Assured (Soul Serenade #2)

“Then I do. I don’t have to sing backup. The guys can cover me, and I can play the guitar without talking. Besides, you’re being treated, so it’s a chance I’m willing to take.”

Sweet Cole is still going strong. I still see his cocky side, but when it matters, when it’s important, he never lets me down.

Me: Watch a movie with me?

He hands me the remote. “Your choice.”

Me: I don’t care what we watch. I’ll just fall asleep

He chuckles as he reads my message. “Okay, sweets, come here.” He holds out his arm, and I slide closer and rest my head against his chest. His fingers automatically begin to run through my hair. He scrolls through the stations until he lands on some show about drag racing.

I don’t bother to even pretend that I’m paying attention; I close my eyes and let the steady beat of his heart lull me to sleep.

I wake up to Cole talking on the phone.

“Yeah, she’s good. She’s been sleeping all day.”

A pause and then, “Will do.” He ends the call.

“Hey.” My voice is raspy, but I feel a little better than earlier.

“Hey, sweets, you feeling any better?”

“Yeah.” My stomach growls.

“How about some soup? Maybe a grilled cheese?”

“That sounds pretty amazing, actually,” I say, holding my throat.

Cole smiles and makes the call then brings me my medicine. “I brought more Advil, every six hours for pain,” he explains.

“What time is it?” I ask after taking a drink of the ice-cold water he handed me.

“It’s after five.”

“I’m sorry I slept all day. You should have called the guys.”

He rests his hands on my shoulders. “Stop. This is where I want to be. I got to hold you all day. What’s better than that?” He shrugs as if he really doesn’t know what would be a better way to spend his day.

I don’t bother to argue with him, just take my medicine and drink the entire bottle of water. “I need a shower.”

“How about a bath? You can soak until our food gets here. They said forty-five minutes since it’s the dinner rush. Sound good?”

“Sounds perfect.”

Reaching out, he offers me his hand. I take it, allowing him to help me up from the bed. My body aches.

Once in the bathroom, Cole turns the water on while I brush my teeth. That alone makes me feel human again.

“There’s a new toothbrush for you to start using after you’ve been fever-free for twenty-four hours. I picked one up the other night at the urgent care.”

“What made you think of that?”

“Chloe. Mia had strep a while back. When I called to see if she needed anything before I stopped by, she said she needed a new toothbrush for Mia. I looked it up online while you were sleeping to see if there was a suggested time frame.” He tests the water temperature. “It’s ready for you. Sorry we don’t have any bubbles.”

“Bubbles not required,” I rasp. I finish stripping out of my clothes before joining him beside the tub. Resting my hand on his arm, I hold on as I step into the hot water. Both legs in, I sink down into the warmth. “Will you get in with me?” I ask as he turns to leave.

“I ordered food.”

“You said yourself that it will be a while before they get here. Please.” I think it’s my pathetic voice combined with the pouty lip that causes him to cave.

“Naked time with my girl.” He smirks.

I watch unashamed as he slowly strips out of his jeans and boxer briefs.

“Don’t look at me like that, sweets.”

“Like what?”

“Like you want to devour me.” He points to his hard length. “This is what happens when you do that. You’re sick, so there is no action happening.”

He leaves no room for debate. I know that as long as I still feel like I do and sound like I do, there will be no sexy time with my man.

Cole steps into the tub and settles in behind me, his legs surrounding mine. “Lie back,” he says, his voice soft.

I do as he asks and rest my head on his shoulder. He grabs a washcloth that he must have lain on the side of the tub and dunks it into the water. Gently, he runs it over my body.

“Your skin is so soft,” he murmurs.


It’s not until I feel his hands on my breasts that I realize he’s lost the washcloth. He uses his hands to cup water and release it over my chest before running them over my breasts and down my stomach. I may be sick, but having his hands on me is a spark that will always find a flame.

Trailing kisses down my neck, his hands continue their path. “You okay with this, sweets?”

“Don’t stop,” I pant.

He doesn’t until those long, slender fingers of his find my center. “Fuck,” he hisses.

I grip onto his thighs and hold on for the ride as he slowly works me over until I fall over the edge.

We’re both breathing heavily. I can feel his every breath, can see mine as my chest rapidly rises and falls.

“I can’t get enough of you.”

Turning my head, I place a kiss on his chest.

Kaylee Ryan's books