Assured (Soul Serenade #2)

“I know that too.”

This information causes a surprised look to cross her face. “Sounds like it’s more serious than I thought.”


She laughs. Fucking laughs.

“Look, Cole is a great guy. He’s an open book, and he will never lie to you, but he doesn’t easily open up in regards to personal stuff. Not unless he trusts you.”

“Will you just spit it out already?” I ask, exasperated.

“Kace says you’re his Logan.”

Holy shit!

“He’s. . . . That’s not. . . . He doesn’t do that.” I struggle to find the words.

“He didn’t used to. Not because he’s damaged or been burned. It was just never something he thought he wanted. My guess is that he found something . . . someone who made him change his mind.”

Just as I’m about to debate, the door to the bus opens and in rolls Soul Serenade. Cole heads straight to me, sliding in beside me in the booth. His arm goes on the back of the seat before he leans down and kisses my shoulder.

“Hey.” He winks.

“You all are back early,” Logan comments.

“These two”—Gavin points to Cole and Kacen—“couldn’t be away from their women any longer. We decided to put them out of their misery and stop here to get a bite to eat before heading into the stadium.”

His comment doesn’t seem to faze either one of them.

“How was your day?” Cole’s lips are next to my ear.

Kacen and Logan are already in their own conversation, while Gavin and Tristan are digging in the cabinets.

“Good, it was nice to just hang out. So, what’s left to do for the day?”

“Just need to clean out our stuff from the room from the show last night. We did two radio spots this morning. After that, we’re done for four long days. I’ve missed hanging out with you.” He nudges my knee with his.

“Hey,” Logan says, getting our attention. “We’ve been talking.” She motions between her and Kacen. “What do you all think about finding a hotel and crashing for a few nights? Sleep in a full-size bed for a change.”

I watch as Kacen whispers something in her ear that causes her to blush.

A resounding yes comes from all of us.

“Stacy, do you mind calling to book the rooms?” Kacen asks.

“Sure. Any specifics?”

“Nope, just make sure they understand the privacy.”

“Got it, I’ll use my first name and just pick one of your last names for the reservation.”

“Mine,” Cole says beside me.

“You mind if I use your room to make the reservation? I don’t want to sound like I’m with a bunch of rock stars.”

Cole rises, allowing me to stand up. He starts to follow me, but I stop him. “I got this. Eat something.”

“You want anything?”

“No, thank you, though.” With that, I close the bedroom door. Well, it’s more of a really small closet with a bed that takes up the entire floor space. A hotel room sounds like pure Heaven right now.

I pull up the spreadsheet Cassidy created with hotels in every city. They’re all prepared to go to great lengths to have our identity remain secret just to announce that we stayed there after we’ve already gone.

Picking one, I dial the number. “Hi, I would like to make a reservation.” It only takes a few minutes once I announce who I am, and I reserve everything under Stacy Hampton.

Cole will love that.

“All set,” I state, joining them in the kitchen.

“Great, pack what you need, ladies,” Tristan says.

“Yeah, get what you need, babe. You guys can go with us to the stadium.”

“Don’t you have people for that?” I ask.

This causes all of them to break out in a fit of laughter.

“We do, but we like to do it. We like to make sure nothing is left behind.”

“I’m getting cheated,” I mumble.

“What’s that, sweets?” Cole asks.

Of course he would hear me. “Nothing,”

“How are you getting cheated?” Gavin questions.

I can feel my face heat with embarrassment. “You all are not rock stars.”

“We’re not?” Tristan asks.

“No! Where are the parties and the groupies and the people waiting on you hand and foot?” I’m genuinely asking. This is not what the media portrays them to be, or all of the others for that matter.

“Sorry to disappoint,” Kacen says, laughing.

“No, it’s not necessarily that I’m disappointed, just confused. The media acts like you all are man-whores and divas all rolled into one.”

“Well, we are man-whores. Don’t let the last month fool you. The three of us have had our fair share,” Gavin explains. “This one”—he points to Cole—“is stuck on you.” Again, I feel the blush. “I can’t speak for Tristan, but I’ve been busy with the label and learning what I can. I’m excited on where the future might lead us.” That’s what he says, but I can tell he’s leaving something out. Something important.

“I’m just not into it.” Tristan shrugs. “I guess we all grow up eventually.”

Kaylee Ryan's books