Assured (Soul Serenade #2)

Tonight’s the after-party. Logan and I went shopping in every city we hit these past two weeks, finally settling on something while in Arkansas. Now we’re in Iowa. Logan found a dress that makes her look like a sexy mamma; Kacen is going to shit himself when he sees her. I, on the other hand, went with your basic little black dress with fuck-me heels. I was trying to spend wisely, and I can use a little black dress again. I’m not married to a rock star. I do make decent money, but I’m not sure if my job with the band extends to when the tour is over, so I’ve been banking as much of it as I can just in case.

The six of us were going to have to get ready on the bus, since we can’t get a room tonight. The guys agreed to get ready in their room backstage and give us girls the tiny bathroom on the bus. I think they got the better deal for sure.

The guys have a show tomorrow night in Missouri, which Cole says is a good thing. We stop in, make an appearance at the party, and use the tour schedule as an excuse to cut out early. It’s a seven-hour drive to our next location, so it will be wheels up as soon as we make it back to the bus.

Logan and I are in our assigned seats—side-stage. The crowd tonight is loving our boys, who went back out and played three songs over what the set usually is.

“They’re stalling!” Logan shouts over the sound of what we hope is the last song of the night.

I throw my head back and laugh. “I think you might be right. Is this guy really that much of a pain in the ass to be around?”

“Honestly, I don’t know. He came to the wedding and we briefly said hello. Other than that, I’ve had no interaction with him. They all say he’s a jerk. I think that’s part of the reason Gavin is learning as much on the business side as he can. They’re all starting to want more than what the label can give them.”

I reach over and rub her belly. “Like this little guy?”

Her face radiates happiness. “Yeah, I mean, Cole is the only one who’s settled down”—she bumps her shoulder into mine—“but I think the others want it too. It’s just a feeling I have.”

“Maybe. I’ve not seen them sleeping around and partying it up. That’s kind of what I expected from all three of them,” I confess.

“I have to admit, I kind of did too. But I know they’re good guys. I think they sleep around because they can and because there hasn’t been any one to hold their interest. Look at Cole.”

“You’re just as surprised about that one as I am. He was relentless.”

“They’re all that way. Once they set their mind to something, it consumes them.”

“I’ve only seen Cole, and Kacen with you, but they’ve both been persistent at getting the girl. You think Gavin and Tristan will be the same way?”

“I do. They are all a lot alike. They want what they want and never waver from that. It’s going to be fun watching it happen. Trust me, I got to do it with you.”

“Ha ha. Well, I got to watch it with you and I agree; it’s going to be rather entertaining.”

Kacen tells the crowd good night, and this time it’s real. I keep my eyes on Cole as he hands off his guitar and makes his way to me. He’s done this after every single show. Even before we were official, he always heads straight for me.

Makes a girl get all emotional and shit.

I stand to greet him and he immediately engulfs me in his arms. “I missed you,” he says against my neck.

“I’ve been right here all night.”

“No, you’ve been in that chair all night. I wanted you here.” He pulls me closer as if trying to explain.

“I don’t think you could have played your guitar with me in your arms.”

“You doubt me, woman?”

“No, I would never do that.” I laugh.

“Let’s go, you. I’ll walk you to the bus.”

“You guys have to get ready too. All we really have to do is change our clothes and freshen our makeup. The guards will be with us.”

“I don’t like it.”

“You and me both,” Kacen chimes in.

“Seriously, it’s going to be fine. They paparazzi already have a ton of pictures of us, what’s a few more? Besides, we made an effort tonight,” Logan states.

“Right? We should probably pose for them,” I add. I know it’s driving the guys crazy. They worry about the paparazzi and the attention that this lifestyle gets will scare us away.

“They go straight to the bus,” Cole tells the guards who are standing just behind us.

“Yes, sir.” They both nod with their serious faces in understanding.

I appreciate them, but I would hate to have their jobs.

“Be careful. Don’t go anywhere without one of the guards,” Cole warns.

“Got it. Now, go shower, you’re all sweaty.”

“You like me all sweaty.” He leans in like he’s going to wipe is hair on me.

“Watch it, Hampton! You mess me up, you’ll be going to this party by yourself.”

“Noooo, I need you there. You’ll make it bearable.” Bending down, he lightly presses his lips to mine. “I’ll see you soon, sweets.”

He really has no idea the effect he has on me.

“Ready?” Logan asks.

“Yes.” I link my arm through hers. Flanked by the guards who have been assigned to us for the tour, we make our way back to the bus.

It doesn’t take us long to get ready. We change into our dresses and touch up our makeup. Fluff the hair and we are good to go.

“Ugh, I feel like a whale,” Logan whines.

“Seriously? You look hot. Kacen is going to swallow his damn tongue when he sees you. You’re pregnant and glowing. Trust me.”

Kaylee Ryan's books