An Immortal's Song (Dante's Circle #6)

She sang.

Seth gasped for air as Tristan worked his magic, trying to stop the queen. And while this happened, Amara sang a song of healing. Again, it was innate to her, as if the songs had been etched on her bones, in her soul. She would have to think later about why she knew these songs without ever hearing them before, but for now, she would take what she could and try to heal one of the pieces of her heart.

The magic slid over her skin like a warm blanket as she let her voice do the work. Seth gripped her hand and met her eyes. Tears slid down her cheeks, but all she could feel was Seth’s pain. She lowered her voice, letting the song take root as Seth began to fill out again, his breathing calming.

The queen cursed and took a staggered step back as Amara raised her chin. Tristan had his arms up, fae magic swirling around him. He looked like a god, a fae prince with a power that should bring fear and awe; instead, it only made her love him more.

“You should never have been brought to us,” the queen spat. “I will never break the curse. Your whole line should have learned its place long ago.”

Others began to crowd around them, but the look of menace and fear on their faces wasn’t directed toward Amara…but at the queen. It seemed what the others had said was correct, the queen wasn’t in favor.

“I will kill you, Amara. I will take your breath, twist your soul. And when I’m through with you, I will do the same to Seth and Tristan. They should never have brought you here. It just made it easier for me.”

She held out her arms, but Amara didn’t flinch. She knew what she had to do. She’d known it from the beginning. The queen would never relent. Even if they survived what was to come and hid, they would always be on the run. The rest of her family, Lily, Jamie, and the rest, would always be in danger because of her. The others had all faced their fears when it came to those that had wanted to hurt them, and now it was Amara’s turn.

Amara stood, her own arms out. “I’m sorry,” she said to her men. Tristan moved toward her as Seth stood up on shaky legs. “I’m so sorry.”

And with that, she sang.

It wasn’t a song of healing nor one to open a portal. Those had a beauty that called to her soul. This one had a dark beauty of its own, but it wasn’t her soul it called to.

The queen wanted the other realms, wanted to show the world she had power. She would stop at nothing to take what she wanted, and Amara couldn’t allow that to happen—even if it broke a part of her to do so.

Her men held her hands, bringing her strength she hadn’t known she craved as she sang the shadowed melody of darkness. The queen’s eyes widened and she clutched her throat, unable to continue her own song.

It seemed the queen had been right to fear Amara’s line. For Amara was far more powerful than she. Amara continued to sing, her melody reaching the queen’s hardened soul. Amara changed the lyrics then, twisting when she could have soothed. It broke her to think about what she was doing, so she didn’t think, she only acted. She would deal with the consequences, the mark on her soul and the fallout with Seth and Tristan when the time came.

The queen screamed and fell to her knees. Sweat dripped down Amara’s spine and temples as she continued her song. When her men held her close, whispering soothing words and running their hands through her hair, she knew she could lean on them.

Soon, she closed her mouth, her song finished. The queen no more.

Her legs gave out and tears spilled down her cheeks. She’d just killed someone. Ended their life so she could live…so her family could live. Perhaps if the queen hadn’t attacked Seth as she had, Amara might have found another way. But with that one act, the queen had set her fate.

“Little siren,” Tristan whispered before kissing her softly. “Darling. It’s okay. You can breathe. We’re here.”

Seth whispered much of the same, his hands on her back as he kissed her neck. “We’re here.”

She didn’t know how long she let herself sway in their arms. Her body hurt, her soul a bit tired from what she’d done. She didn’t know the ramifications, the effect on her own future after what she’d done, but hopefully, no matter what happened, her men were safe. They were all that mattered.

She opened her mouth to speak, but froze as something so sweet, so hot, so everything snapped into place.

“The bond,” Seth gasped.

Amara smiled despite what had happened moments before and threw her arms around her men’s shoulders. “The bond.”

Tristan smiled as well before kissing her. “I feel you, darling. I feel both of you. You’re mine now. Now and forever.”

Carrie Ann Ryan's books