An Immortal's Song (Dante's Circle #6)

“Deal. Now fuck me.”

Seth’s breath quickened, and Tristan worked another finger into him, then another. Soon he was panting with need and Tristan was doing the same. When Tristan pushed forward, the head of his cock breaching Seth’s ass, they both froze.

“Okay, baby?” Tristan asked, his words low. He kissed up Seth’s neck, soothing.

“I’m good,” Seth gritted out. He felt so full, and yet Tristan hadn’t even pushed all the way in. If it felt this good now, he couldn’t even comprehend how good it would feel when he was all the way in.

“Yeah, Seth, you are,” Tristan whispered. And with that, he slowly worked his way in and out of him.

Seth’s fingers on the edge of the pool tightened at the sensation of Tristan pushing into him then sliding out. Slow. Real slow. He couldn’t catch his breath, couldn’t think of what it meant or what was to come. He could only feel.

“Harder,” Seth grunted.

Tristan didn’t say anything, but he picked up the pace. He had one hand on Tristan’s hip, the other on his chest. Soon they were both writhing, panting, fucking and making love. The water around them splashed over the edge. When Tristan reached around and cupped Seth’s balls before gripping his dick, Seth came.

Just one touch and he came.

He shouted Tristan’s name, and Tristan did the same for him as he came, as well. Still inside him, Tristan leaned on Seth’s back and caught his breath. Seth did the same, leaning forward on the edge of the pool, his body shaking. He’d lost another of his virginities, and damn if he wasn’t happy he’d waited. He wasn’t sure if it would have been as good with anyone else. Amara and Tristan were his—despite the lack of bond—and that was all that mattered.

Seth opened his mouth to speak, to try and say something about how much it all meant to him, but stiffened as he sensed another presence beneath them. He pulled away, wincing as Tristan slid out of him. Tristan must have felt the other as well because he turned, his magic rising in the room. Since it was a natural pool with a shallow section that led to tunnels and the deeper sections of the ocean, everything was connected.

“It’s another merman. Four, actually. Part of a school.” Seth cursed. “Get out of the water, Tristan.”

“I’m not leaving you.”

“And your magic is no match in our waters. Get out and protect me from above. You can see me clearly, and I won’t leave your sight. I promise.” With a quick kiss to Tristan’s lips, Seth lowered himself fully in the water and shifted to his mer form.

“What do you want?” he called out to the four mermen. They weren’t armed from what he could see, but that didn’t mean they didn’t have other plans. “Why are you in Calypso’s pool without permission?” Caly would never have let another in her pools with things so tense with Amara’s realm.

“We aren’t here to harm you,” the one up front said. Seth didn’t recognize him, nor did he the others. “We are here with a warning.”

Seth’s jaw tightened. “And what warning would that be? Coming into our pool without permission is a threat, not a warning. You should know that.”

“There are whispers of the siren, young one. If you do not end her now, the sirens will come for her and spark war. Is a woman who is not your mate worth the death of so many of your brethren?”

Seth’s eyes narrowed. What. The. Fuck. “Get your condescending asses and your warnings out of this pool, or I will show you the power that lies within my veins. And that fae up there? He has more power in his pinky than the four of you together.” It was a guess, but he was pretty sure he was right. With Tristan out of the water but in line of sight, he was far more powerful than swimming alongside him with the Kiss of Life.

“Take care of her,” the man said once more then lifted his chin. “Or we will.”

Seth growled and darted toward them. The others tried to move away, but Seth was far faster than he looked. His tail flashed out and knocked into two of them, breaking one’s arm and the other’s nose. His fist landed on another’s cheek and he twisted to slap his fin on the fourth’s side, most likely bruising the merman’s ribs. He’d done it in a flash, and soon, the small school swam away, stunned and hurting.

When he was sure they were gone, he shot up out of the pool and landed on his feet, shifting in mid air.

Tristan came up to him, his eyes wide, but he didn’t say anything.

“We have a problem,” Seth said, his voice full of anger.

Carrie Ann Ryan's books