Assured (Soul Serenade #2)

“I did.” She sighs. “You didn’t answer your damn phone.”

I reach around to retrieve my phone from my back pocket, but Cole beats me to it. He slides it out and gently lays it in my palm, his fingers trailing over mine. I try not to shudder at the contact. I bring my arm back around and tap the button and, sure enough, I have four missed calls from Logan. “Sorry, I didn’t hear it. Or feel it. We were riding go-karts, so my ass was vibrating the entire time. Didn’t know it was my phone,” I explain.

“We called you too, man,” Kacen says to Cole.

“Turned it off,” his gruff voice pipes up from behind me.

“Why would you do that?” Logan questions him. The guys just look at him, all wearing smirks.

“Day off” is his half-ass reply.

“Well, now that everyone’s here, can we eat? I’m starving,” Gavin pleads.

“We just ate,” Cole says.

“Well, that leaves us. You all ready to head out?” Tristan asks.

“You sure you don’t want to come with?” Logan asks me.

“I’m worn out. We walked all over the city and road go-karts for hours. I’m ready to just relax. Besides, we roll out early in the morning, right?”

“Yeah,” Kacen answers. “It’s about a six-hour drive, so we’ll probably head out around five or so. I doubt any of us will even be up.”

“That’s still hard to get used to.”

“I agree. You wake up, look out the window and see highway. It’s different for sure,” Logan agrees. “Cole?”

He again runs his hands up my spine. They can’t see what he’s doing, and I have to fight against reacting. He’s been touchy-feely all day, as have I, but it was just us. With them. . . .

“I’m beat. This one kicked my ass today.”

I turn to look at him, a grin tipping my lips. A chorus of “You were beat by a chick,” “Way to go, Stacy,” “Dude,” and something about being whipped are all thrown out at once.

“She’s good. Didn’t even lift in the corners.”

“Damn, girl!” Tristan stands, heads toward me, and Cole throws his arm over my shoulders. For some reason, this causes Tristan to grin like a fool.

“She’s a tiny thing,” he says softly, his eyes holding mine.

“Riiight,” Gavin says, standing. “Let’s go before I die of starvation.”

With a quick wave, they’re out the door and it’s just the two of us yet again.

“Watch a movie with me?” I ask as soon as the door closes, not ready for my time with her to end. I’ve loved every fucking minute of today.

“You can watch whatever,” she says, placing her hand over her mouth to hide her yawn. “I’ll probably just fall asleep, but I’ll sit with you for a while.”

Victory! I kick off my shoes and stretch out on the couch. The way I see it, we have at least a couple hours before everyone gets back, so I’ll lie with her until she falls asleep. I’m not even going to try to seduce her; we’ve had a long day, not to mention holding her sounds really fucking good right now.

I pat the couch in front of me; she hesitates for a few seconds before kicking off her own shoes and lying down. I pull the throw blanket off the back, something that was never on a bus of ours in the past. Not until the girls came along. In the past, our assistants traveled with the crew. Not this time.

I pull the blanket over us and reach for the remote. I turn on some movie, no idea what it is. It doesn’t matter, though, because neither one of us are going to be watching it. She won’t last ten minutes, and I’d rather watch her. Shocking, but true.

I set the remote on the floor and wrap my arm around her. She’s using the other as a pillow.

“I had fun today,” she says sleepily.

“Me too,” I reply, keeping my voice soft and low.

“Did you let me win?”

I chuckle. “No, sweets. I didn’t let you win. You’re kind of badass.”


My hand caresses the small of her back. I slip my fingers underneath her shirt, needing to feel her skin. It’s a need I can’t explain.

“I like this.”

“What?” Her voice is getting softer.

“You, in my arms.” I liked every fucking second of our time together today, and every day before that.

“Me too. This is my favorite.” She’s completely relaxed, lying in my arms.

“You’re my favorite.” It’s the same thought that has been running through my mind lately. She’s different. She’s a blast to be around, beautiful, sexy, smart—she’s the entire fucking package. She’s a damn unicorn and she’s in my arms right now.


That’s her reply. I kiss the top of her head and relax into the couch, which is surprisingly comfortable considering. It has to be her. It’s all her. Every day I wake up, it’s her; before I fall asleep, it’s her. On stage, events, hanging with the guys . . . it’s all her.

I tighten my hold on her as realization kicks in. I want to try with her. I want to try to be her more. It’s something I’ve never wanted, never imagined I would ever want. Now that it’s here in my arms, it’s easy to see.

Kaylee Ryan's books