And Then You

Or, he might.

After last night, it was pretty clear, but it also could’ve been nothing—a friendly chat, a friendly hug. I tend to overdramatize things, so I wasn’t holding my breath.

Around four, I start to get ready for Bria’s birthday dinner. We’re going to some fancy restaurant in Seattle, so I make sure to dress accordingly. I’m grateful that I packed one dress the last time I went home. It’s perfect for a night like tonight. It’s a plain black A-line dress with thin spaghetti straps and a small V-neck. It hugs me tightly from my chest to my waist and flows nicely down to just past my knees.

I’ve already showered, so I straighten my thick hair. It takes awhile. When I’m finished, it’s long and sleek. I debate whether or not to put it up, but I decide to leave it down. I hardly ever wear it down. I apply some makeup—concealer, a little peach blush, a little eyeliner, mascara, and a sheer red lipstick.

There. I look fancy and put together. I slip on my studded black flats and Violet’s leather jacket. I still haven’t returned it. Secretly, I hope she forgets about it. I wear it almost every day.

I check my watch. It’s five. We’re leaving at five-fifteen. Instead of pacing around my room, I decide to go into the house early. Besides, I have a birthday present for Bria. I’d gone out really early in the morning to get it, and I hope she likes it.

I put my lipstick, keys, and phone into the small pocket in the jacket, and I grab Bria’s present. I had to have the toy store wrap it because I don’t have any wrapping paper.

I smile as I lock up and head towards the main house. As I walk up the path, I see that the kitchen light is on, and my stomach clenches nervously. I run my fingers through my hair and slide the door open. Before I’m even inside, I feel Bria collide into me.

“You’re here! I’m tho excited that you’re coming! You look so pwetty!” Just as I’m about to bend down and hug her, I catch sight of Nick. He’s stopped mid-step in the kitchen, and his mouth is hanging open. His eyes lock onto mine, and I feel my whole body flame. His gaze is so hard, intense…

My stomach flips. My knees get a little weak. I smile and appraise his outfit. He’s still staring at me. He’s dressed in black slacks and a dark-grey button-up shirt. He’s wearing shiny dress shoes, and I notice that he’s shaved. Damn.

I tear my eyes away from his reluctantly and look down at Bria.

“My oh my, you look bea-u-tiful, Ms. Bria!” I say, taking in her cute little black dress with a white ribbon. “You look like a little lady,” I add, squatting down to hug her. “Happy birthday, lovie.”

“Thankth. Daddy bought my dreth.”

I look up at Nick again, and he’s still staring at me. I look away and back at Bria.

“I have a present for you,” I say, pulling out the two small rectangular gifts.

“Ooh!” she squeals. “Can I open them now?”

“Of course.”

I stand up and watch as she tears open the first gift.

“What ith it?” she asks, confused, flailing the DVD box around.

“Beauty and the Beast,” I say. “It’s one of my favorite movies. I think you’ll love it.” In fact, I know she’ll love it.

“Can we watch it tomorrow?” she begs.

“Of course! I’ll come over and we can watch it together, okay?”

“Okay!” She grabs the other present and tears it open. “Cards?” she asks, confused.

“Kind of. It’s a deck of Would You Rather cards. You know, the game we played on the Big Wheel?”

“Yeah!” she says. “We can play sometime!”

I glance up at Nick.

“The kid-friendly version,” I explain, my voice low, and he gives me a thumbs up.

Bria hugs me tightly.

“Thank you, Evi. You’re the beth nanny ever!”

I melt a little as I hug her back. I squat down again and look at her.

“You are so very welcome, Bria.” I quickly kiss her on the forehead and stand up.

Amanda Richardson's books