fucking coward. I would have told her I loved her sooner. I would have taken the time to heal the wounds I had caused.

B.B. Reid's books